InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Secrets of the Shinju (Part IV): Power of the Purified Shinju ❯ The Darkest Day ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Eleven

The Darkest Day

Hitomi stood looking into the mirror smiling to herself. She had not suspected the priestess to be so bold as to delve into her own mind while went into the girls. However, Hitomi didn't care now what the priestess knew of her past. It was too late to stop her and even if it weren't the priestess wouldn't have the strength left to put up a physical fight.

Hitomi had seen all she needed. Ever since she first found the priestess she had felt a familiarity to her. Now that she had broken into the girls mind she knew exactly why she felt that way. Hitomi quickly focused hard on the mirror. It was time that the girl found out about her own roots and about how Hitomi played a significant part in the girl's life.


InuYasha grabbed Sango, Kohaku and Rin. "Miroku, hurry up! We can't wait forever. We've gotta move now!" The monk turned to his friends. "You go ahead. See that Sango and the children are safe, InuYasha. I can't leave Shippou and Kilala here without some protection. I will follow you shortly."

The monk turned back to the castle and went to Shippou. The fox kit was frightened and Miroku spoke to him in a soothing manner. "Shippou, we will return for you soon. For now you must stay here with Kilala. I am going to put up spirit scrolls to help you as well. Hopefully, they will give you the protection you need." The monk moved the fox kit and fire cat into an interior room. It held no window and Miroku thought that would be best. He began placing spirit scrolls on the walls and door. "We will not be gone long. Until then remain in this room." Miroku brought the kit food and water and then turned to leave. Bothered by the idea of leaving the young one alone and frightened.

The monk turned one last time towards Shippou and knelt down to his level. "We are going to find Kagome, Shippou. I promise that when we return we will have her with us and you will be safe." The monk then left the room closing the door tightly behind him. He looked down at his hand and sighed heavily. He was prepared to take back the void, even if it were to end his life immediately. He couldn't let his friend remain with Naraku.


Naraku woke again, feeling dazed. He looked to his left and saw the young priestess sleeping next to him. He gently touched her hoping to wake her from her sleep. He no longer wished to share a bed with her. He then heard her whimpering as though she were in pain. He again attempted to wake her but couldn't. He pulled her to him and gently stroked her hair. As he watched her the memories of all he had done to her flooded his mind.

He then remembered Akako and the way he had treated her. He felt his sanity slipping away from him as he again relived the day he brutally slaughtered his loved ones. His life as Onigumo and Naraku were beginning to blend and his mind was growing confused. He knew that eventually the demon lord would come for the priestess and kill him. He not only resigned himself to the fate, he welcomed it.


Kagome was standing in her shrine. She quickly rushed to her home and found her mother humming softly in the kitchen. She looked to the corner where Sota was in his small bassinette. Kagome quickly grew confused. `Sota isn't a baby.' Her logical mind thought. She then turned and stared in wonder as her father walked into the room.

He quickly walked to her mother and embraced her before giving her a kiss. He then became serious and began to speak. "I have to go today. On my last journey I found some disturbing news and I need to go back to a village and meet an old priestess named Kaede."

Kagome froze. What was he talking about? He knew Kaede?

"This woman is the living sister of a very powerful priestess and there is something I need to speak with her about." He then pulled her mother very close. Kagome could see tears in her mother's eyes as he spoke.

"Dear, one day Kagome will have to travel through the well. You must understand that you cannot stop her. It is her destiny to do this." Kagome's mother looked up at him in horror and began to protest. He quickly put his finger to her lips. "It cannot be stopped. If you prevent her from going, everything will be in jeopardy." Kagome watched as they said their loving good-byes. She then followed her father to the well.

He dropped in with no problems and Kagome followed. He moved through InuYasha's forest and to Kagome's surprise stopped in front of the tree where InuYasha was pinned. He bowed his head and offered a quick prayer over the half demon and then continued.

Soon she felt Hitomi. She didn't know why but her heart began to flutter. Kagome felt something fly by and she saw watched in nearly slow motion as an arrow hit her father in the back. He fell to his knees in front of her. Instinctually, Kagome ran to him. Hitomi approached him slowly, a bow in her hand.

"You know something of importance, human. Tell me what it is." Her father closed his eyes and she could tell that he was fighting to keep Hitomi from his mind. The demoness stood over him for a few moments and finally gave a short laugh.

"You won't be a problem for me anymore." Her father was now struggling to breathe and Kagome watched in horror as he finally slunk to the ground, lifelessly. She turned towards the demoness with so much rage that she could barely control herself. Then turned back to her father and burst into tears. She rushed to his side and hugged his body. "Daddy…" she sobbed. He was dead and Kagome could do nothing. She realized what Hitomi had wanted to know. Her father had known that one day Kagome would be here and would have to stop her. He died protecting that knowledge.

She then thought to her mother. She had always found it odd that her mother and grandfather so willingly let her travel between the feudal period and her own. They had also not seemed shocked by her discovery of the well. She clung to her father remembering the story she had been told of a car accident that had ended his life. Kagome wondered if her mother even knew how his life had been taken. She didn't know if she could be the one to tell her.


Sesshoumaru was running as fast as he could through the forest. He knew he was nearing Naraku and Kagome. Suddenly he felt a lurch. He nearly fell to the ground and then the world around him came to life. The smells of the forest were suddenly magnified

He had to shield his eyes that had grown accustomed to human vision. Though it was dark, the moonlight was bright. The sounds of sound of crickets and other insects filled his ears and nearly drove him insane. He stopped briefly and looked to his hands. He now held his claws. He was again demon. He was filled with an amazing amount of dread. Toshi had warned him that regaining his demon soul this way would unleash a horrid plague of blood thirsty demons. He stood and focused his senses. He could feel an uprising. There was a stir in the demons on his land.

His thoughts then centered on Kagome. His claws nearly unsheathed themselves at the memory of Naraku with the frightened girl. He instantly took to the air fully intent to rip the half-breed apart limb by limb.