InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sesshoumaru's Dilemma ❯ Wow.... ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hey guys, thanks for the reviews!
Disclaimer: Inuyasha is owned by Rumiko Takahashi and so are the other characters except for Rei.
Shippo just couldn't believe it. Sesshoumaru and Kikyo having sex. It was nasty and unnatural. Shippo wanted to leave, but his feet wouldn't let him. Suddenly Sesshoumaru picked his head up and sniffed the air. When Sesshoumaru had done that Shippo high-tailed it to the village. Now, normally Sesshoumaru would've smelled Shippo, but being in caught in ecstasy with Kikyo he didn't notice. When Shippo got to the village he saw Kagome just returning from her time.
“Shippo, what's wrong?” Kagome looked at him with concern.
“I saw Kikyo and Sesshoumaru having sex in the meadow next to the village.” Shippo looked up to see what Kagome would do.
Kagome stiffened, then turned pale.
“Kagome what's wrong with you? What should we do? How are we gonna tell Inuyasha that his older brother and his first love are having sex? What should we do?” Shippo had said this in one breath and very fast.
“Shippo, lets go.”
“Go where?”
“To the meadow.”
“But, Kagome what abou-“ Shippo was suddenly cut off.
“ Look, Shippo are you coming or not!” Kagome yelled.
I'm coming, Sheesh what's with the attitude he mumbled.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>& gt;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;>>>>>>>>>
“Shippo where are they?” Kagome asked.
Shippo perked up his ears to follow the noise.
“They're over there.” Shippo said pointing to a boulder.
Kagome walked over to the boulder and-
Sorry for the pitifully short chapter and cliffy, but it's been awhile since I updated. I'll update soon, I'm being forced off the computer. So see-ya later