InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sesshomaru's Full Sister ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha though I want to own Sesshomaru and Naraku and maybe Miroku T.T


“Wow!! Kagome you really got some hot enemies.” Mie said. “You should see him in his monkey suit. He is ugly then.” They took off to see Sesshomaru. “We made it!” Yelled Shippo. Suddenly Sesshomaru popped up from no-where. “Well first off, hi, now Sesshomaru is it nice to talk to…” Kagome covered Mie’s mouth “talk to who may I ask?” “My name’s Mie you already know my twin sister” “Sesshomaru we have to talk to you!” Kagome said with no room to argue. “Fine but don’t touch anything and only Mie are aloud to come in.” Sesshomaru said coldly. Jaken and Rin running to Sesshomaru “who are you?” Mie asked Rin. “This Rin’s name is Rin.” “Okay... well hi Rin.” Then they went in the home. “Ok Sesshomaru you sent a message to me in the village about your sister from the future right?” “Yes.” “Well Kagome and I are your sisters” Mie said. “You’re only human you can’t be my sisters.” “On three Mie.” Ok. They changed into their demon forms Mie looked like sesshomaru but in Pink and the moon on her forehead was a full moon and blood red colored. Kagome looked more like her human form but three inches taller and has pink hair and the moon on her forehead looked exactly like Sesshomaru’s‘‘. “Jaken…” Kagome started to say but Sesshomaru cut her off. “Get out!” “Yes sir.” Then he left. “Does InuYasha know?” “No dad says not to tell him.” “Good.”

End chapter