InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ SG-Inuyasha ❯ SG-1 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 7:
It took twenty five minutes when Matthew went into the armoury, so he had his M-4 in hand, waiting for the barrier to be recharged.
They got down to the next battle ridden floor, and seen it absolutely full of Jaffa, Inuyasha didn't hesitate, "Iron Weaver Soul Stealer," killing of all who came close, Kagome and Matthew followed ready to fire when necessary. They got through the floor rather easily. They finally were able to get to the floor were the Stargate was, and found no one. "Is this a trap” asked Kagome.
"Likely," answered Matthew.
They walked a little further, and seen about ten people in black armour, taking away prisoners.
"Goul'd super solders," mumbled Matthew.
"I don't care who they are," said Inuyasha, "There still going to die". Inuyasha unsheathed the Tetseiga and leaped towards the super soldiers. Their armour slowed the Tetseiga down, but Inuyasha inevitably cut through, he killed them one by one, one super soldier tried to kill the prisoners but Kagome's arrows killed him before he got a chance. Finishing off the super soldiers.
Matthew seen who the prisoners were, it was General O'Neill, Colonel Carter, Daniel Jackson, and Teal'c. "General O'Neill," Matthew said, "I've been out of the loop for a while, what happened with Prometheus, and Antarctica?".
"Ba'al is in the gate room!" said Jack O'Neill.
"Let's move!" said Matthew.
They ran towards the gate room, anyone that got in the way was quickly taken down by Inuyasha. When they got into the room, they found out that they're too late. Ba'al just stepped through the star gate, and it closed.
"Damn it," O'Neill yelled, "Well that was an unexpected opportunity".
"So close to finishing it!", Matthew sighed.
"Well I should answer you're questions," Jack said, "The Zero Point Module (or ZPM) has been tapped out of power, so nothing at Antarctica could do anything, and Prometheus and her sister ship, the Daedalus is at Atlantis right now".
"What's Atlantis?" asked Kagome.
"Atlantis is one of colonies," Jack answered, "It used to be a city belonging to the ancients, and it is located in the Pegasus galaxy".
"What's a galaxy?" asked Inuyasha confused.
"What!" Jack said, "You don't know what a galaxy is".
"Ahh, he's been living in the feudal Japan," answered Kagome.
"Huh?" replied Jack, "How's that possible, how are you in this time?"
"Through a well, and I don't know how," answered Inuyasha.
"Well that doesn't matter right now", Jack replied.
"Let's get back to the other's," said Inuyasha.
They got back to the soldiers, and discussed what we should do. "We could use the symbiote poison," said Col Carter.
"That's in Area 51, all the way in New Mexico," Jack said, "We'll need some sort of transport".
"Death gliders," Daniel said, "Maybe".
"For that we would have to board an Alkesh, or Mother ship," answered Jack, "We'll have to infiltrate, and hope to get lucky".
"To do that means we'll have to abandoned the Stargate," stated Teal'c.
"We could weld the iris closed," Samantha Carter, "Can Anyone here weld?".
"I can," Lee answered.
"Get started," Carter ordered, "You two follow him, keep him out of trouble".
"Yes Ma'am," they said.
Three hours later.
"Ma'am, were done," said Lee said.
"It will hold," Sam said, "Won't it?"
"A proper weld will never break," Lee Answered.
"Alright", answered O'Neill.
"Ohh, I forgot," Matthew said, "Kagome, would you like to get a new set of clothes, those seem to be to cut up".
"Yeah ahh sure," replied Kagome.
Matthew went into the storage and the armoury. "Here," Matthew said, "And take these too".
"Thanks for getting me more arrows," replied Kagome, "But, why do I need all of these?"
"It can't hurt," replied Matthew.
"I have the Seritio," Kagome said, "So why do I need body armour?"
"Does the Seritio work with it put away," said Matthew, "Doesn't it?"
"I don't know," answered Kagome.
"He's trying to help you Kagome, accept it now," Inuyasha barked.
"Sit thump " replied Kagome.
"What the," O’Neill questioned. Seeing Inuyasha flying head first into the cement floor.
"Damn you Kagome?" Inuyasha snarled.
"You did Kagome," asked Sam, "How?"
"This damn necklace," Inuyasha yelled, "That's how!"
"It has some sort of magical powers, I can't explain how though," Kagome said, "Anyways, why do I need a gun?"
"There will moments, where going for your bow will be too slow," replied Matthew, "Anyways, at a time like this you should prepare as much as possible."
"Alright I'll take it then, happy," Kagome said, not bothering to continue the fight. Kagome found an unoccupied place and changed.
"Ready yet?" asked Inuyasha.
"Yep" Kagome then answered.
"We're leaving now," Jack said, "If you two lovers don't want to come, then you don't halve to." Kagome and Inuyasha's faces turned red when Jack said 'lovers'.
"You to are..." Jack stuttered.
"You got a problem with that?" Inuyasha snarled as he walked past.
"No," said Jack, "I don't have a problem at all".
The entire group then, made their way out of the SGC, in the Mountainous terrain, trying not to be seen. "Why bother sneaking around like this, it's not like the Jaffa are strong or anything!" said Inuyasha.
Jack looked at Kagome for a second, Kagome seen, and "Sit thump ".
"What was that for?" Inuyasha said.
"They're too many of them to do that," Kagome said, "Now be quiet before I'll S-I-T you again." Needless to say, Inuyasha shut up very quickly".
"Too late," said Teal'c readying his staff.
"They're in the thousands!" said Lee.
They all prepared for battle and found a small cave to hide in. And waited for the dark.