InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Servitude ❯ Servitude ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

He’d always been loyal. He’d never wavered from his master’s side. He’d always made sure that his master was well taken care of and that all of his master’s bidding was carried out promptly and efficiently.

And now, after centuries of dedicated servitude and sacrifice he was being replaced. It would be tolerable if he were to be replaced with a strong youkai (As it was, a short and squat toad could only do so much for his master). It would have been more tolerable if he was being replaced with his master’s half-brother. But no, he was cursed to be over-shadowed by a slight human girl.

He hated her.

His master had bid him care for her; to be sure she was well taken care of. His master left him with the chore to make sure the girl was well learned. And he’d done all of those things dutifully.

He held no grudges for the things his master made him do. He loved his master more than he had ever loved anything in his existence. It wasn’t the arbitrary sort of love that humans claimed at every whim, either. Jaken felt the love he had for his master through every single piece of his being. He sacrificed himself for his master, sacrificed all of his principles for his master and never once complained.

Why did it have to be a stupid human girl?

She was just a baby, barely able to sit through an hour’s time of his teaching. She couldn’t find food on her own, couldn’t even be trusted to piss on her own.

Gods did he hate her.

He could do nothing but sit back and watch as she stole his most cherished being away from under his nose. He wanted to scream at his master, tell him the inexcusable trespasses he was making against his charge. Instead he simmered below the surface, doing everything his master asked in regards to the simpering human girl.

He couldn’t take it anymore.

He wanted her gone, wanted to see her little body lying still in the grass like he’s seen her lay still before. His master’s indiscretions were unforgivable, and yet he found himself forgiving him. He would never disobey, never speak out against the man he so loved.

Life was unfair.

He’d plotted in the beginning. When he first watched his master’s affections being stolen away he plotted to see the girl dead. And then, like some spelled chain, his master had bound him with all the care for the girl onto his shoulders.

If anything happened to his newest charge Jaken would surely be held accountable. All he had given up would be an inexcusable waste. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do now, but the human girl would soon grow old and die. And then he could possibly have his master back.

Begrudgingly he accepted that his master could take the bitch as a wife and live with her until her death, casting him aside further. No, that was surely not allowed to happen.

Too much in his life had been taken and tossed aside already; Jaken would not allow his master to take his love for granted.

Determined to steal his master’s attention back, his new plan was to make sure Rin knew of her mortality. He reminded her hourly of how she was soon to die by Sesshoumaru’s standards.

It was the only thing he could think to do to get her to leave. For a while it had served to deflate the girl and make her feel rather insignificant. Sadly, even his harsh words turned out to be not enough. He was at the end of the robe, dangling at the edge.

What could he do?

Oh, he would continue to serve his master. He would forgive the man over and over until he finally died, but he could not help the resentment that was beginning to fester inside. It was clouding the love he harbored and making him into a different person.

But then, Rin was also growing.

It was of little consequence. The squat toad youkai would stay by his master forever. That stupid human girl would die and things would go back to normal.

How could they not?


A/N: I wrote this as a spaz-fic. I don’t know where it came from, but I was taking a break from Asclepius when this idea just tackled me and demanded I write it.

For the record I rather like Rin. I was a little scared writing this from an obviously disdainful point of view but I am really pleased with the way it turned out…

As always, I do not own the cast of Inu-Yasha. I do, however, love to make the cast of Inu-Yasha do sick and twisted things. <3

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