InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Seperation ❯ Chapter 13

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

LAST ONE! Enjoy it while you can!!
Sarah's POV
“Remind me again what we're doing?”
Will squeezed my hand to get me to lower my voice before whispering quietly. “We're stealing a ship.”
Jack turned around from where he was a little ahead of us. “Commandeer. We've been over this mate.”
“Commandeer then.”
“I thought you have a ship.”
“In Tortuga love. Right now we need a way te find the Revenge.”
“Me old crew's ship.”
I thought about it for a minute. “I still don't get it. They were captured.”
“Pirates escape lass, it's a fact o' life.”
I'm not even going to bother talking about exactly how we got a ship. I wasn't involved in much of it, since I have this tendency to knock things over and get confused then blow our whole cover. So I just waited until I got a signal from Will before heading onto the ship just as they cast off, still in that goddamned dress.
The next week or so was just endless. Endless ocean, endless sky, endless sunlight. It was nice at first, but hey…I'm not Meg. I don't love the sea, and there's SHARKS in that water for God's sake!! So I spent a lot of time below with Will while Jack and his crew stayed abovedecks, trying to get the ship catch more wind so we could move faster.
Around five days later I climbed the stairs and looked out after someone shouted something I couldn't hear. There was a ship up ahead, and we were advancing on it fast. I could see Jack nearby, but I didn't go near him. I thought it would be best for my own safety not to bug him right about then. I grabbed Will's hand. “That's it?”
He nodded. “We're just hoping that she's still…”
I glared at him. “Still what?!”
“Still alive?”
“She IS alive isn't she Will?!”
“Of course she is, stop worrying.”
“Then why is Jack acting like this?”
“He's just been so worried about finding her. It's fine Sarah.”
Hrmph. He couldn't fool me. Besides, he couldn't know anyway. None of us would know until we got there, which wasn't that far into the future.
When we came up alongside the ship, the crew seemed to be on their guard. When I asked Gibbs why, (since Will seemed to think my ears were too innocent to hear any of this stuff), he told me that it was just strange that no one had tried to stop our arrival and no shots were fired. Nodding to show that I understood, he and the rest of the crew boarded, following Jack, Will and I following after them. Once on deck, everything was perfectly silent except for the wind ruffling the flag high above us and the skirt of my stupid dress until a familiar voice broke through the air.
“Sarah? What're you doing here?”
Kim's POV
After Seto and I went through the portal, there were a lot of funky lights that flew by, but mostly it was darkness. When I could see properly again, what I saw did NOT comfort me. We weren't back in the apartment, hell, we weren't in a building at all. Sky above, ocean below. The fuck?
The place seemed deserted too. No one was around, not a single bit of air being breathed by anyone but Seto, the twins and I. It was a little freaky.
It didn't take us long to let the twins settled in one of the cabins to sleep, locking the door and taking the key along with us. We weren't going to risk a repeat of the past few days.
That's when we noticed the plank leading to a ship right beside ours, and a group of people tiptoeing across it. And the only woman present in a silken dress looked pretty familiar. I blinked.
“Sarah? What're you doing here?”
She whipped around, obviously having just jumped in surprise. “Kim? Seto? How did you two get here?”
I noticed that she was talking in a half whisper, so I did as well. “Long story. Is Max with you?”
She gave me the weirdest look. “No. She's with you.”
Max's POV
When InuYasha and I stepped out again, the first words that came to my ears were, “No. She's with you.” Coming out of…Sarah's mouth? Why was she here? We never got ahold of her…
And in front of me was Kim, turning around with a look of surprise on her face. “Uh….ok…..explain later?”
I smirked. “Sounds good.”
“Shhh…” Sarah pressed her finger to her lips and motioned over to the other side of the deck of the Revenge. Jack, InuYasha, Seto and Will were all advancing towards the main passageway that led belowdecks, each with some form of weapon in their hands. Glancing around, a spotted a crate with a bunch of pistols and cutlasses in it. I tossed one of each to Sarah and Kim, then took weapons for myself.
The rest of the men from Jack's crew were advancing towards the door too, so we followed them. Gibbs, ever the hero, jumped in front of Jack to protect him or something equally stupid, and opened the door.
“Oh, this is going to be fun.”
We were immediately rushed by at the very least, 30 different pirates, mainly from the crew that used to be cursed. Kim was in her element. Over the sound of guns and swords clashing, I could hear her yell out in fury, “If I couldn't kill him, I'll kill everything else goddamnit!”
…Scareh Kim….
I couldn't stand there much longer though, since a smelly old man came running at me, cutlass aimed for my face. Wait….fuck….did I even KNOW how to fight? SHIT!
I decided just to follow Kim's tactic….stab at anything that moved. It worked pretty well too, since the guy was dead at my feet in a few seconds.
I plunged into the crowd, spotting something pastel-coloured off to one side. Following it, and stabbing another guy on the way, I spotted Sarah, sitting on top of a pile of old rags…no…wait….it was a pirate. She had his sword held over her head where he couldn't reach it from where he was trapped beneath her, and as I fought with another pirate, I could hear her talking.
“Now, are you going to swear again?”
“Give me goddamn sword back!”
A whack over the head with his own weapon. “Now what did we say about words like that? No swearing!”
“Bitch, give me fucking sword back!”
A harder whack over the head. “Stop that! I can sit here all day you know!”
Gotta love her.
It was a while before it even came to mind the reason we were actually here. I shouted over to Kim. “Have you seen Meg?!”
I didn't get an answer…she must have not heard me. All I got was a war cry and the sound of steel on flesh, then the dying scream of yet another pirate.
Not a lot of help. Fine. I'd find Jack then. In normal circumstances, wherever you found Jack, you found Meg, and vice versa.
Stabbing a pirate in the stomach so I could get through, I looked around for the usually drunken pirate captain. It took a few minutes to see over all the ugly pirates, but I caught a glimpse of him heading down the stairs leading belowdecks. Shoving my way through (Ok, so InuYasha killed a guy so I could get through), I followed him as best I could.
It was dark as night down there, since lighting a lantern wasn't exactly the best idea on a wooden ship. It was quiet too, the sounds of the battle dimmed, and I could follow Jack just by the sound of his footsteps. For a while anyway. After that it was really easy to find him. I followed the angry yell and the sound of a dying man down the hall.
Taking off in a run, I skidded on the suddenly damp floor and almost tripped on a newly dead body on the ground. So newly dead in fact, that blood was still spilling out over the floor from under the blade stabbed violently into his chest. Which explained the dying scream I'd recently heard. I suppressed a shudder at the look of it. He was hideous, and covered in grime. Seriously, even I was grossed out, and I'd seen a few things that would make the guy from Fear Factor cringe. The state of our bathroom after Kim, Meg, Sarah and I shared it for a while for example.
I also don't want to go into much detail here either. One, it's mushy, two, I'm pretty sure Meg will kill me if she finds out I put this in print. ((Yes I know I'm writing it…shut up! It's her POV! I'm getting…into the character of Max! NYAH!! *scareh face*)) But, anyway, I looked away from the pirate when I heard whispering coming from the other side of the filthy room. Taking a few steps forward, over the newly dead man, I was given light through a small hole in the wooden wall. I stopped walking though, since I figured that some space was needed. I wouldn't have wanted anyone barging in when I was crying over InuYasha before.
Jack was sitting on the ground with most of his back to me, obviously completely oblivious to the fact that I was there. And, thank God, still breathing, he had Meg pulled close against him, hugging her tightly, whispering in her ear, and she was crying softly into his shoulder, either with relief or genuine sadness I don't know. I never asked her.
I didn't know how long I stood there, and I didn't care. We'd found Meg, InuYasha was alive, Kim and Seto were abovedecks, safe (sorta…), and Will and Sarah were fine too. We were all going to make it out of this.
Finally I could hear Jack helping Meg up off the ground, standing up with her. I turned around, a smile on her face and a happy/sarcastic remark all ready, but the smile died before it barely hit my lips. The light wasn't very good at all in that goddamned place, but it was enough for me to see what I needed, and why Jack had been holding Meg like she was a broken doll.
She was still wearing the black tank top that she'd been wearing the day she disappeared, and her jeans too. But there was a hole in the lower part of the leg of her jeans, and another, smaller hole in her shirt, near her hip. One of the straps of her shirt was fallen over her shoulder, and her hair had fallen loose down her back. But the part that really pissed me off was that she had a bruise on her cheekbone, along with a cut, there were slashes across her arms and neck that were covered in her own dried blood, and bruises everywhere. On top of that, she was so thin it was almost skeletal, and was leaning on Jack, looking too weak to stand up. I clenched my fist, ready to make a death threat to whoever did it, but she shook her head a little. It just wasn't the time. She didn't even question why I was wearing a Japanese outfit, or how I even got there. She just looked…well…she looked like a broken doll.
She tried to take a step forward, to walk, but almost fell again. I jumped forward to catch her, but Jack was quicker (and considerably closer). Deciding that she simply didn't have any strength left, he lifted her up, one arm under her knees, the other supporting her back, and obviously grateful, she leaned her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, exhausted. I stood off to the side a little to let them pass before following them up out of that horrible place where Meg had been kept prisoner, into the sunlight.
Kim's POV
I looked around me, breathing heavily. Bodies, covered, drowning in blood were all around me, all at my hands. That would teach whatever god was up there. Don't fuck with me and make the guy I wanted to kill get away. A hell of a lot more people would die instead.
Seto came up beside me and looked around, before taking my hand and pulling me into a hug. I buried my face in his shoulder, hugging him tightly, trying not to cry again. I was just so pissed off that I hadn't been able to kill him, that I hadn't been able to get him back for what he did to me, to Seto, to my twins. I wanted him dead, more than I wanted anything in the world.
Seto was stroking my hair softly, quietly saying comforting words into my ear. I began to relax. I'd returned the blood that I thought was needed for a mother having her children taken from her. I was safe. Seto was safe. The twins were safe. We'd be going home, and I'd never let anything else happen to my kids. I swore it on any famous grave I could think of.
I felt Seto put his fingertips under my chin, and my face was gently eased upward to look at him. Her studied my face for a minute before leaning down and kissing me. I held onto the kiss for as long as I could. We may have been surrounded by tons of dead bodies and exhausted pirates from Jack's crew, but it was probably one of the most romantic moments of my life. And I don't even know exactly why. It was just this feeling that I got.
When we both pulled away from the kiss, I whispered to him that I loved him, and he kissed me lightly again before saying it back. And I knew that things were going to be alright again. For all of us.
When we got home, after saying goodbye to Jack's crew and falling through a wall in the ship, we once more separated, but this time to merely recover from our experiences.
Kim and Seto nursed the twins with an almost insanely protective manner. The kids were hardly out of their sight, and Seto bought all sorts of alarms and security systems for their home as an extra precaution. When they'd gotten home that day, they looked pretty shaken up, Kim and Seto still in the black suits and dark sunglasses of their earlier disguises, the kids wrapped in black blankets. Kim almost immediately burned those blankets, cursing the smoke that came from them. After a while though, they began to stop being so EXTREMELY overprotective, and started to be themselves again. If you ever stayed the night with them though, you'll see them set up the various alarms and systems, mainly centered around the twins' room. Kim still didn't trust the fact that Pegasus was still alive somewhere, another dimension or not.
Max and InuYasha got home that night and almost immediately curled up in their bed together and fell asleep, Max wanting to drown out the memory of what she'd done to him, InuYasha trying to let her know that he never had and never would hold it against her, Max still in the outfit Kikyo had given her. They continued to lead a relatively normal life, but if you watch closely, Max doesn't hug him as tightly as she used to, as if she's scared to still hurt him. And after that incident, it was a few months before she'd even pick up a knife to even cut up some vegetables or something.
There isn't much to say about Sarah and Will…they had the least trauma. They went home, cut Sarah out of the corset (literally…with a pocketknife), and got rid of the dress, merely because it reminded them both of Elizabeth. After that…they didn't mention it much. Then again, neither of them had been kidnapped, held hostage, or been stabbed, so they were pretty well off.
Jack carried Meg the entire way back, since she'd slipped into unconsciousness from lack of food and the beatings she'd been taking. For weeks he didn't leave her side, waiting for her to wake up, then helping her get her strength back up. Eventually, her bruises went away and her cuts healed so she looked fine, and since she was allowed to eat again, she stopped looking so pale and thin, starting to look healthy again. Yet even after that it was a little while before she talked much to anyone but Jack, since he was with her all day, yet slowly she returned to her normal sarcastic self. And even still, it was about three months before she'd accept even a hug from anyone but Jack without flinching in fear first. Not that she wanted to…it had become a habit of her mind.
All been through so much. Yet all so strong in the end. Held together by the bonds of friendship and love, they withstood it all, even through this unforgettable seperation.