InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Seimei no Kakera: Shards of Life ❯ Skirt ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Apart from merchandise with his logo, I do not own Inu-Yasha.

Author's Note: After finding myself hooked on them, I've decided to start my own little ficlet corner (600 words or less in each installment) for my baby ideas that I don't have time to nurse into full blown plot lines. ^_~ They will have no rhyme or reason or order- some may be AU, others not. I just felt like this would be fun to try. ^_^

Please enjoy!




"Aaaa-aaaa-aaaaa choo!" The sound of my sneeze echoes through air, a few maroon momiji leaves trembling on their branches at the sudden racket. Curse it. Not another cold! I sigh as I trudge through the forest with my friends, ignoring their suddenly concerned looks. Great. Now they know I'm sick, too. And Inu-Yasha will make me drink that raw meat stuff again. . .

Wonderful. What an evening to look forward to. But. . . I guess I don't mind so much. I brought it upon myself, anyway. Me and my skirt. How? Well, I guess I should explain- I know a lot of people wonder. Sango, for instance. She asked me once a few years ago why I continue to wear my school uniform- the flimsy blouse, the short dress- all year round; even during the winter snow. And though at the time I couldn't answer her-

I can now. Not that I will. . . You see; it's sort of embarrassing. After all, how would your best friend react if you told her that you purposely wore the shortest things imaginable, just to attract your crush's attention? She'd call you insane! She's call you stupid! She'd probably ask to borrow an outfit.

I guess I just can't help it. It's the only thing I feel like I can do to keep Inu-Yasha beside me. I mean, apart from always being there, of course. But admit it- for men, everything comes down to hormones. (That's what Yuka claims, anyway.) So I ask you- which of us is more attractive? Me, in my forever revealing kimonos- or Kikyo, who doesn't even bathe naked?

Me, I'd say.

So I suppose, in the long run, I don't mind getting ill because of it. I deserve it, I caused it, and- - - well. . .

When I get sick, I get pampered by Inu-Yasha.

All in all, it's a win-win situation, isn't it?


"!" Jumping, I whirl around to face a pair of angry- yet worried- golden eyes; not having noticed them previously, so deep in thought. "Wh- What?" I blink, sniffling once as my hanyou frowns. "What's wrong?"

"Was that you sneezing?!" he demands, glaring. With a gulp I nod, coughing twice.

"Yeah. . ." I admit, looking away.

". . ." Inu-Yasha sighs, blocking my path with his arms crossed over his torso before shaking his head. "Stupid wench. . ." he mutters distractedly before automatically crouching down, sweetly offering me a ride. "Come on. Let's get you to Kaede-baabaa's." I nod wordlessly, wrapping my arms around his neck as Miroku arches an eyebrow, exchanging glances with the others.

"But what about the Jewel Shard?" the monk then inquires innocently, unfazed as the half-demon gives him a snarl. Scary. . .

"That can wait, can't it?!" Inu barks, hitching me up so that I line perfectly with his back. "I can't have my- er- shard detector getting sick!" I let the insult slide this once, having caught his subtle falter at what to call me. With that, he squeezes my thighs gently, pulls me closer, and begins to bound off through the autumn sky; leaving the others momentarily in the dusk.

I can't help but grin into his hair, feeling his warmth surround me.

Yes, this is definitely a win-win situation. Thank you, skirt.

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