InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Seeing Each Other 500 Years Into The Future ❯ School Mischief part 2 ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Thankx for the reviews and i would like to thank  kagome248687 for her review ^_^

“Miss are we late” Kagome said breathlessly as both herself and InuYasha took their seats, while the teacher did the register, once the register was over, they were free to talk for a little while and that’s when Kagome 's friends came up to them and all her friends gave her a mischievous smile.

“So Kagome where were you last night” Megan asked evilly

“Um nowhere, I was at home” she lied as she gave InuYasha a look that said 'don't say anything or we'll both regret it 'all he did was nod his head.

“Your lying, we went to your house last night and you weren't there” Molly said as she looked at Kagome and the only thing she could do was fidget in her chair.

“Yeah your mom said you were staying at a friends house, though she never said who” Miwako said getting confused.

“Oh yeah, I stayed at my aunt's house to baby sit for her cause she had to go out for a couple of hours” she said with a great poker face, InuYasha almost believed her himself, that is if it hadn't been his house she stayed at.

“Oh poo I though you stayed at ….…. i'm sorry I forgot your name” Megan said apologetically.

“It's InuYasha” he said with a look  of understanding on his face.

“Oh thanks, Stayed at Inuyasha's house” she said as she turned her attention back to Kagome and leaned closer to Kagome and whispered “besides he's a total hunk, good looking and completely sexy and I wouldn't mind playing with his body if you know what I mean.”

Megan started elbowing Kagome in the side of her arm, once she had comprehended what her friend had just said, she and InuYasha turned bright red as they looked at each other Kagome's friends noticed this and said in union “hey you two what’s wrong.”

“Um nothing we just got really hot all of a sudden” she said just as the bell went and grabbed InuYasha's hand  as she said “hehe saved by the bell.”


School went by with little trouble, except her three friends, on there way home they decided to stop at the park for a little while. In the park there was a pair of swings, a see-saw, a round about and a basket swing.

“Hey InuYasha” she said as she looked up at him, as they walked hand-in-hand down the street.

“Yeah what is it” he asked as he averted his gaze from the side walk to look her in the eyes and  became ensnared  by her beauty.

“Do you want to go on the basket swing?” she sked sweetly as she pointed to the basket, he turned to look at it and nodded his conformation, as they walked over to it.

InuYasha sat  in the basket and Kagome gave it a little push, as she climbed  in to the basket, she then she crawled up to InuYasha  and  laid her head his chest, as she snuggled up to his warmth, after about five minutes she fell asleep.

He then heard her breaths evening out and looked down at her, to find that she had fallen asleep and though to him self 'Aww she looks so peaceful, i'll wake her up later', as he wrapped  around her waist protectively.


It had been three hours and Kagome was still asleep and InuYasha had joined her, a young man aged around 15-16 walked up to them and smiled at what he saw, there in front of him was a young couple who had fallen asleep in each others embrace.

He then leaned over the edge of the basket and tapped InuYasha on the shoulder, trying not to wake Kagome up, slowly his eyes started opening and the young man was surprised at the supernatural colour they were, but he shook it off and said “come on its late.”

“Its what!” he shouted and regretted it afterwards, as he heard a noise come from the sleeping woman at his side, who luckily didn't wake up , then  he asked “what time is it?”

“Its eight o’clock at night” he said in a polite tone of voice, as he looked at the moon in the sky and though to him self its a quarter moon to night hmmm interesting'.

“InuYasha” Kagome said in her sleep, as he picked her up and started walking back to her house, as she said in a sad and almost pleading voice “don't leave me.”

InuYasha moved his mouth, so that it was next to the sleeping girls ear and whispered in her ear “i will never leave you Kagome that I promise.” After he said that she calmed down and she slept peacefully as he carried her home.


Mrs Higurashi was sat at the dinner table, sipping a cup of tea and reading a woman magazine, when she heard a  knock at the door  and said “one minute.”

When she opened the door, she smiled at what she saw, there stood before her, was her daughter asleep in the arms of a boy who she was quite fond of  and who she though of as her own son and said “Oh InuYasha dear come inside you must be freezing.”

When she moved out of the way to let them in, he nodded his thanks and carried Kagome up stairs, were he laid her gently on the bed and pulled the quilt cover over her and kissed her on the atop of her head

Just as he turned to walk away, he felt a small hand grasp his hand followed by someone say “don't go,” he turned back around and smiled at the half asleep girl in front of him.

“Ok i'll stay, just let me call my dad” he said as he pulled out his mobile phone.


Toga sat on the couch watching NCIS, laughing at how stupid it was and how life didn't work like that, when he heard the phone ring. He then got up and walked over to where the phone resided and picked it up and said “ hello.”

µ³Hi dadEa young man with a gruff voice said over the phone.

µ³Oh hi son is anything wrong?Ehe asked his voice laced over with worry

µ³No dad every thing is fine, I just wanted to ask if I could stay at Kagome's, cause she doesnÖÉ want me to leaveEhe said with a light chuckle at the end.

Toga laughed and said µÇf coarse you can my son, after all you mated the girl right.ý
µ³Uhh....ìònuYasha was speechless, but recovered and then said µÇf coarse notEwith a grin on his face that would have made that lecher of a monk smile as if he had caught Sango naked.

µ³Don't lie to me boy, do you honestly think that I couldn't smell what had gone on in that room of yours, while me and your brother were out last nightEhe said with mild humour, imagining how embarrassed and red his son's face was at that minute.

µ³ its all right then?Ehe asked.

µ³Yes now go, you need to sleep, cause you have school tomorrow byeEToga said and hung up the phone.


When his farther hung up, he put his phone on the bed side table and climbed into bed with Kagome and wrapped his arms around her waist and fell asleep.

A/N : hope you liked it and i would really apreachiate it if people could review my fan fic to let me know if i should do another chapter ^_^