InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Secrets of the Shinju (Part III): Loss of the Demon Soul ❯ Used ( Chapter 13 )
Chapter Thirteen
Kagome finally drifted off to sleep the heavy emotional weights being too much to handle. She woke to the sound of the door being opened. She turned to see Chiyo enter and smile at her. Kagome quickly pulled the sheet around her and looked around quickly for Naraku.
"Master Naraku sent me to check on you, miss." Kagome sat up holding the sheet close to her, embarrassed. Chiyo only smiled again and then brought Kagome the blue robe that was still lying on the floor where Naraku had dropped it. Kagome pulled it on and stood. Chiyo walked to the door and then turned to Kagome and told her that her breakfast would be prepared whenever she liked. Kagome simply nodded and then glanced down at the bed. There was a small amount of her blood on the sheet and she again felt tears surfacing. She quickly blinked them back and followed Chiyo. She led Kagome to the bath and then left to get her some clothes.
Dressed in a soft white kimono, Kagome entered the dining room. Naraku was there and he stood as soon as she entered. He again looked her over and then walked to her. "You look beautiful today, priestess." He said to her as he took her in.
"Sit." He said and gestured to the chair across from his. She did and soon was brought her food. He continued to watch her every move and finally spoke. "Today we will leave the castle for awhile." She caught a tone in his voice that made her nervous when he said this. She glanced at him but didn't know where he was going to take her.
When she finished eating he came to her and put his hand on her back. He led her outside and the two walked away from the castle. For a while he said nothing and she grew nervous. Finally, he spoke. "The shinju has little power in its tarnished state, when we return I wish for you to purify it." She looked up at him and then nodded slightly, not wanting to anger him while they were alone. He led her to an open field, the grass was soft and the flowers were beautiful.
Quickly, she realized his intention. He turned to her and forcefully pulled her close to him. Moving his hands down to her kimono, she began to tremble as once again he removed her clothes and began exploring her body with his hands. He then removed his own clothes and brought her to the grass.
He quickly let her know he had no intentions of playing. He roughly forced her legs apart with his own and thrust into her. She nearly screamed out in pain but bit her lip and did her best to detach herself from the world around her. She felt a searing pain rush through her as he roughly drove into her repeatedly. She was terrified but knew she couldn't use her powers to stop him. Fighting him at all could cause him to become angry and things would only be worse for her. She also knew that doing so would put Miroku's life in danger again.
She again cried when he was done with her. He stood and left her lying on the ground sobbing. This time was much more painful and she felt a throbbing ache when she moved. Kagome finally stood and wrapped her kimono around herself and then felt his hands on her shoulders. "One day you will not cry when I touch you, priestess." He then put his hand on her back and led her towards the castle.
He left her when she arrived. Chiyo was there almost immediately and asked Kagome if there was anything she needed. She was instantly in tears and the young servant led her to the bath. Kagome relaxed in the hot water while Chiyo stood near by, watching her with pity. "Will you be alright, Miss?" Kagome looked at the girl and nodded her head. "I will get you a fresh change of clothes, miss, these are dirty." Kagome again nodded and watched as Chiyo left. She cringed, knowing that she would again have to be with Naraku. For reasons she didn't understand her thoughts went to Sesshoumaru. It was just early last night that she had so brazenly kissed him. She hoped that he and InuYasha were still on their way to Toshi and not trying to find her.
She knew that as long as Naraku was keeping her so close she wouldn't have a chance to go to her friends. She gave quick thought and decided she would try to reach Sesshoumaru. Though he wouldn't be dreaming, she thought perhaps she would be able to reach his thoughts.
She lay back and willed her spirit out. She could see nothing, but she could hear thoughts that weren't her own. The thoughts, however, were of her. Sesshoumaru was thinking of her, hoping that she was ok. She felt his guilt and anger…followed by sadness and worry. There was frenzy around her, as though there was great chaos and rational thoughts were no longer there. She was suddenly jerked back and she saw Chiyo standing over her, with a worried look on her face.
"Oh miss, for a moment I thought something had happened to you." Kagome smiled and apologized. "I'm just very tired right now."
She again got out of the tub and wrapped herself in the kimono that Chiyo had brought her. She sat and again the servant brushed her hair. Chiyo hummed softly and Kagome finally began to relax, thankful for the servant that she had to keep her company.
Finally there was a knock at the door and Chiyo answered it. It was Naraku. "Leave us." He said to Chiyo. She bowed slightly and left the room. Naraku came to Kagome and stood behind her as Chiyo had been. Finally he reached out and began rubbing her shoulders. "I need you to purify the shinju now." She cringed, not wanting to disobey him, yet not wanting him to have the purified shinju in his possession. He sensed her hesitation. "It would not be in your best interest to disobey me." She turned towards him and then nodded her head slightly.
He led her to a room at the other end of the wing and brought the shinju to her. As soon as she felt it, she knew there was no way she could purify it. She looked at him quickly and nearly dropped the gem. "I can't touch this." She quickly handed it back to him. The tarnished gem held an intense hate and negative energy.
"Woman, I have given you an order. You will purify it." She began to quiver again, not knowing what he would do to her. "This isn't meant to be purified by my powers. It is much more powerful than I am. Even in its darkened state it is more powerful than the Shikon Jewel." He watched her closely for a moment.
"Are you saying that you are not going to obey my order?" She began to tremble violently. "I am not disobeying you. There is no way that my powers can purify this." He stared at her for a moment and then grabbed her roughly. "You will learn to obey me, and I will enjoy teaching you."