InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Seimei no Kakera: Shards of Life ❯ Meow ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Apart from merchandise with his logo, I do not own Inu-Yasha.

Author's Note: After finding myself hooked on them, I've decided to start my own little ficlet corner (500 words or less in each installment) for my baby ideas that I don't have time to nurse into full blown plot lines. ^_~ They will have no rhyme or reason or order- some may be AU, others not. I just felt like this would be fun to try. ^_^

Please enjoy!




There was only one person in her life that she could truly talk to. Who? Well- it wasn't Eri, Yuka, or Ayumi, that's for sure. They meant well, but. . . And it wasn't her mother, grandpa, or Souta. They tried, but they didn't understand. Surprisingly enough, it wasn't Sango, or Miroku, or Shippo either. She trusted them with her life, but they enjoyed playing matchmaker too much. Finally- NO- it definitely wasn't Inu-Yasha. After all, most of her troubles were because of him. Who was it, then?

Her cat, Buyo.

"Then he called me a wimpy wench! Can you believe it?!" she growled, keeping her voice low so that she didn't wake anyone. Snarling, Kagome cuddled into her PJs and soft bed, hugging Buyo tightly as she complained. The feline meowed once- trying to tell her that he was uncomfortable in this position- but she didn't hear him. And, seeing as how he was too lazy to do much about it himself, he remained locked in her embrace- silent as she ranted.

"I'm not a wench, am I, Buyo?" the girl frowned, lifting her kitty up so that they were eye to eye; his chubby legs dangling limply. "No. . . I shouldn't let him push me around like that, should I?"

He yawned.

"You're right!" she nodded. "I shouldn't! At least YOU agree with me. . . But we fight whenever I stick up for myself. Which is why I try not to. Maybe that's why he calls me a wimp- because I'm patient enough to let him push me around. . . ?"

She deflated at the thought, though she still wore a humorless grin as she hugged her cat, rocking him in her arms like a baby. `A baby. . . with ears.' Blushing, she instinctively reached out to rub the fuzzy appendages. Unfortunately, kitty's don't enjoy ear-rubs as much as puppies do- which Kag realized when Buyo instantly flicked his ear out of her fingers way.

Groaning at her stupid subconscious, she apologized. "Sorry. . . I guess I can't help it. I love him- everything about him! His frowns, smiles, protectiveness, jealousy, sweetness, ears- as you figured out. . ." She squeezed the feline more tightly, until he was unable to even squeak in protest. "That's me. . ." she whispered, eyes hooded. "Forever condemned to adore him. . . no matter how much of an idiot he is."

With that she giggled, loosening her grip Buyo. "You know what's funny?" she murmured with a yawn, releasing her cat and allowing him drop like a rock onto the mattress beside her. "If you were a prince in disguise, like that fairy tale frog, and I kissed you - then you turned into the man of my dreams? I would still choose Inu-Yasha. . . Pathetic, huh?"

The kitty meowed again- as if to say that he didn't care, provided he got his kibbles-n-bits.

"You're right. . ." Kagome murmured, half asleep and smiling. "But I guess that's just my curse- being a lean, mean, lovin' machine and all. . . Night night, Buyo. . ."



(Note: This chapter is dedicated to the Turmoil Twins. Their new fic was what inspired this chapter- and Kagome talking to Buyo about being a `lean, mean, lovin' machine' is totally theirs. I just couldn't help borrowing it. ::smile and sweatdrop:: )