InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Serendipity ❯ Two dangerous situations: The project and the night plan ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: Urban_Princess

This is a fan fiction based on the manga “Inuyasha” by Rumiko Takahashi.

Chapter 5: Two dangerous situations: The night project and the plan

She stood outside of the school waiting for Inuyasha, he was running late for the project because he ran home to get something. The air began to become cold with a brittle freeze and thick with a mischievous aura. Kagome could feel it, and decided to walk back inside the school. When she turned, there were two girls with long, curly, and black hair standing in front of her. “Hey, we were expecting you,” they both spoke menacingly, and almost at the same time. Kagome shivered from the cold breeze and the arising aura which surrounded her. She spoke calmly, not taking the two girls as a threat.
“Can I help you?” she asked.
“Yes, come with us, we have something to show you,” the two girls said. They walked away, turned to Kagome, and beckoned her to come. Kagome walked forth, holding a glowing hand behind her to be ready for any sudden attack. This whole setup seemed suspicious because these are girls who call her a geek because she’s so silent.
Kagome walked behind them slowly, almost five feet behind, she was led to a dark shed by the west wing of the school. She stood there silently, almost waiting for them to respond.

“Well, go in, we’re right behind you,” the first girl said.
“Yeah, ladies first,” said the other.
“But, you’re ladies too,” she stopped herself and decided not to ask questions. She walked past them and towards the door, but was pushed in and the door slammed behind her.

“It’s so dark in here,” Kagome said and felt a hand touch hers, many other hands joined in, and her hands felt like they were tied to her back. She was absolutely right, a flashlight blared in her eyes and she squinted, trying to see past the piercing glow. The sound of footsteps clamped towards her.
“Well, well, well,” a girl’s voice spoke from the darkness. She was probably “5, 6” but Kagome couldn’t see beyond the light. The girl picked her up and someone else lying in the back of the room turned on the light. When the light turned on, Kagome could properly see who was in the room. There were three girls standing in the back of the room; which was cold and dank. Tables were turned over, and the three girls sat in chairs, talking amongst themselves. She was thrown to the ground, they all flipped her onto her back, and the girl who was holding the flashlight put it down and walked towards her.

She put her hands on Kagome’s face, “Such a pretty face, how would you feel if I smashed it?” she asked, striking Kagome across her face. Kagome’s eyes glared a purplish flame and her hands lit up again. Her powers were mostly used for magical spells and purification. But she trained hard to learn how to turn the glowing light into a solid.
Inuyasha arrived at the school, a black scarf wrapped around his entire head, and a telescope cradled in his left arm. He looked around anxiously for Kagome so that he could apologize before she killed him. But she was no where in sight, and he couldn’t pick up her scent. He searched around consciously, running around the school wings, north, south, east, but forgot west. He still didn’t find her.

Back at the shed in the West Wing, Kagome lay on the floor, her eyes closed tightly so that she could concentrate. “Solid, solid, solid, solid, light can become a solid!” she thought to herself. The footsteps were moving closer and closer towards her, the evil aura becoming even thicker than before. It was no use, Kagome couldn’t concentrate, and she opened her eyes. Standing in front of her were all of the four girls, one of them standing over her with a closed fist about to punch her. Kagome’s closed again, “Solid, solid, SOLID!!!” she thought and the purplish glow on her hands cut through the ropes.

She slid to the side, dodging the punch, kicked the girl, flinging her backwards into the wall. The other girls lunged themselves at Kagome, who bit one of them on the arm. Blood flew through Kagome’s teeth as she bit down harder into the girl’s arm. She shrieked and snatched her arm back, a thin layer of skin peeling off her arm through Kagome’s teeth.

“Ahhhh!!! My arm is getting shredded!” she screamed and the other girls backed away, running out through the back door. Kagome lay on the floor, breathless, awaiting another attack, her hands glowed when the door slammed open. Inuyasha dashed in the scarf was still on her head and she was crying, her mouth was splattered with blood. He hugged her tightly, she cried even harder and buried her head in his chest. “Why didn’t you come for me?” she whimpered.

“I didn’t know that you would be in the West Wing, it’s always abandoned, but seeing the damage you’ve done here…” he looked around the room, “Damn! It seems that I interrupted something,” he chuckled, Kagome was not amused, she sobbed harder.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to be so insensitive, I’ll protect you no matter what, and I’ll always be with you,” he said softly. Kagome smiled and looked up at him, “ So that means that you‘ll really be there?” she asked. He blushed and nodded and she clutched his shirt. “Thank you, Inuyasha,” she said, her tears dripping down her shirt.

“Well, it’s late, I guess we should go home now,” he stood up and offered a hand to Kagome. She took his hand and they walked out of the room together, Inuyasha walked back to turn off the light, and he stared around at the blood and the lifeless girl on the floor. “Damn that girl is scary,” he said as he flipped the switch and walked off with Kagome into the night.

It Inuyasha and Kagome walked home together, his arm around her waist, and her arm hooked with his. She looked up at the black sky which was non-illuminated because of the missing white moon. She couldn’t help but notice the black scarf on Inuyasha’s head.
“Inuyasha, why do you have that scarf on your head?” she asked, he stared at her and touched his head. Attempting to remove it, he remember why he had it on and didn’t take it off. “Uh, nothing,” he put his arms around her waist and she stopped walking.
“This is my house, thanks Inuyasha,” she opened the gate and closed it from behind her.
“You can tell me anything, you know that,” she said. Inuyasha smiled and turned away from her, walking away from her house. He removed the scarf and put it in his pocket, revealing a full head of silky black strands of hair. “Sure I can tell you everything, but are you sure you will be able to everything?” he said, still walking away.

Kagome stared at his back until he disappeared around a corner and looked up at the sky. By it’s hateful gleam there was something about the moon’s absence that made her feel uneasy.