InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shards of Koharu ❯ First Impressions ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: First Impressions
Original Publication: 6/24/05
Character: Koharu
Theme: #1 - Legend
Rating: [PG/K+]
Word Count: 287
Summary: Meeting a legend for the first time…
“You don't really believe in such things, do you?” Koharu had asked all those years ago, her breath hitching with excitement. “A hanyou who attacked a village, all for some jewel? You're always telling me these wild stories. I think you're just trying to scare me.”
Koharu's older brother had smiled then, reaching over to ruffle her hair. “The people of that village swear to the truth of the tale, and I've seen the elderly miko for myself - she has one eye, Koharu, just like the story says. But you're not to worry about such things, Little Sister. You have me to protect you.”
She had hugged him, enjoying the feel of his heavy hand as he patted her back. She had always felt so safe around her elder brother, knowing his hands were rough and calloused from countless hours spent honing his skills as an archer. He'd been a member of the daimyo's elite guard during his short life…
The scream of the oil-merchant's son rang through the marsh, and Koharu watched in amazement as a dog-eared creature smashed his fist into her tormentor's face. The thing had dropped out of nowhere, rushing to the defense of the other young woman, the one with the large weapon on her back, and now the oil-merchant's son and the guards were running for their lives.
Shaking with relief, Koharu turned to her accidental savior. Whatever he was, he wasn't human. As the rising sun lit the waters of the marsh on fire, illuminating the brilliant gold of the creature's eyes and the silvery white of his hair, Koharu felt a fresh pang of grief for her long-dead brother. How she wished he could be here to see this!