InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shards of Koharu ❯ Green ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Originally Posted August 16th, 2005 at the Live Journal community, 30_shards
Title: Green
Original Posting Date: August 16th, 2005
Character: Koharu
Theme: #19 Jealousy
Rating: [K+/PG]
Word Count: 141
Summary: What did the taijiya have that she, Koharu, didn't?
She'd just met her, and she already hated her.
A sudden rush of shame filled Koharu. It wasn't like the taijiya had done anything wrong, Koharu thought. She'd been kindness itself, filled with concern for Koharu's well-being.
What was it, Koharu wondered, that made the taijiya so special? What entitled the woman to such tender, fleeting looks from the monk? Was it the sadness in her eyes, the pain that refused to recede even when the woman was smiling? Maybe it was the way she held herself, that touch-me-not stance that shouted of her independence and strength.
Still, the woman acted more like a man! How did she manage to hold Miroku's interest? Koharu winced at she heard the crack of Sango's palm meeting Miroku's face. Other than a bruising slap, just what did the taijiya have that she, Koharu, didn't?