InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shall We Part ❯ Remembering Our Love in the Past ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer! I do not own InuYasha…

A/N: I should at least say this…People are confuse and keep asking me what kind of fic is this. I'm sorry I should have put it with the summary. Just so you know this is an INU/KAG fic… There I've wrote it. So hopefully you guys won't be confuse anymore, okay. With out farther a do… I give you chapter 5 of my fic….Please enjoy…

Shall We Part…

Chapter 5:

Remembering Our Love in the Past


"Oh Koga, you didn't have to walk me here," Kagome said.

"No, it's the least I can do since dog-crap isn't here," Koga replied.

"So thank you," Kagome smiled.

"…Uh…sure anytime…" Koga answered blushing.

They stood there at the well, smiling at each other. Koga then sensed an arrow. It came from out of no where.

"Kagome…Look out!!!" He ran in front of Kagome, which made the arrow hit him instead.

"No! Koga!!!" Kagome screamed.


"KAGOME!!!" InuYasha shouted.

"Ah!" Shippo screamed, "What'd you do that for? Screaming Kagome's name like that? Now you will give me nightmares for weeks."

"It…was all a dream," he whispered to himself. "Damn…I need to get her out of my mind." He got up and walked out of the hut.

"See, I told you Miroku," Sango exclaimed, "he's not one bit happy."

"Odd…" was all Miroku replied. He walked over to InuYasha, who was sitting down sighing.

"Hey InuYasha, why so down? Is it because Kagome dump your sorry ass?"

"Why you! Kagome did not dump me!!!"

"Oh my god! There she is…" Miroku joked.

InuYasha turned around quickly, "Where? Where?"

"When a man is lost without a women?" Miroku expressed. He grabs Sango's hands, "My dear sweet Sango… this is what will happen to me if you every leave me."

'Now's my chance…' Miroku thought, then grabbed Sango's butt.

Her face turned bight red. "Miroku! You big PERV!!!" She slapped him so hard that he went flying through the air.

'It was worth the pain,' Miroku thought.


"Koga!" Kagome shouted over and over.

"Ka…go…me… please… don't worry… I'll be fine…" He gave her a weak smile and fainted.

"I have to get him somewhere safe. But where?" Kagome thought, "Kaeda! Hang on Koga…"


"Kaeda…" Kagome said breathlessly.

Kaeda walked out of the hut, "Oh my! Kagome!"

"P-please help… Koga…" then she faints.


"InuYasha, why do you look so unhappy?" Kikyo asked, "You don't like being with me?"

"Huh? Oh, its nothing." he sigh sadly.

"Tell me, where is that Kagome girl?"

"I dunno…"

"I see… then I shall go now. They are calling me…"

"They?" he asked confusedly.

"Soul collectors… if I don't gather some more soon… who knows what will happen to me…"


"Are you happy being with me InuYasha? Even though I am of the dead…"

He looked up to see her face.

"K-kikyo… I would never change anything about you. Even if your body is made out of clay, your soul remains the same." He stood up, then walked over to her and embrace her in his arms. "It doesn't matter if you are of the dead, because my feelings for you will never change no matter what!"

"InuYasha…" Kikyo gasped, "I thank you… my love." And returned the hug.


Did you guys like it, Kikyo fans? I hope so. Well leave me a review so I know if my time writing this fic is worth it! Thanks again, for reading!

Next Chapter: Kagome's Lost Soul…