InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Secret Santa Mayhem ❯ Part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Second part out! What a rush! Well hopefully get the fic done by the weekend and posted. The characters are just a bit OOC.

Secret Santa Mayhem
Part 2
By Wendy ( and Alecto

"No, You can't!" Kagome shook her head. "No matter how much you dislike the person or how hard it is to appease them. "You're going to keep them"

"But I want to change mine. I absolutely abhor this person in every single way possible. I can't even think of what to get him!!!" Inuyasha exclaimed.

Kagome furrowed her brow in concentration. She would have rather had gotten Naraku or Jaken, but not Sesshoumaru. Somehow that youkai managed to scare her more than anyone. Perhaps it was his obsession that caused him to chase them halfway across Japan. She stared down at the simple piece of paper that seemed to mock her more and more with each passing second. The universe and the Secret Santa had clearly turned on her. Why else would she have gotten Kikyo of all people? Besides what does one get for oneself?

Kouga wore a superior and an "I'm-better-than-you-and-you-know-it" smirk. This was his chance to show that dog-turd who was the best. The universe (or us authors) was in favor of him (*evil grin* at least for now). He would show the world what was best for Kagome. That would be him. He rubbed his chin in a ponderous manner. He must do something extravagant for Kagome. He remembered Kagome's little brother, Sota. Maybe the boy could be some help.

Miroku sighed happily. He had gotten the lovely Sango. This was his chance to show her he wasn't such a bad guy. Not to mention, score points with her also. Sango, however, was still a hard person to get a gift for. He had no idea what her hobbies and likes were. (Actually that's us but let's just dumb this dilemma on Miroku.) He would figure something out soon. He just hoped that he wouldn't get hit with her boomerang in the end.

Sango scowled at the slip of paper in the hand. Why did the world insist on pairing her up with the hentai priest? (You know you like it) 'Who are you?' (I'm Alecto, one of the authors) 'Why are you in my head?' (Simply because I can *evil grin*) 'Whatever' (You guys would make such a cute couple) '…' (Fine! But you know you were worried when that box youkai [Volume 21] nearly got him.) Sango was left with an overwhelming desire to smack the so-called author. 'Miroku and me…Ha! What a joke! Never gonna happen!'

Sesshoumaru crumbled the paper with a surprisingly loud crunching noise. He was not a weak. He was not one to run away. He would keep the name he had gotten. Why was he doing this in the first place? He glanced over at Rin. He remembered Rin wanted to take part in this, so he consented only to find himself involved as well. Very well, he would tolerate this, for Rin's sake. (Alecto: Aw…How Sweet!) (Wendy: ^_^;;)

'#$&*&$#$^@$^%@(*&^&&^%$%^$^$%^^$&^ %%^$&^&$%$(&^^$(*^$%$&^&^$^%$^$^%^%^%&^%^&^$$*^ (*(^#%$^)(*_)(^$%##^%##$#@!^$#&^&%*))(^**^^(%' Inuyasha thought. 'Why the hell do I have to be that baka wimpy wolf's Secret Santa? Argh…that stupid wimpy wolf, I don't even know what to get him. I hate his guts, stupid youkai, flirting with Kagome, keep on saying that she's his woman. Not if I can help it. Ooohhhhh… maybe I should get him enchanted rosary beads for him. Hehehe, wouldn't that be fun.' Inuyasha just sat there rubbing his hands together with a mischievous grin on his face.

Naraku looked at the person he got. When he looked at him, he realized what kind of gift he could get for that person. 'I believe a good left arm would do nicely. I could insert a Shikon shard and pit him against his brother. Kill two birds with one stone. Something tells me this will be a very good 'Christmas' indeed.' (If it didn't work the first time why would it work a second time?)

Kikyo already know what kind of gift to get for her person. 'A one-way ticket straight to hell.' The fun part was there were so many ways to do it. Her arrows was just one of many ways. She had much time to debate this. (Scary…)

Jaken was speechless. He was in shock as he started at the name. (But no one really cares about the toad, so lets move on.)

Shippo just smiled cutely. He thought of all the fun illusions he could perform for Rin. (Although most of them needed some work…)

Rin giggled. Jaken was fun. Perhaps she could make him a crown of flowers (*snicker*). Wait a minute; she had something even better in mind.
*To Be Continued*

Remember, R/R!!! And Bonnie, stop threatening us!