InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Secrets Behind Too Much Power ❯ The Sidelines ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

TheSecrets Behind Too Much Power
Chapter 6:
The Sidelines
They had watched her with an intensity that would lead some to fear of sudden combustion. One moment Kagome and Inuyasha were standing, starring at each other. What was going on, though, was lost to the Monk and Taijiya, as all they saw were the extremely pissed off powers. Then, Saiko was catching Inuyasha and settling him into sleep.
They watched. Kagome, the clumsy human miko and guardian of the Shikon no Tama, was no where to be found. Instead they saw Kagome, the beautiful deity that glowed with a new shine. Her black hair was transformed; given bands, of varying width, of a red close to the darkness of her hair. One could only immediately associate the color with that of a goblet of blood. Along with true silver veins and ice blue ones.
Then on her forehead was a celtic knot, in the form of a teardrop, of a pale, blueish-purple; periwinkle. A small snowflake rested just under the outside of her left eye, and silver eye-shadow covered her upper eye-lids. Then on each cheek rest a periwinkle stripe to match the teardrop on her forehead. The stripes went down to her chin and neck to run over the edges of her collar bone and then curved around to hook the rim of her shoulder and down to the tops of her should-blades before swooping back up to the sides of the base of her neck and curling down once more the points meet on her spine a couple inches from the base of her neck.
Though all the saw of them was on her cheeks and down her neck.
Now, Kagome basically just fell into a sitting position facing the fire. They were lost now. Her face was totally different. It wasn't fuming. It was content and exhilarated, if not elated.
“Houshi-sama…” Sango started off. “What do we do?”
Miroku looked at her, then turned back to the scene before him. Saiko was talking to Kagome, and apparently she didn't like the conversation. “Nothing, Sango… There's nothing we can do. Just silently pray, and encourage her.”
The two shared a look, and sighed, heavily. What a joy this was going to be…
And what a joy it was. Sitting there, watching Kagome drift to and from reality, and then watch Saiko reprimand her yet again for not focusing. Throw in every now and then letting Saiko know that Kagome had decided that reality wasn't so fun for the umpteenth time.
They watched Rin, and Shippou fall asleep, the thought slowly becoming more appealing. Yet, they were determined to help Kagome in every way they could. Mental cheering and encouragement included.
For a while at least, but the night was rapidly becoming old, and they new of a hanyou whom wasn't so friendly in the mornings. Ugh, life wasn't being fair enough to have to travel and deal with said hanyou. Or his continuous fighting with the very person they were rooting to do whatever it was she had to do.
“Saiko-sama…” Miroku said softly, his eyes drooping to a half-lidded state.
“We need to get to sleep…” Sango murmured. She was leaning heavily on Miroku's shoulder and neither party was complaining.
Saiko turned to them with a very surprised look. “Oh, I thought you two already had gone to sleep! You shouldn't have stayed up! Yes, yes. Go. Get some rest; I'll deal with Miss Restless here.”
They nodded before literally crawling off to the side of the fire and falling asleep next to each other…