InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sesshoumaru, sit! ❯ Full Force! ( Chapter 28 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Full Force!
Oh yay! I did it! Chapter 28! -tears of joy-
Chapter dedicated to a friend I haven't seen in a long time (thanks to my own tardiness) -blush. This is for Shinu 13th Sage Sage of Pain. Thanks for sticking around, Shinu!
Review replies:
Tara_019: Lol! Oh, your review was ego-inflating to say the least! It had me preening all over the place XD I'm flattered beyond words that anyone would think my fic was that good (Yay!). Yes, I am evil DX It took me like, two years to start writing again after chapter 25! I loved writing this yet I got really lazy about it. Tsk. XD How could I possibly refuse your request after such a wonderful review! I hope you like this chapter, although it really isn't too long, and not too much happens. Last chapter was probably the most eventful, but next chapter should be better than this one. I hope you like it! Oh, and I'll take those 100 million kajillion cookies. Yum!
babykitty101101: I…know you, right? Aha! I just checked my review list and you're right there in a much earlier page. Welcome back! XD I can't end it? Nooo, but I've worked so hard just to end it, and end it well DX It's not over yet. One or two chapters remain beside this one. There is the possibility of a continuation, of course, but that depends on how many people are interested. Heh! I'm so flattered (understatement) that you want it to go on. A lot of people used to ask me to end it already. So your saying that means a lot to me -booow-
penguin master: Thank you! XD My ego can't take much more of this loveliness. I love chapter 27 too. Now, this chapter isn't at all as eventful, but it's necessary to write. Next one should be much better! Will update soon!!!! -booow-
Inuyasha Baby_Bre: Thanks! XD I'm so glad you like it, and don't worry about a thing. All questions will be answered soon. Thank you for being so understanding (in the email) X3
Leerob: Oh! I loved your review, cuz I could tell you liked my fic. Thank you, and no worries. I'll make it so everything works out for the best. -bow-
Shinu 13th Sage Sage of Pain: Hello, old friend! So sorry I took so long to get on with it. I'm a baaad girl X3 But it's nearly done, isn't that a relief? I'm also psyched you liked it XD and my charcters. Thank you. And I guess I've been away for so long I've forgotten…you and Inuyasha's Mate are the same? O_O My memory fails me. Love you either way!
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.
Taiyoukai: Demon lord.
Taijiya: Demon exterminator.
Baka: Idiot.
Hanyou: Half demon.
Youkai: demon.
Miko: Priestess.
Recap from last chapter:
Yeah…making out was quite nice, she thought absentmindedly, looking back at where Sesshoumaru had been standing. And he was still there, watching her intently. She yelped mentally in embarrassment and turned away. She had to keep in mind: she hated his guts for making her love him! It made no sense, but so what!? It oddly preserved her peace of mind.
After all, she had to say goodbye very soon. It was over, and she had to go back home before she did something brainless like confess her stupid, pointless feelings or decide to stay and follow Lord Obnoxious around. Much like one frog she knew.
She shuddered at the thought. She'd rot in the fiery pits of hell before she abandoned her pride like that! But she was going to miss him. She was really going to miss him.
Crappy attitude and all.
It was done.
Everyone was getting ready to go to their respective homes while Amaya stood in the middle of the clearing, wondering how dull her life will seem once she got back home. Especially without one snobby demon.
“Oh boy.” She sighed explosively, hands on hips. “Life is not gonna be the same.”
Amaya caught herself staring poignantly back at Sesshoumaru, then blushed madly and turned away. Oh man, he'd seen her look, she raved inwardly. Oh so what! She amended. She wasn't sticking around long enough to care if he figured out how she felt anyway. She'd jump at the first chance to hook up with a boyfriend when she got home and get the tall, beautiful demon out of her head. Yeah…
`Keep kidding yourself, darling. You're as bad as he is!' Aneko commented into her ear in irritation.
Amaya spun her head to face the annoying little woman. “Get lost already! I'm going home so you don't have to stick around me anymore,” Amaya hissed, on the verge of an explosion.
`It's not over yet,' the little fairy predicted ominously.
Amaya gaped. “What's that supposed to mean? The bad guy's dead. It is over. And I can finally head…home,” she finished miserably.
`One other big hurdle lies ahead,' Aneko told her, pointing at Sesshoumaru.
Amaya rolled her eyes. “You kidding? He'll be relieved that I'm getting out of his life. No-his world! I doubt he'll try to stop me anymore.”
`What if he needs you?' asked Aneko in exasperation, hands on her hips.
“Well…I'm sure Kaede-san will fix the bead problem. She made it after all. What!” the girl grouched when the fairy rubbed her face in exasperation.
`Whatever. I'm out!' And she was gone. Just like that. With not even a puff of smoke to signal her departure.
Amaya stared at the spot where the fairy had been floating. “What was that about?” Aneko never got mad. Ok, maybe she did a little while ago, when Amaya had teleported right next to Naraku. But that was it, basically.
Kagome squealed nearby and Amaya turned to her in alarm, but there was nothing to worry about. Inuyasha had gotten up with her in his arms, and Amaya thought that was the cutest thing she'd ever seen. Even sweeter than their kiss -or rather kisses- just now.
Indeed. Love was painful. An intense form of physical torture, but once something like what Inuyasha and Kagome were experiencing happened, it all became worthwhile. Amaya wouldn't have to worry about it becoming worthwhile, much less working out. Not only because she was never falling in love again, but because she suspected she couldn't. And she was adamant about getting over her first unfortunate experience. But surely love couldn't transcend time and worlds…Could it?
“Come on, Amaya-chan. I think we need to go to Kaede's village to check that everything's all right.” The monk smiled at her and pointed to Kirara. “As Kagome will be spending the journey with Iuyasha, I'll ride her bike. You can go with Sango.”
As it so happened, Sango was standing by the monk, her hands holding his. Amaya smiled happily, knowing just why the taijiya was laughing and looking at his palm so tearfully. He whispered something to her then and Sango blushed.
Love was in the air. Full force! And if Amaya hadn't just been grumbling about her own feelings a second ago she'd have rolled her eyes at the sappy scene. She looked back and found that Sesshoumaru was still there, looking at her inscrutably. “Are you coming?” she asked evenly.
She flinched when he approached her, his cool gaze never leaving hers. “Your injuries,” he said simply, giving her the once over and causing her to blush self-consciously.
“You fixed that actually. Thank you,” she said in an afterthought, meeting his eyes. “So you're coming? To say goodbye?”
“Goodbye?” He raised an eyebrow quizzically.
She chuckled, truly amused. “I'm guessing you don't do goodbyes.” She looked up at him, her eyes shining with mirth. He frowned slightly and she turned away, heading for Kirara. “I'll see you there,” she waved back at him.
She'd love to shock the hell out of him in Kaede's village and kiss him silly before she ran off to the well. Bah! The look on his face would be priceless!
A breathless Sango rode in front and told her shakily to hold on tight. Amaya pressed her lips in an effort not to laugh and did as she was told. How cute was that! If only she could be so fortunate.
Sesshoumaru stood outside the small cottage, listening intently to the sounds coming from within. He took a moment to inspect the beads around his neck; they'd turned back to their original color.
`I'm guessing you're going to be as stubborn about this as she is?'
He turned to the fairy by his shoulder. She didn't look at all pleased. “What is it you want?” he asked her irritably.
`Oh, no, no, no. That's altogether the wrong question,' she answered saucily, fluttering over to face him. `What you want is the real issue. And as it so happens, what you want is just what you need. You pretty piece of work!'
He narrowed his eyes angrily. He had no intention of engaging in any kind of conversation with her. “Whatever you're here for, your assistance has been invaluable. You have my gratitude.”
Aneko stared at him in shock. Well…she hadn't banked on a thank-you. Ever. `You're welcome. At least you're more appreciative than that brat of a girl you're in love with -Wow!'
He gave her a look so vicious she flipped over in mid-air. `I admit you haven't figured that yet. But really! You're emotionally challenged and I think you're in desperate need of some immediate insight.' She made quick work of fluttering over to his right in case he thought to slash her with his sword; he looked angry enough to try.
“Sesshoumaru-sama, please join us,” the old miko called from within the cottage.
Aneko crossed her arms and blew a breath. `Saved by the old lady,' she muttered, watching him disappear into the little house. And she sure hadn't been the one saved.
Inside the demon Lord stood, while the rest of the inu-gang, along with the crow demon and wolf prince, sat around the fire in the middle of the cottage, looking at him. The old miko, Kaede, stood and approached him. “All is well, my Lord. The worst of Amaya-san's injuries have been healed, thanks to you. But she tells me I am needed for removing…something?”
Sesshoumaru knew the old woman was perfectly aware of what needed to be removed. “Yes.”
“Alas,” the old miko said with a sigh, turning dramatically and ignoring the demon lord's darkening expression. “I cannot remove it, only the one who controls it.”
“What?” Inuyasha snarled angrily, sick to death of all the cryptic talk. “What is this about? What needs to be removed!?”
“I don't think it's any of our business,” Sango put in, frowning at the hanyou.
“Yeah, Inuyasha. You're always so nosey,” Shippo put in, jumping onto Kagome's shoulder.
Inuyasha glared and Shippo yelped. “How could it not be our business? It's his fault that all this happened. That wench running off would have turned out just fine if he hadn't taken her away. We deserve to know the truth about that, don't you think?”
Sango and Miroku looked unsure, while Kagome shook her head.
“Inuyasha, because of him we've managed to destroy Naraku. For the first time you fought side by side with him, and that made a world of difference to everyone. It's his fault we won,” Kagome argued, fixing him with one of her usual reproachful looks.
Amaya entered then, her hand newly bandaged -thanks to Kagome's medical supplies. “Kaede-san said I was the only one who could remove it. But I have no clue how that might be, so…” She shrugged hopelessly, glancing at Sesshoumaru to gauge his reaction.
He looked pissed.
The taiyoukai turned abruptly and exited the cottage. Amaya sighed and trailed after him.
“I'm sorry!” she apologized to his back when he kept going. “I would if I knew how. But I don't. I really do want us to part on good terms…Well…as good as possible,” she corrected at the mildly incredulous look he gave her.
He was facing her now and he looked as angry as ever. In fact, she was surprised his eyes weren't pulsing the way they did when he was having a hissy-fit. At the mental image that presented she couldn't help but chuckle, and covered her mouth to stifle the noise when his look darkened. She turned around to get herself under control and took a deep, steadying breath.
Once she felt her facial muscles were under her command, Amaya turned to Sesshoumaru. She jumped when she came face-to-face with him and realized that not only was he practically plastered to her, but that he looked only slightly calmer.
“Um…Well, as I can do nothing about this I guess this is goodbye. It has been very...interesting. Give Rin my regards.” Amaya fidgeted, looking everywhere but at the gold eyes glaring down at her. What was his problem! Jeez! Leaving him behind was hard enough, she didn't want her last memory of him to be his anger. “Right, well…” She gave a small bow and turned to call for Kagome.
Amaya jumped in shock as Sesshoumaru appeared right in front of her, intercepting her before she could make a sound. “I said goodbye already,” she grumbled, but stopped as the angry look he was giving her intensified. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“We will be returning,” he told her.
She stared at him. Surely he didn't mean…? “Too right. I'm going home,” she said, nicely hiding her misery at the thought of never seeing him again. Although his current listen-and-obey attitude was something she'd live happily without.
“You will stay until you discover a way.”
Everyone spilled out of the cottage, staring at the two individuals facing off.
“Until what's gone?” Inuyasha growled, glaring at Sesshoumaru. The hanyou startled at the look on the annoying human's face. He'd known her for some time, and had seen her plenty enough. He had no idea she could look so frightening!
“Kaede-san will fix that problem, I'm sure. She'll find something, but I have to go back home now,” the schoolgirl said, carefully suppressing her mounting rage. “No need to worry. Besides, since I won't even be around it won't matter. It'll have no effect.”
The sparks being passed back and forth between the two had everyone gawping and fidgeting nervously. The air was practically crackling.
“If it makes any difference, Lord Sesshoumaru, maybe if you tell me what the problem is I can help you both,” Kagome supplied, knowing any direct query she might think to put forth would be ignored anyway. Not that she wasn't absolutely dying to know the secret behind Amaya's stay with the demon Lord, and said Lord's persistence in keeping her with him even now.
Sesshoumaru gave the young miko a derisive look.
“It's not something that can be…easily revealed,” Amaya grumbled, sourly tempted to pull the finger on the gorgeous demon and leave despite his protests.
“Simply stay.”
Amaya stifled a gasp at his cool words and snapped her eyes to his. If only the reason behind the words was different…“To be honest, I like you quite a bit. And staying-” she whispered, shaking her head slowly and ignoring the startled gasps behind her, “will only make it worse. I need to get home, get a boyfriend, and forget you!”
After a moment of total silence Amaya frowned, a blush spreading across her cheeks at his impassive features stayed the same. “Well…I guess you get that all the time.” Heaven knew how much more bored he'd look if she'd told him she loved him! She took a deep breath and made to march past.
He grasped her elbow and pulled her to him, ignoring her shocked protests. “You will stay,” he commanded haughtily, his eyes angry.
“Weren't you listening!? I can't stay! I might get too attached to you. Don't you care that my love life might be ruined?” She struggled against his grip, but it was futile. She froze when he snarled at her.
“You may not leave until you've fulfilled your purpose.” His voice was hard and unforgiving, and Amaya felt her entire body stiffen; she'd never felt this potent mixture of hurt and anger in her life!
“You…know what?” Her voice shook and she snarled back at him. “Sit.”
He grunted in shocked outrage, and plummeted. Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango, and Miroku watched in amazement as the Lord of the West slammed into the ground with a resounding thud. Yashi and Kouga gaped.
Amaya jerked her arm out of his grip as he went down. And took off running.
Sesshoumaru growled into the dirt, trying to rise immediately and failing.
Kagome had enough sense to snap out of it and run after her friend, jumping over the Lord's prone body. “Amaya-chan, wait!”
Inuyasha's face was twitching madly as he took in a sight far better than that of a human-Sesshoumaru. “Holy…” he whispered shakily, mouth trembling.
Sango and Miroku jumped as Inuyasha laughed suddenly. “This Amaya wench is the best!” He had his head thrown back and was laughing like there was no tomorrow. It took his brother quite a while to rise from the earth, and when he did…he looked oddly calm. So calm in fact, that Inuyasha frowned, his moment of utter joy cut-short by the oddness of his brother's reaction. Did he not realize he'd just been sat!
It came to the hanyou then, what had to be removed. Why his bastard of a brother had taken Amaya with him and refused to let her go. “You've got the beads too, don't you?” Inuyasha asked in wonder, staring at his brother.
Sesshoumaru ignored him, rising slowly with a fierce look of purpose on his face, and blurred out of sight.
The older girl was at the well when her younger schoolmate caught up with her. “Amaya-chan…what…was that?” she asked, panting. “How were you able to…? O-oh!”
“Yeah. Subjugation beads. Or whatever the hell they're called.” Amaya was panting hard from the dash, and she leaned against the mossy rim of the well to catch her breath. “Not that I use them often.”
Kagome guessed not. Sesshoumaru wasn't Inuyasha. If Kagome'd had that kind of power over the demon she didn't think she'd dare use it at all. “Amaya-chan. Do you love him?” Nothing else could explain why she wouldn't go back with them when they'd found her the first time. She must have seen something in the Lord that had prompted her to stay…
Kagome gaped in shock when her senpai burst into tears. “Amaya!”
Her classmate waved her off but her hiccups continued. “Don't be silly!” Amaya said shakily. “I can't stand that-“ hiccup. “-bossy idiot. That's why I'm-“ hiccup. “going home.”
Kagome let out a shaky breath when her friend turned to look at her. Amaya had a big silly smile on her tear-soaked face, and that was the biggest Oh-who-am-I-kidding-yes-I-do look the young miko'd ever seen. Oh, Amaya-chan!
“Just…don't tell. Ok?”
Kagome nodded mutely. “I'm so sorry.”
Amaya wiped her face with her sleeve, sighing. “Oh, don't be. I'm not. I mean big deal! Who among us hasn't fallen crazy in love with an asshole at some point?” She wiped her face some more and sniffed.
“Hear! Hear!” Kagome chuckled sadly, understanding that sentiment perfectly. “But he can't have been a jerk all the time, right?”
Holding her wet sleeve to her nose, Amaya chuckled too. “No. But I wish he had.”
Kagome was staring pensively down at the well when Sesshoumaru appeared next to her. She didn't bother looking at him. Really what was the point? She'd probably just curse at him or something, and she just wasn't ready to die yet. She'd finally gotten things straightened out with Inuyasha after all…And who ever guessed that was possible. Certainly not her!
“Where is she?”
Kagome's flinched at the coldness in his voice. “She's right, Lord Sesshoumaru. Without her here the beads have no effect. She's not coming back so you don't have to worry.” She looked up, and by sheer force of will kept from jumping back in fright at the fury in his eyes. She stared blindly after him as he turned about gracefully, and left.
She gulped. For a second there…she thought he was going to gut her!
Her walk back to the village was a blur. Something didn't add up at all! This was kind of like when Inuyasha got angry at her for staying away too long in her time, except she detected shards. Amaya was of no particular importance, and in fact her disappearance from this world was a blessing to a demon like Sesshoumaru. He didn't want anyone to have that kind of power over him, so…why on earth would he want to keep her friend around? In case he lived still in the modern era and met Amaya there?
Unlikely. Kagome lived in the modern era and never met anything resembling a demon from around here…but…Oh, she just didn't know! This was too weird. There was the possibility that the demon lord wanted Amaya to stay with him. Even more unlikely, Kagome thought with a shake of her head.
She looked up with a start. Inuyasha was leaning against the cottage door with an exasperated look on his face. “What is it?”
“It's that annoying Crow woman. She's been nagging me about Amaya!” he growled at her, like it was her fault his newest enemy was harassing him.
Kagome's eye twitched in annoyance. “And? What does she want?” The saying about old dogs came to mind and she realized Inuyasha would be as annoying, adorable, and grumpy as always. One kiss didn't change much. Maybe she should kiss him again, she thought with a blush.
“She says your friend owes her a favor, and it's time to pay,” he continued, oblivious to his new girlfriend's train of thought.
Kagome's eyes widened at that. “A favor? But Amaya's gone.”
“Gone! Gone where! My favor has not been paid!” The beautiful dark woman stepped out, pushing Inuyasha from the door and flinging him to the ground. “Bring her back at once!”
Inuyasha got up, spitting dirt and cursing fluently. “You little!” he snarled, hand going to Tetsusaiga. “I've had just about enough of you!”
“Oh, shut up,” the woman dismissed him, going to Kagome. “I've thought up a payment, and she did promise.”
“Hey! Don't ignore me, you-!”
Inuyasha continued to ramble in the background whilst being ignored by both females. “And if you can't bring her back right away, give her a message,” Yashi suggested, absently twisting a lock of raven-black hair around her forefinger.
Kagome blinked uncertainly. “I guess I could do that.”
To Be Continued…
Obviously this was not the last chapter…And it was kind of boring, wasn't it? Anyway, I expect next chap is the last, so stay with me!
R&R please! I do love those reviews -sigh-