InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Seperation ❯ Chapter 10

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Whoop, not many more chapters to go! I don't exactly know how many…but it's not a lot! This is another one of those “I don't watch this anime so leave me alone” chapters too haha.
Kim's POV
I held Aerylis close to me in one arm, Rekai in the other. They were sound asleep, precious things, and hopefully they weren't old enough to remember any of this. Passing Rekai over to Seto to hold her for a while, I allowed myself to remember what had gone on in the past few days…
Once having gone through the portal, since we were so concerned for the twins, we didn't waste any time getting to Pegasus' castle. ((Which I only found out five minutes ago that he has…)) I'll save most of the details how we got in…since it's fairly graphic…but I will say that it involves me disguised as one of those goons in black, and Seto and I slaughtering most of them, or at least, any that got in the way.
Seto and I ran down the last remaining hallway, our footsteps echoing through the stone hall, but there was no one left to hear them. I wasn't dressed in my black pants, long-sleeved white shirt and black t-shirt over top anymore…I was now wearing a black trenchcoat which flew out behind me as I ran, a black long-sleeved shirt and black pants and shoes. My hair had changed from being up in a ponytail to being loose and I had on dark sunglasses and an earpiece in my ear…Seto had basically the same getup.
There was a door at the end of the hall, and I began trying to open it, muttering under my breath, furious. “Always that one stupid door at the VERY END of the hallway…you'd think villains would get some new ideas…”
Seto backed up a bit and told me to get out of the way. I did so, just as he came forward and kicked the whole thing down, strength fueled by rage. I blinked. “Nice.”
I ran into the room, my eyes wildly looking around for my children. I saw them in a corner across from me, bundled up on the floor, and my eyes filling with tears of relief, I ran over to them and knelt down on the floor beside them.
They were wrapped in black woolen blankets on the floor, almost in a little nest of blankets. I hugged them both to me, on the verge of tears. ((Lots of crying in the next few chappies haha.)) Kaiba came down to sit beside me, hugging me as well as the twins. I couldn't really think that well, so flooded was I with relief that they were safe. I don't know how long we sat there, me hugging the twins, Seto hugging me and whispering comforting words in my ear. Finally his senses came to him, and he helped me up, Rekai wrapped safely in his arms, Areylis in mine. I hugged her to my chest and looked up at Seto. “Let's just go…please. I just want to get them out of here.”
Nodding, he put his arm around me, the one that wasn't holding our daughter and led me towards the door. My thoughts were full of nothing but going home and simply being with Seto and the twins, but it wasn't to be.
There in the doorway stood Pegasus in all his kidnapping glory. Fucking bastard. I'd kill him. NO ONE takes me kids away and gets away with it.
It doesn't matter what happened next. All I knew was that I just had to kill him. Make him suffer like I'd suffered through the worry over Aerylis and Rekai. I'd passed the child in my arms to Seto and just lost it.
After that, I just remember Seto pulling me away from a motionless lump on the floor. I'd taken its knife and turned it against them, stabbing them violently in any place where there was flesh that I could find. Blood seeped over my hands and stained my clothes, but I didn't care. He had to die.
I felt Seto grab me from behind and pull me away from him and held me back, hugging me tightly until I stopped screaming in rage and stopped trying to struggle to get back to cause him more damage.
After a long while I calmed down, and the only thing I could hear was Seto whispering comforting, loving words into my ear and the twins making soft whimpering sounds over in the corner. Hugging Seto back tightly, I turned away a little. “Did I get him? Is the bastard dead?”
His eyes resentful, he shook his head. “You weren't paying much attention to who you were killing Kim, just that you needed to kill. He got away before I could stop him, and there's a widow to one of his goons out there somewhere.”
I didn't turn back to see the body. If it wasn't Pegasus, I didn't want to see it. Going over to where Seto had wrapped up the twins in his own coat before coming over to me, I lifted up Rekai, Seto taking Aerylis, and we got out of there as fast as we could, leaving the events that had happened in there behind us.
Done! Kinda short, but hey, I don't watch this show. Leave me be? …NOT MANY LEFT! O.o;