InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Seimei no Kakera: Shards of Life ❯ Friends ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Apart from merchandise with his logo, I do not own Inu-Yasha.

Author's Note: After finding myself hooked on them, I've decided to start my own little ficlet corner (500 words or less in each installment) for my baby ideas that I don't have time to nurse into full blown plot lines. ^_~ They will have no rhyme or reason or order- some may be AU, others not. I just felt like this would be fun to try. ^_^

Please enjoy!




If things were different, we could have been friends. Best friends, even. . . I just know it!

We could have gone to the hot springs together, her and me and Sango. We could have compared notes and complained heatedly about a certain hanyou's stubbornness. Exchanged stories of sweetness as we traded secrets.

She could have helped me with my archery.

I could have helped her smile a bit more.

If she had lived in my era, I could have taken her to WacDonalds. I could have shown her around the city- bought her clothes at the stores and introduced her to mangas.

If I had lived in her era, she could have taken me under her wing as a miko. She could have helped me hone my powers and create medicines to help sooth all ails.

If things were different, we could have been friends. Two peas in a pod, one soul in two bodies- literally.

As it is, we are anything but.

I cast her one last glance over my shoulder; biting my lip as she remains crouched on the ground outside of the ghost cave we have just escaped together. She is watching me as I watch her, and as she does, I sigh. If only things were different. . .

But. . .

Then again. . .

Even if they were- perhaps we couldn't have been friends.

For as long as we both love Inu-Yasha, there'll forever be a rift between us.
