InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Set me free ❯ Meeting Kouga ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Part 10

Ayame felt free, the air brushed against her face and she wanted to run like this forever. "Ha, and that puppy thought I would submit to him? Submit my ass." She thought with a grin and leaped over a big boulder and landed gracefully on the other side. But she stopped dead in her tracks when she smelled something familiar. "Fuck, what is he doing here?" she asked herself and looked around for somewhere to hide. But it was too late - into the clearing she had landed came a black haired figure.

Inuyasha felt something inside his chest, something he only could identify as fear and he growled. Something threatened his mate and he was not going to take it. He just had to get to her before it was too late. "Hang in there my love." he thought and pushed his hanyou body to its limits.

Ayame had her hand on her sword and she had taken her protective stance. She looked into the eyes of her promised mate to be, but now she wondered how she ever could have felt anything for this bastard.

- Ayame-chan, what are you doing here? asked Kouga with a honey laced voice. He looked at the red haired wild flower and he regretted that he had not taken her as his mate earlier when they were promised to each other. But it was not too late, he still could take her.

- You have no right to call me that, snarled Ayame

- You are going to my mate, that gives me the right my dear Ayame, said Kouga with a smile.

The boulder behind Ayame exploded into a billion pebbles as Inuyasha made his appearance in the clearing.

- AYAME!!he yelled and she turned around.

Never had she thought that she would feel this happy to see his silver hair and red out fit, but she was now - very happy. He sniffed her lightly to see if she was wounded and he was relived to see her unharmed. He nuzzled the mark on her neck and purred low before turning his amber gaze at the threatening wolf male.

- Get away from her mutt-face, snarled Kouga and jealousy clouded his mind. Just to see Ayame in the arms of another male.. it was nothing he ever would have thought of before this. She was too shy and timid to get herself involved with someone else than him.

- Who are you? asked Inuyasha with a menacing voice.

- I am her mate!

- You are not my mate Kouga!! yelled Ayame and glared at the wolf.

- Ayame, my beloved, do you know this shithead? asked Inuyasha and raised an eyebrow in surprise.

- Yes, unfortunately I do. He promised he would be my mate, but he never came. And he would not face me when I got the notice that he had released me from this promise. He sent his two buddies instead. Chicken wolf!!

Kouga's eyes widened, had he heard the mutt call his mate to be… beloved? His ice blue eyes flared with jealousy and he leaped forward to attack the rival. But Inuyasha was too fast for him and he easily dodged the attack.

- Wimpy wolf, I suggest you crawl back to your den before I seriously hurt your ass, said Inuyasha with confidence.

He could feel the power flow between him and Ayame and he wondered if she knew that she gave him her power. He too was a bit surprised, what he had learned only fully mated couple could do that, and they were not fully mated - yet. The wolf launched towards him again, but as before he dodged it easily and this time he to punch the wolf right in the face. Kouga crashed into a tree, head first.

- Take that you fucking ass hole!! said Inuyasha and put one arm around Ayame's waist and began

- Dog breath, I am not finished with you yet, growled Kouga and stood up on wobbly feet.

- Kouga, you fool - you do not know when to quit do you? said Ayame.

- You are my woman Ayame, said Kouga and prepared for his next attack.

- Bastard, can you not tell that she is already taken? asked Inuyasha and moved some of her red hair away from her neck to reveal his mark, the silver coloured crescent moon.

Kouga snarled and ignored what was shown to him. Ayame was his woman, and he would be damned to let any dog faced hanyou take her away from him. He rushed forward to rip his rival apart, but he was stopped dead in his tracks when a foot connected with his face.

Inuyasha began laughing when he saw the surprised face of Kouga. It had not been the hanyou who had stopped him, it was Ayame, and boy - did she have some forceful kicks. Kouga fell back and landed hard on the ground with a painful moan.

- Ha, that would teach you not to mess around with my mate, said Inuyasha and pulled Ayame in for a kiss.

Kouga watched how Ayame melted into Inuyasha's embrace and he had to acknowledge that he had been beaten. He managed to get up on his feet and without a word he ran off to his den again.