InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shards ,Time and affection ❯ Not again! ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Chapter 7 Not again

Kagome came out from the well, It was only a day after she decided to go back there, looking at her surroundings there was no one , only a half burnt bon fire that morning.. "They must have left, oh I forgot I said I'll be back after a few days." Kagome remembered as she pulled out bicycle from the well. It was only yesterday, she did met with Komiro but that was only what she decided to say that she could only her friendship, that's all she has to give, Komiro didn't took it to hard for him.

And accepted the truth, what Kagome feels, that which made her decision to return earlier than she expected in the feudal time." maybe I should see Kaede, maybe she knows where they went." Kagome went to the old miko's house. The information she is that they're headed to direction the eastern mountains, Tracking down another shard piece. Kagome rode off and went to follow them along.

"I think we should stay here for the night, it' getting dark " Sango suggested at the men, she sat down on a small stone by the road they were walking all day. "tired already?" Miroku sat beside her " Not really, I have a bad feeling about it and tired as well". " She's right, ok." Then Inuyasha sniffed the air and went to the same direction " satry here I'll just check the place." . "wait I sensed a chi." Miroku said "Nope, I'll go first don't leave Sango here, I'll be back". Then the hanyou left .. A few meters away far from their sight .. "what was that?" he said to himself then his thoughts was broken by the sound of a hundred or so bird taking to the air. He immediately takes to the air to investigate it.He got to the spot where the birds had flown from in record time.

"Sango!.." Kagome called at them from a far riding her bike " You're back, My goodness!" Sango stood from her seat and embraces Kagome "we missed you so much!" Her best friend happily embraced her as well as sippou who leaped and hugs her tightly "we're glad you're back" Miroku said, "Inuyasha would be happy enough to see his beloved ". He smiled. " so where is he?" she asked "He went at the woods a few minutes a go" he answered Kagome took back her bicycle " No you can't come there It's dangerous" miroku stood in front of her "I'll be fine.. I need to surprise him.." Then I'm coming with you" he said "hop on" then miroku climb on at the back of the bike went with her.

Inuyasha went through athe bushes, The first thing he saw was Kikyo, fighting off a demon. She had been badly wounded and Inuyasha's sudden appearance caused her to become momentarily distracted. He saw what the demon was about to do to the miko, grabs Kikyo and jumps into a tree that was a safe distance away from the demon. He leaves her in the tree and went off to take care of the demon. He got back to where the demon had been fighting with Kikyo it had vanished. It left no trace of where it had gone. Inuyasha curses to himself and returned to Kikyo.

"Inuyasha ,what are you doing here?" Kikyo asks him once he had returned. "I came here to see if the reason the birds had flown had anything to do with a shikon shard" Inuyasha explains. He and Kikyo " I think It lead you to see me " Kikyo guesses "You where worried it might have something to do with me and you came to my rescue" She smirks. "You and Naraku are so predictable. Always looking for me."

She smiled, deciding that maybe now would be a good time and try to take Inuyasha to hell with her. She starts to glow a whitish color as Inuyasha's eyes became blank. "Come to hell with me Inuyasha. Stay with me forever" Kikyo whispers.

Inuyasha felt fear I can't just do that.not for you anymore His thoughts warned him and he felt fear inside "Kikyo? I ca-" Inuyasha was cut short when his lips met Kikyo's having seen the birds fly off, had followed Inuyasha to where he and Kikyo where kissing, Just then in time to see Inuyasha and Kikyo's lips meet. Kagome stood there in shock, not believing what her eyes where showing her. Then Kagome remembered what she alone had been witness to no to long ago. She bit her lip to keep from crying out. Seeing the two of them together still hurt her emotionally. " Perhaps we should go?" Miroku felt the poor miko's reaction. Trying to avoid the moment for Kagome to see it "Inuyasha!" Miroku yelled.

He heard Miroku's voice and pushes Kikyo away. But it was too late for him to try and apologize before Kagome left. He races after her but Kagome was too upset about it to listen to his stammered apology. "No.." he pulled back in horror to see Kagome was THERE! "It's not what you think." He said with fear.. at the same time when he felt the eagerness to see her.

" Miroku,.. I have to go.." The poor miko said in a low voice and turned the other way.. " Kagome no.. wait up!" Miroku and inuyasha chased after her after her but Kagome was too upset about it to listen to his stammered apology.. Riding off that fast. The hanyou only, continued running until they were almost at the well site Kagome!" Inuyasha called and called his name, while chasing her..

"OSWARI!" she yelled as she runs to get her stuff. falls face first into a puddle of mud which made him slipped down to a river bank . Instantly he got up quickly..

As soon he saw Kagome without a word and without looking back. She threw his necklace on the ground and went to the well and jumped in it. "NO! NOT AGAIN!" The Hanyou leaped towards the well, He jumped in but when he climbed up it's still the same well he went in.

"NOOOO!!!!" He growled, "I can't return to her time! Why now!" He tried again but still the same.

Inuyasha Screamed with anger cried out loud..he slammed his hand on the edge of the well, and punched it several times , that bleed his fist, moments later the gang returned , Miroku went up to him " Hey calm down, let's wait a few hours till the well's time magic returns on it's other end" as he pulled Inuyasha away from punching the well. "NO! I can't loose her.. I'm coming back to get her this time!!!!" He growled.


Well I'll just pause it here.. Just a cliffhanger