InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Secrets Behind Too Much Power ❯ A Fearful Truth to Bring Us Together ( Chapter 4 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kagome fell to her knees, weeping. What was she to do now? “Daddy…”
“Kagome, baby, what's wrong?” A soft masculine voice asked with concern.
Kagome raised her head from her knees to see at sight for sore eyes…
Secrets Behind Too Much Power
Chapter 4:
A Fearful Truth to Bring Us Together
She felt like she was dreaming. It had been over ten years, he had to leave, but they never saw him again; despite his solid promise. Now here he was, radiating the natural calm, and peace that seemed to follow his being every where.
"Daddy?" She asked softly.
"Hai, my Little Love?"
More tears welled up, and Kagome threw herself at her father, the God of Power, Saiko.
Saiko quickly wrapped his arms around the trembling girl. That hanyou will pay... He growled mentally, stroking his daughter's hair and rocking her slightly.
"Where have you been?"
He thought. Where have I been? He asked himself. “I'm sorry I've been gone so long…” He whispered. This only made Kagome curl in closer to him, which in turn caused him to chuckle. “Did you miss me that much?” It was a joke, but Kagome just sobbed.
Suddenly she pulled back, eyes red and slightly puffy. “Wait. Why are you here now? What's going on?”
Saiko smiled. Oh how she was intuitive. “There is something, isn't there?” Kagome pressed, now sitting back on her knees.
The forest seemed to press against the two, encouraging the girl's suspicions. Then he gave her a grim nod of confirmation.
“Oh, god… err, gomen!” She quickly apologized for the slip of her tongue. However Saiko was merely smirking.
“I do pray you learn to watch that mouth.” He said with fake chiding. Then stood up to his full height.
Kagome looked up at him. How did she has him as a father and stay as short as she was. Inuyasha far from the number one subject on her mind, the miko-megami stood up dusting herself off. A few mutters about wacky genetics here and there.
The god himself was somewhat astounded how Kagome was short, but found it quite amusing in the end. Especially since the girl was at least two heads shorter than him! Closer to three. Shaking his head, and returning to a more serious state of mind, he spoke softly.
“There is an enormous problem, that we are in no doubt you are the only solution too.” Saiko paused as Kagome's features turned first to shock, then to fear. “M-me-e?” She squeaked. Again, he gave a dismal, curt nod.
“Naraku, I am sure you know of him?” Saiko raised an amused eyebrow, and received a vicious glare. “Ah, of course you have. To the point, he has decided that he can no longer gain more power from demons. Therefore, the next thing to go after was the lesser gods.”
Instantly Kagome's face paled. He has started killing off the gods? When? For how long? How many has he claimed? Question after question. Was there no end?
The god of power saw the distress and questions running a muck through his daughter's mind. “Kagome?”
“Huh?” She jerked her head, at the startling call of her name. “Ano… How strong has he gotten?”
That wasn't quite what he had expected. He was more awaiting the lesser important questions. He gave a slight smirk and sighed. “Quite powerful, I'm afraid. But at his current pace, I will, be coming into his sights exceedingly soon.”
Everything clicked. That's why he was here now. He was going to train her, and Kagome was going to completely lose her mortality…
…With the Gang…
Inuyasha stormed into the camp. Rin and Shippou took cover behind Miroku and Sango. While said monk and demon slayer scooted to the opposite side of the fire from Inuyasha. Did they dare ask what had happened? Or where Kagome was? Yes, they dared to risk their lives for the sake of the treasured girl.
However, a certain kitsune beat them too it. “Where's hahaue?!”
Rin quickly popped up to join, black hair swaying with her sudden movement, “Yeah!”
“Keh! Like it's my problem?” The inu-hanyou growled out. The fact of what had just happen started to fully sink in, and now he started brooding. Gods were known for their crueler side, but Kagome had been with him for four years. A goddess the whole time, but the complete opposite of what the stories told.
He blinked. Almost as if remembering fuzzy memories from some trance. He had basically just told the love of his life to take a fling leap off a cliff. BAKA! Bakabakabakabakabaka!!!! He streamed through his head. Kagome was broken, and it was his fault. The weight anvil of realization was worse than learning that he had lost to his demonic blood and killed her.
Oh Gods, what had he done…
“INUYASHA!” Cried two children. He looked up, ears so flat against his head that they disappeared behind his unruly bangs. He looked at each of them before looking away shamefully.
Taken greatly aback, Rin and Shippou looked at each other.
Sango and Miroku too shared a glance. Obviously Kagome and Inuyasha had fought again. And if the few words, or sentences, screamed before they disappeared into the forest was anything to go off of, then it had to do with Kagome being a half-goddess. Was that truly possible?
Suddenly a strong pulsing aura battered at them. It wasn't threatening, merely intimidating. The adults jumped to their feet, and the kids took to the skies rings on Kirara.
Soon Kagome walked through to trees, a rather worried look across her features. Behind her and off to the side was a man, a good three heads beyond the miko's height. He was the one giving the aura.
Now there was a surprise, a god, one of the most powerful gods no less, was sitting down by Kagome. One thing struck all their minds: What the hell was going on?!?
“Ano…” Kagome started. “Guys… Inuyasha was right, I am a half goddess. I sorry I never told any of you! But, a couple years ago when Naraku last had the guts to face us himself, he managed to break the seal that locked that side away. And I was afraid of what you'd all do if I told you… Gomen…”
“Hahaue!” One voice cried, before a second repeated it. Next Kirara landed by Kagome and had two children in her arms.
“Hey you two…” She said softly and hugged then a little tighter.
A soft “ahem” broke through all and the great god became nervous under seven unblinking gazes.
“Ano…” Saiko started, but laughter erupting from his right shifted gazes again. Now Kagome was the main focus.
“Ahh…. Gomen! But,” She gave a weary sigh, and held her hand out in indication to her father, “This is my father, Saiko the—“
“The God of Power. I've heard many tales about him. Never thought I'd live to meet him…” Miroku cut her off, a dazed look crossing his features as he got down on his knees in a respectful bow. Then sat up. “It is an honor.”
Sango became slightly fearful, before she too bowed.
“Ano…” Mumbled the god as Kagome and the kids hid giggles. “Please don't. You've protected my daughter, and are her closest friends. You need not bow.”
“Lighten up, he's not going to do anything. He's here to help, and is unfortunately the bearer of bad news. Naraku seems to be taking the weaker and lesser gods into himself, as he did with demons.”
“What?!” Three voices chimed. If that was true they were royally screwed in the final battle.
“Hahaue, is it true?” Shippou whispered, curling against his mother's neck.
“Hai…” She whispered, and gently rubbed his back. Rin was practically plastered to her side. The dealings with Naraku and his incarnations was still too fresh in her memory for mere mention not to terrorize her.
Saiko decided to take of the explanation seeing as the children were in vast need of Kagome's full attention. “I hate to say it, but it is true. And his pace and terrifying. I do not know how long, but it will most definitely be soon, that he may even be able to come after me. Try and steal my power…”
Inuyasha stood and growled. “How can we trust you?! You're a god!”
“Inuyasha….OSWARI! Oswarioswarioswarioswarioswari!!” Kagome said with a venomous voice.
Saiko blink once, twice, and broke out in a grin. He had heard about the rosary around the hanyou's neck, and its subduing control. Yet no that he saw it first hand, it was hard not to laugh.
“How are we supposed to defeat him if he's taking the power of gods?” Sango asked. Saiko nodded at her question.
“You three will not fight. Kagome must do this. This is something that goes ever beyond Fate's control…”
“We can't let Hahaue go alone!” Rin sobbed. Shippou slipped off Kagome's shoulder to hug Rin and try to reassure her, while Kagome rocked softly side to side.
“You two should go to bed…”
Kagome sighed. They really belonged in bed, but she couldn't blame their fear. Actually she could, just not on them; instead on….
“Thanks a lot Dad…”
“Well, it has to be said.” Was Saiko's defensive reply. And his daughter only shook her head.
“Hey, you two,” Kagome looked down at the faces of her children, “Why don't you annoy your jichan.”
Miroku and Sango sat on the sides watching as the god's face paled, giving way to an ashen white look. Inuyasha as well saw this, but he refused to get involved. He had Kikyou, the original, and the best.
“Jichan?” Rin and Shippou turned to look at their `jichan' with identical motions. He smile slightly and held out his arms. Shippou sniffed then climbed care fully into the large lap. Rin, was still unwilling to leave the comfort of Kagome's arms, however she offered a trusting smile.
“Keh! I just hate to burst such a happy moment but we really need to discuss Naraku here!” Inuyasha emphasized `hate' with mockery, and stood up to further emphasize the whole sentence.
Kagome shot him a heated glare; monk and demon slayer heaving sighs with and exasperated air. Kagome did not disappoint with a low snapped reply. “Oh like you're the only one in on getting revenge on Naraku, huh? Why don't you just shut up and SIT down before you SIT on something painfully SIT!” She took a great gulp of air and turned back to the others.
“Ahh…. Where were we?” Miroku said.
“Saiko-sama said that Kagome has to fight Naraku. But, no offence Kagome-Chan, she can barely fight…” A questioning gaze was sent to Saiko.
“Ah, well, while her blood is still developing I shall be training her.” He answer with a shrug, Shippou was goggling over how big his `Jichan's' hands were.
“Yeah… Wait a minute. Will I have to leave the group? Or are you gonna join us, chichiue?” Kagome asked.
He gave her a pointed look, like `do-you-really-think-I-trust-you-with-a-certain-someone-in-your-group' to her. “I do not plan on taking you from your friends.”
Kagome heaved an obvious sigh of relief. Only to let out an angry growl as Inuyasha pushed his limits with a comment about not needing worthless trash that couldn't be any more helpful THAN trash.
She tried to keep her cool. She sat still reciting calming things behind closed eyes. She ignored everything other than Shippou and Rin's presences. Her breathing was long and deep. Yet the color had disappeared from her vision as she reopened her eyes.
Streaks of deep maroon, ice blue, and some silver bleed downwards from her scalp. Eyes glowing a harsh icy blue, stared the offender, Inuyasha, into a frozen sitting position, legs and arms both crossed.
Kagome furiously fought to calm herself, all his insults and betrayals decided now was a good time to all appear at once and encourage the deadly, raging anger. Her nails grew, and darkened.
“Rin,” Her voice, it alone could have sent the enemy ripping themselves apart from fear. “I want you to go to you grandfather. Now.”
Rin quickly scrambled to Saiko and hid against him.
Kagome stood up, all too prepared to dispose of her main cause of sorrow…