InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sesshomaru's Weakness ❯ Chapter 7: So long enemy, hello friend ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 7: So long enemy, hello friend
Sesshomaru smirked as he watched. He decided that it was time for him to let his presences be known. He jumped out of the tree he was in and landed not to far from Kira.
Before he knew it, Kira was standing close to him. She was only about two inches from his face as she floated in front of him.
“I was hoping to see you soon.” said Kira.
Sobazu took advantage of her being distracted and started to flee the area. He didn't get very far though. Soon his blood started to gush out of him and he died where he stood.
Kira didn't seem too concerned about him anymore though. For she was too busy kissing Sesshomaru. He didn't seem to mind to much, but then again he really didn't have a chance to react.
He pushed her away and asked, “what are you doing?”
“I thought it would be obvious. I'm showing you how I feel.” said Kira.
Her symbol started to fade and her feet touched the ground. She leaned against him because her powers had made her weak. Shadow was jumping around them barking.
When her symbol disappeared, she looked up at Sesshomaru weakly.
“Why did you follow me?” Kira asked weakly.
“Because I want to know more about you.” said Sesshomaru.
She pushed against him and stood up on her own for a while, but then she nearly fell back down. He helped her up.
“I'm taking you home now, and I'm not going to let you leave like that ever again.” said Sesshomaru.
Started to pick her up, but she was looking down at Shadow.
“What about Shadow, we can't leave him out here by himself.” said Kira.
“He can come too if it will make you happy.” said Sesshomaru.
She clapped her hands weakly and he jumped into her arms. Then Sesshomaru picked her up bridal style and started to go back to his lands. By the time he had gotten back, Kira was asleep in his arms and so was Shadow.
When he neared to the entrance, she woke up and he looked down at her.
“Did you sleep well?” asked Sesshomaru.
“How could I not when I was in your arms.” said Kira.
“Do you think you can stand now?” asked Sesshomaru.
She nodded and he put her down gently and she held onto Shadow. It had been a week since he had been back. Jaken opened the door and Rin was behind him. They were on there way to the village.
When they looked up and saw the two. They were shocked for a second. Then Rin ran over to Sesshomaru and wrapped her arms around him.
“Lord Sesshomaru, I'm so glade your back.” said Rin.
Jaken walked over to him, bowed, and said, “welcome home Lord Sesshomaru.”
“Are the guest still here?” asked Sesshomaru as Rin let go.
“Yes my Lord. They are in the garden right now.” said Jaken.
Sesshomaru went into the building and Kira followed behind him. They went out to the gardens and went up to his guest. They all bowed down to him as he neared to them.
Some of the kids came over to Kira and wanted to see her dog. She put him down on the ground to let the kids play with him, and then one of them grabbed her hand and pulled her over as well. Sesshomaru couldn't help but smirk as he watched her and the kids.
Then he thought, “one day she will be an excellent mother.” After watching her for a few more moments, he began to talk to his guest. They stayed out in the gardens until noon.
To be continued…