InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shadow's in her nightmare's ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
She knew it was rude but she just couldn’t help it she hadn’t felt this kind of excitement in so long. The feeling stirred in her tummy as she perched on the edge of the seat beautiful forest surrounded them as they headed even farther into it “are we there yet?”“so you asked me that same question what,” he paused in thought “like two minutes ago and another two before that and what was my answer?”
“that answer was a big fat no” she sighed sitting back in the seat. It seamed like they had been driving for an hour, she checked the clock and yep it had been an hour. Sitting back she took the time to actually study him out the corner of her eye’s. He looked relaxed more so then when he was in public one of his arms sat loosely out the open window as he drove with his other one on the weal. His long Black hair hung down free of its usual pony tail and his crystal blue eye’s shined in the afternoon sun and the fact that under his plain black T-shirt the outline of his muscles showed.
“See something you like?” He asked looking at her from the rearview mirror.
“nope, I just see a big fat head who wont tell me where he’s taking me”
“Liar” He pulled to the side of the road and shut the engine off and let a small smile grace his lips as Kagome searched around them.
“this is it?”
“for the truck yes” he burst out laughing as confusion dawned on her face. “what I want to show your requires us to walk 2 miles” he raised his finger and pointed to north “that way”
She smiled as she opened the truck door and jumped out “lets get-r-done” using her best Larry the cable guy impression as she shoved her cell in her pocket while Koga locked up the truck. As they walked the idly chatted about school and his family randomly laughing at nothing really. It was truly beautiful out hear in the middle of the forest. The tree’s where blocking all stray lights from escaping down to them, and birds and other random animal’s frolicked until they saw the intruders and would run away. An way in the distance she could hear the faint rumble of a water fall. They had walked for a mile along a stream when Koga had suggested they take a break seeing that Kagome was a bit worse for wear.
He held out a water canteen “want some?”
“thanks” she said as she striped her shoe’s and socks off as she slipped her feet into the stream before taking the offered water and taking a slow slurp. “I‘m such a wimp” she laughed to her self before turning to stare at him. “we totally haven’t hung out in like forever, hu?”
He sat leaning against a tree as he watched her “yep, come to think of it when we entered high school is about the same time you stopped calling to hang out actually”
She plucked a dandy lion out of the ground and swirled it between her fingers “life does that to you some time‘s” sighing she plucked off one of its petals ‘I promised my self I wouldn’t get him involved in my issues I even made his dad promise not to tell him’
Koga openly stared at her as he sighed. She was the same beautiful girl that she had been back before this all had been forced on her but at the same time she was so changed and not just the change that came along with growing up. Sure she had gotten a bit taller and her chest had grown lusciously and her hips had become fuller. She had always been a little pale but it seamed that each year they had been in high school she just kept getting paler and even though she wore makeup to hide the bags under her eye‘s he assumed she hadn’t gotten a descant amount of sleep in a long time. He sighed agene as he rubbed his face not wanting to do what he felt he had to.
“is something wrong Koga” Kagome asked watching his face fall. He sat up and walked over to her sitting him self right next to her.
“why didn’t you ever tell me?”
Her heart jumped into her throat as she searched her mind for a new subject “hey so still planning to wipe the floor with Inu Yasha in the baseball game?”
“yes, but why didn’t you tell me?” he asked as he searched her face.
“Distraction didn’t work on to plan B’ she thought to her self “Didn’t tell you what Koga?” she faked a smile placing her self built emotional wall up to protect her from pane like she always did.
He took a deep breath “I want to know why you didn’t tell me about your little stalker friend, Romeo” he said quietly not wanting to make it harder on her then it had to be. He had a plan but it only worked if she would open up.
“There really are only five people who know” she took a long breath “Inu Yasha, Sango, my mom, my dad and your father but I made him promise to keep you out of this”
He rested his hand on her cheek “My dad didn’t tell me any thing” he promised
“I pushed you away because I need you to understand its not safe to REALLY be around me and I knew that if I left it to your judgment you wouldn’t be able to understand”
“you make no sense kid” he mumbled ruffling her hair. “you want to live your life like your not a victim but just looking at you ya kinda scream it”
She glared at him as she pushed him away putting her sock‘s and shoe‘s back on “ we should get going don’t you thing” she asked coldly.
He sighed “yes, I suppose we should”
They continued walking in uncomfortable silence but, even with the her slightly hurt self esteem she was feeling more like her self then she had felt in years. As they entered a clearing that led to an old fashioned Buddhist style temple.
Her jaw dropped open “its beautiful” she gasped “are we aloud to be hear” she asked as she searched for a sign that said trespassers will be shot survivors will be shot agene but couldn’t find any.
“Don’t worry I know the person who run‘s the temple” he grabbed her arm and tugged her forward. “come on”
The walked into the temple that was filled with ornate tapestries’ and random Japanese memorabilia. He led her into what she recognized as a dojo. The wall’s where lined with different kinds of weapon’s and things to work out with. Kagome randomly ran her fingers over a framed kimono hanging on the wall.
Koga stood in the middle of the room watching her as she examined a framed Kimono with fascination as she studied every inch of it.
“why did you get to angry back there Kagome?”
She turned to look at him “you said I acted like a sniveling little victim Koga you have no idea how much that hurt”
“I don’t!” she growled clenching her fist.
“yes you do” he popped his neck in preparation “look at you sitting there shaking like a little leaf, what are you waiting for someone to swoop in and cuddle you!”
“shut up you don’t know any thing about me”
“if I don’t know any thing about you then why am I the only one willing to tell you the truth and not worrying about breaking the fragile little girl”
“Stop it” she screamed walking up to him and shoving him back shoving with all her strength behind it as tear’s streamed down her face.
“is that all you can do?” he question as he lightly dusted odd where she had pushed him.
“Is this why your daddy left?” he watched her eye’s bulge in there sockets. “did he get tired of dealing with you self pity party?”
Kagome launched her fisted hand at his face fell and gasped when he blocked it sending her falling on the floor on her ass.
“that all you got or are you going to wait for the big strong Inu Yasha to come save you”
The tears of hurt and pain stopped flowing and was replaced by a surge of straight rage “I don’t need to be saved” she jumped up and came at Koga agene punching at him with both of her fist’s.
“sure you don’t ” he scoffed easily dogging her next hit. “If you cant even land one punch on me what are you going to do when Romeo come to call, hu?”
“I‘ll kill him” she growled as she kicked her leg into his stomach. Koga easily blocked her kick and grabbed a hold of her ankle flipping her over his shoulder sending her hard to the ground.
She groaned rubbing her head as she sat up feeling the rage slowly draining from her “not nice”
“life isn’t nice Kagome” he reached his hand down to her and smiled when she took the offered hand. “crap” he hollered as she sunk her teeth into his hand and stomped down as hard as she could on his foot.
Kagome smiled and bounced away from him putting her fists back up in front of her “like you said, life isn’t fair” she purred feeling a feeling she hadn’t felt in a long time, god help her she felt frisky. She wiggled her arm’s trying to loosen them up.
“alright girl lets do this” he smirked as he pulled his t-shirt off his body and chucked it on the floor taking a fighting stance. “Now this is what I‘m talking about”
She blushed as her eye‘s drifted to his 12 pack before snapping back up and eyed him as he started to circled her. He was careful when he went to punch her he only hit her hard enough to nock her back as he swept his feet out knocking her feet out from beneath her sending her on her ass agene.
“give up?” Koga taunted as she jumped back up and hoped around a little.
“never” she growled as she advanced on him.
“that’s my girl” he grabbed her and pulled her to him so her back was pressed agents his chest. “embrace the fire” he purred into her ear as his hands held her arms. She raised her foot and stomped down hard on his foot agene and wiggled free kicking her foot up at his chest hard taking him by surprise. She jumped on top of him as he fell to the ground “what do you think of my fire now” she asked as she pinned him to the floor with her body.
Koga grinned as he moved his hands to rest on her hips as he shifted uncomfortable under her pressing his groin into hers “feel‘s just right actually”
Her eye’s closed as a moan escaped her lips and her traitorous hands came to rest on his bare chest. Her eye’s shot opened “this is not good” she mumbled as she pulled her hands off of his chest to get up.
“but it feel‘s good, right,” he pulled her back down to him and flipped her on her back so that he was now pinning her to the floor with Koga on top of her and between her legs where there groins where still intimately pressed against each other.
“Koga” she moaned out as he shifted him self to be more comfortable. He moved his lips to the hollow of her throat and kissed her. “we cant” she pleaded.
He stiffened as he shifted his hips agene bringing another moan out of her throat. “what if I could promise you pleasure with no strings attached” he saw her eye’s widened in fear “I promise no sex” he kissed her neck slowly up and down as he kept rubbing him self into her knowing fully well she could feel how hard he was.
She couldn’t help her self her body arched into him. Her mind was blank and all her mouth could seam to do was moan and pant. Her heart stopped and she felt frantic as Koga slightly lifted him self off of her “I need you to say it Kagome” he brought his mouth to hers and sucked on her lower lip before capturing her mouth with his. His tongue licked her bottom lip asking for permission and tasted every part of her mouth when she opened it to moan. “tell me you want me” he panted against her lips.
A fog had started to cloud her eye’s as she panted against his lips. Attentively she reached out and licked his bottom lip and moaned as he lightly bit it and then started to slowly suck on it. “Say it”
“I want you” she cried out as he dropped his hips down on hers agene and started to thrust against her.
He smirked into the crock of her neck as he sucked on it “come on you cocky little bitch don’t make me do all the work” he moaned as she arched up to him to meet his thrust with her own. He lifted his head and absorbed her beauty. Her face was flushed, eye’s have closed and her lips where puffy from him sucking on them. He shuddered as he felt her small hands start to run up his chest.
“Mmmhhh Koga” she moaned as he cupped one of her breast thro her shirt.
“I can make you feel so much better” he moaned as he kissed her mouth agene and moved his hand to her other breast and slowly rubbed it. “but you have to trust me, do you trust me?” She nodded her head and purred as he lightly ran his hands slower over her tummy.
BUZZ…. BUZZ…. “shit” Kagome reached into her pocket and looked at the scream “Sango dam it all to hell” she growled and shuttered as Koga slid his hand down into her pants.
“better answer that” he said cockily
“Hello” she groaned and then lightly yelped in surprised as Koga’s fingers found her clit and lightly rubbed it. “what do you want!”
She sighed hearing the annoyance in her voice “your mom called and said she would pick you up from my house at nine so I suggest you get you ass hear by seven so you can explain why I’m lying for your ass” she listened and could hear Kagome panting “what are you doing?”
“nothing” she yelled as her eyes closed and he moved his finger against her agene. “I‘ll be there promise gotta go” as she hung the phone up as he started to move faster before starting to vary his speed teasing her. He played with her for what seamed like ever . She wrapped her arms around him as she started to shake against him. She berried her face into his shoulder as she sunk her teeth into his flesh to keep from screaming when her body clenched in its release sending shock waves thro her body. She could feel blood starting to flow from where she had bit him. She causally looked into his crystal eye’s before lightly licking the blood off of his skin before laying her head back down on the floor. “wow” she blurted out earning her a hardy laugh from Koga. He pulled his hand slowly out of her pants before earning him a gasp.
He kissed her lips agene “if your suppose to be there at eight we should get going its six thirty” he un tangled his body from hers and pulled his shirt back on. “now if I help you up are you going to bite me agene” he asked raising an eyebrow at her.
“Maybe” she laughed taking his hand and pulling her self up. “shit” she growled feeling the sticky blood starting to leak thro the bandaging on her arm.
Koga walked over and grabbed the first aid kit “your lucky I can sow ” he rest itched her arm and re wrapped it giving her some pain killer pills and a bottle of water.
The walk back was a lot easier then the walk there had been plus after the wonderful time there she just felt different, good different. They didn’t have to stop to let her rest this time so they made it back to the truck in less then a half hour so they could make it back to Sango’s by eight in good shape. The ride in the truck was peaceful as Kagome’s head rested on the head rest.
“Hear” Koga said as he tossed her cell phone back to her. She caught it and her hand automatically shot into her pocket where she had placed it. “I added my cell number” he winked at her.
“but, how” she blinked in confusion.
He laughed “I‘m good with my hands”
“yes you are” she blushed “I don’t know what happened” she rubbed her face “I‘m sorry that wasn’t fair to you”
“why, because I got to see the girl I was in love with back in middle school?” he raised her hand to his mouth and kissed it before turning back on to the main high way. “that’s all I want Kagome, I just want to make you who you us to be and that’s just between us” after the conversation she rested her head on his shoulder and enjoyed the rest of the way to Sango’s in comfortable silence.
When they finally got to Sango’s house her jumped out of the truck after hugging Koga good bye and snuck in the back door to find a angry Sango perched on the counter top with her arms folded over her chest. “your late” she said pointing to the stove clock which read “8:02”
“oh come on that totally doesn’t count” she complained dumping her purse on the counter before grabbing a glass and filling it with water.
“what the hell happened to you” Sango gasped as she poked the large bruise on Kagome’s chest.
She let her breath out that she had been holding “oh that, Koga is teaching me to fight… sorta” she smiled.
Sango snorted “Koga‘s teaching you to fight hu, Inu Yasha‘s going to love that” she laughed as they walked into the living room to watch TV waiting for Ms. Higurashi to show up.
Kagome jumped when her phone buzzed to life in her pocket “ello?”
“I‘m out side huny hurry up its getting late.”
“Yes sir” she said shutting her phone off and pulling the shirt she had borrowed from Sango up more to cover her chest better.
“later love” Kagome yelled as she kissed Sango’s cheek goodbye before running out to the car.
“have fun today?” her mother asked as she gently grabbed her arm looking it over “and what did the Doctor say?”
“Great day and the Doctor had to stitch me up, its all good in the hood mom” she promised
Kagome had decided she was good to sleep in her own bed and after taking a hot shower fell asleep with Cloud curled up next to her twitching in as she chased bunnies in her dreams.
Ms. Higurashi sat in a chair with a needle watching the clock waiting for the inevitable midnight horror show but, besides her rolling over in her sleep Kagome dident make a sound just lightly snored and had her foot in Cloud’s face as Cloud twitched kicking her paw into Kagome’s side making her mumble in her sleep. She sighed it had been along time with out Kagome being able to sleep thro a whole night.
Crimson eye’s narrowed at the sleeping form in the bed as he waited for his private nightly show. He punched his fist into the tree why wasn’t she dreaming of him and what he was going to do with her. She was his damit.