InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shared Blood ❯ Family ( Chapter 7 )
Shared Blood
Chapter Seven
By: Lazuli
Disclaimers and thank you: This chapter is dedicated to Ely-chan, who helped me with a great deal of this chapter, esp. with a particular scene. Thank you! ^_^ Inuyasha does not belong to me, he is the property of Rumiko Takahashi, and Viz. Enjoy this chapter!
Kagome stirred slowly from the warmth surrounding her, wondering if someone had given her extra bedding. Opening her eyes, she realized that she wasn't in her own bed, but Inuyasha's. The events from the night before flew through her mind, and she blushed. Had Inuyasha-sama really been that gentle with her? So kind and caring…she put a hesitant hand to her lips, recalling his kisses…
They had been so close to that moment…and he had stopped. Instead he carried her to his bed, just-sleeping. She leaned up to look at his face and smiled. He looked so peaceful, relaxed. She was never so happy that she was with him…
"You want me to what?!" Kagome cried, staring at Inuyasha. "I can't…do that! I thought…I thought…you didn't want me to get killed. Why now?" She tried to stop the tears that slowly filled her eyes and he rolled his eyes at her.
"Who said anything about you getting killed? I just want you to meet my mother, that's all." He muttered. Kagome glared at him, trying to get her breathing under control.
"Just…? Just?! You're mother is the Empress! The only slaves that go before her *don't* come back! I know I haven't been the best slave…attacking you…attacking your cousin…killing youkai…" Kagome's breathing grew more labored as she listed her own crimes. "Oh, crap. This is it. I'm really going to die…"
Shaking his head, he put his hands on her shoulders, staring into her eyes intently. "Calm down. That is an order. You are not going to die."
Kagome still look scared. "That's easy for you to say. Your not going in front of the Empress. You're not a human who's killed youkai…you…" Her voice was abruptly muffled as he kissed her.
"You forget that you are mine. You'll be fine, Kagome. Don't worry so much." He grinned at her and pointed her towards the door. "We don't want to be late. I'll take you to her."
Kagome nodded, her face still pale as she walked slowly down the hallway to a small room where a human knelt in front of a low table, her robes spread around her. Kagome's face paled even further at the sight of her, and she turned around.
"Please don't make me, Inuyasha-sama. I…" She looked up at him, pleading. "I…don't…want to die." He gazed down at her.
"It will be fine, Kagome." He said softly. He glanced over at his mother, who just nodded at him.
"Inuyasha, leave. I will speak with your slave now." Inuyasha nodded and bowed his way out of the room, leaving Kagome alone with the Empress.
Kagome sat nervously before Inuyasha's mother, and tried to keep her breathing steady. She was still scared out of her wits-and the calm look that she was being regarded with didn't help her nerves any. The serious violet eyes seemed to stare straight into her, and in some dim corner of Kagome's mind she realized why Inuyasha's eyes were that color during the new moon.
"I see now why you are the one everyone is talking about." Kagome jumped in surprise at the melodious voice of the Empress, and she put a hand to her racing heart. This wasn't good for her health, but now was *not* the time for witty remarks.
"What do you mean, Empress?" Kagome hoped her voice didn't shake too much, and she switched her gaze to the floor, trying to avoid the intense gaze of the woman before her.
"Your power, child. You are a born miko. Are you not aware of how strong you are?"
Kagome felt her face drain of all color, and she wished that she was anywhere but in this room, across from this woman that knew her secret…and could kill her for it. There was no chance of survival now…
"I know, Empress. I only ask that you grant my death be swift. Please. I never meant to harm anyone. I only wanted to save…"
A single eyebrow raising was the only indication of the Empress's surprise. "My dear girl, who said anything about killing you? Normally, in such a situation, you would have been put to death as soon as you passed through these doors. Your power is to be feared. My son would not have it, though, and I would not go against his wishes."
Kagome's eyes widened, swallowing nervously, and she looked back up at the Empress. "Inuyasha-sama? What does he have to do with it? I am just his slave."
The Empress shook her head. "You are more than that, child. Tell me…are you aware your power could conceivably wipe out every single youkai in this household? That my son takes a great risk letting you stay in his bed at night, knowing full well that you could kill him with a touch?"
Kagome felt faint. "No! No, I never thought of such a thing. The one time I hurt anyone with that power was when Inuyasha-sama was in danger. I had to save his life. But…that doesn't make me worthwhile to stay around. He should have let me die…"
Picking up a cup of tea another slave set down before her, the Empress indicated that Kagome should do the same. She inhaled the fragrance of the tea and sighed. "You know so little yet. As for your power…to save Inuyasha would be the only time that you would use it. Never would you use it purposely to kill a youkai."
Shivering, Kagome held the delicate teacup in her hands, hoping that her shaking would not have her drop the cup and shatter it. "It's not like I would need to do something like that often. Inuyasha-sama is strong. Stronger than most youkai. He doesn't need a human slave for that."
"He is only strong because he made himself that way. The other youkai consider himself lower than they are, and so he has proved himself to them that he can be their equal, at least in strength. That constant struggle has kept him alive…but without friends."
"Tell me, Kagome. What do you think of my son? What is your impression of him?" Her eyes were intent on hers over the rim of her teacup, and Kagome swallowed nervously as she tried to put what she felt into words, without sounding as if she was getting treated like an equal and not as a slave.
"He is kind to me…he saved me when Yura attacked me…and he hasn't harmed me at all. The most punishing task he has ever given me was to do his homework one night, and that was it. He's kinder than what I thought a youkai master would be like." Her voice trailed off for a moment. "You said he has no friends, though. Doesn't he have siblings? Anyone that he can confide in? He seems so…lonely."
The lady before her shook her head. "He has no one, save you. All his life he has been that way, alone. Since he is of neither world…youkai or human, he is forever on the fringes of both."
Kagome's eyes were sad. "Does he keep me around for that? I'm just a slave, though. Aren't I easily replaceable? I'm not exactly the most subservient slave."
Placing her teacup gently on the tray, the woman's eyes were kind as she regarded Kagome. "You are not the first of his slaves, but you are the only one he chose himself, and the only one that he has kept with him. He talks about you often."
Kagome felt her eyes widen. "About me?" She squeaked out. "Inuyasha-sama talks about me to…you?"
Inuyasha's mother seemed amused. "Yes, child. No matter what conversation we have, it always ends up with you. You have been there for my son, Kagome. Because of you, he has someone to be with."
Kagome was still trying to come to grips with it. She didn't want to lose Inuyasha-sama, but she knew that one day she could just be taken away. Like given to Miroku-sama, or any other youkai that would tolerate her.
"You are more than a slave, Kagome. Do you not realize that?" Her voice was gentle and Kagome nodded.
"I am supposed to 'warm his bed', but the most that he has done with me is kiss me, and held me while…I cried. I don't….I don't understand why he did it, but he has. The kisses, perhaps I can see that. It's part of what I'm supposed to do…but can you explain why he treats me with such kindness?"
"He cares for you, child. You are his, and he is very protective of the face. It runs in the family, you might say." Her smile was ironic as Kagome took more of the information in.
"You were…Inutaiko's slave, weren't you?" At the encouraging nod, Kagome went on. "He…he didn't want you to leave him? You are the only human that has such power…such freedom. I feel that way with Inuyasha-sama sometimes…and wonder why he gives me that."
"I had to fight for that freedom, and the respect that I am given. Simply being Inutaiko's wife did not grant me instant respect…although it helped."
"Kagome, Inuyasha has never kissed anyone before, never shown anyone the type of affection that he has shown you. I raised him to only act that way when he is ready to chose a mate."
Kagome regretted taking a sip of tea at that moment, and she coughed, trying to make sure that she could breath properly. "M..mate? I'm a human! Inuyasha-sama… I mean…I know it's possible…but…" Her eyes were wide with shock and her breath came in short pants.
"Kagome…my son loves you. Have you not seen how he looks at you, thought about the way he treats you?"
Kagome shook her head. "He is very kind…but I'm only sixteen! I can't…possibly…why…" She felt confused, and the room chose that moment to spin around her. She felt faint as she kneeled there, and she took several slow breaths to steady herself.
"Trust me, he loves you. The question is…do you want to be the mate of a youkai, even one who is half a youkai? Inuyasha told me of the trouble you had with your old friends."
Shrugging, Kagome tried to look unconcerned. "It's all in the past, Empress. I would have chosen Inuyasha-sama over Unmei, even if I had no choice. Unmei tried to kill me-that's not what friends do. Inuyasha-sama, however, saved me. I…I…care very much for him as well."
"It still hurts you, does it not? Be strong, Kagome. You need to be strong for yourself, and for my son. You are not the only one who is born with that forbidden power. I know that you will be tested in the future."
Kagome gulped, nervous yet again. "Tested?" She squeaked out. "What type of test?"
"Do not worry about it now, Kagome." She sighed and then smiled at Kagome. "I am sure my son is impatient to see you again. I did not tell him why I wanted to talk to you."
Kagome smiled and bowed deeply to the Empress. "Thank you, Empress." She made her way out of the room, a silent slave showing her the way back to Inuyasha-sama's room.
Inuyasha paced back and forth, nervous at the length of time Kagome was spending with his mother. Sure, he had told her that she would be safe, but he wasn't even sure what his mother wanted to talk to her about. He only hoped that he guessed right about the conversation… he knew that because he chose Kagome as his she had his protection.
The door creaked open slowly and Kagome walked in quietly, her eyes on the floor and a slight blush on her face. She looked up in surprise when she saw Inuyasha waiting there for her, and she glared at him.
"You didn't *know* what she was going to say to me and you said it would be okay?" He blinked at the sudden accusation, then grinned at her.
"You're still alive, aren't you? Quit complaining. My mother didn't harm you, right?" She nodded grudgingly.
"You were right. She didn't harm me at all." She smiled up at him shyly. "We had a very nice talk, that's all. She knows about my miko powers…"
He nodded slowly, holding on to one of her hands. "I suspect she would, Kagome. I told her, but even if I didn't…she would have known. She's one, too."
Kagome's startled eyes met his. "She hinted as much…your family is strange, Inuyasha-sama…why…why haven't you killed me? Once you found out what I was-you should have killed me."
Gripping her chin in his hand, he stared down at her, glaring. "Don't ever think such a stupid thing, Kagome. I never would have you killed…you're mine…I-I care for you too much to have you killed because of something you can't control."
Kagome hung her head, looking away from Inuyasha's gaze. "I was safe in my school. No one bothered me…" She whispered. She looked up at Inuyasha's snort.
"You don't realize how much danger you were in at that school, huh? I told you that your school uniform wouldn't always protect you. That aura of yours shines too brightly for that."
She looked up at him in surprise. "You notice it, too?" She asked. "Why didn't anyone say it to me before?"
He sighed. "It flares when you are in danger, or feel that you need to protect someone. Once the channel has been opened, though, youkai cannot ignore the smell of miko blood…miko power. They want it completely eradicated. But since you are mine, you're safe."
She gasped slightly as he pulled her tight into his embrace, holding her to him, kissing her, the kiss passionate from the start.
He pulled away, his breath already coming in short pants. "You're mine, Kagome. Always mine. If anything ever happened to you…I would tear down every wall to avenge you."
Her eyes were widened at his protective embrace and she smiled at him happily. "Me too, Inuyasha-sama. I can't…imagine-not being your slave. Being yours…"
He didn't answer her, just held her tight to him. Kagome knew that he couldn't admit yet that he loved her…she knew it, though…in the way he held her. How she had come to love a youkai. She had truly damned herself in the human circles-but she didn't care.
"Let's get out of this house for a bit, Kagome. It's still snowing outside." He grinned at her mischievously. "Ever have a snowball fight?"
She shook her head. She had always hated the snow-it was cold and wet and she was miserable in it because she could never get warm.
Inuyasha laughed and went into his closet, dumping something on her head. Kagome looked at the dark red material questioningly. "What…?"
"You'd get cold too easily. It's made out of fire rat fur…it's really old, and indestructible. Plus, it'd keep you warm. Put it on, and those other clothes, so we can get outside."
He pointed to a pile of clothes on the bed, and Kagome gathered them in her hands as she went to the bathroom to change into the white long sleeved shirt and red billowy pants, pulling on jacket over the shirt. She examined herself in the mirror and laughed at the image. She looked so old fashioned.
She saw Inuyasha's eyebrows raise at her in the outfit, and he grinned, pulling on her hair slightly. "Beautiful. It really suits you. Keep it."
Kagome's mouth dropped open. "Inuyasha…something this valuable-I can't keep it." He hushed her with a soft kiss to the lips, and grinned when she fell silent.
"I rather like winning the arguments this way. It's a gift. Accept it, and don't question it. Now let's go." Inuyasha thumped down the stairs, wearing a black fleece sweater, and jeans. He picked up his shoes at front entrance of the doorway, and tossed another pair to Kagome.
"C'mon, we're going out back. I'll show you to have fun and relax a little." She nodded uncertainly and waited for Inuyasha to put his shoes on and go out the door before she followed him.
To her surprise, the wind didn't bite into like she thought it would-it was like being surrounded by a constant warmth. The snow fell around her, and Inuyasha grinned at her, putting something on her head.
"I forgot a hat. That jacket doesn't have a hood, and you'd get sick with the snow falling on your head-soaking in. Keep that on, and put these gloves on as well. My mother said for you to have them, so no arguments."
Kagome put on the warm, fleece lined gloves, smiling. Even her hands were warm. She looked up to notice that Inuyasha was gone, and she looked around fearfully for him, wondering what happened. She felt something smack into her shoulder, and she heard snickering near her.
"Feh! You have to be quicker than that, Kagome!" Kagome got the gist of what Inuyasha was doing, and quickly scooped up a pile of snow, lobbing it at the laughing boy in front of her, who ducked the handful of the cold white substance.
"You have terrible aim! Where were you throwing it?" He asked, laughing. He was faster than she was, and soon was lobbing it at the girl in front of him who struggled to keep up. She finally collapsed in his arms, panting with exhaustion, covered head to toe in snow.
"Had enough?" He grinned down at her and started brushing the snow off. She shook her head.
"I've never had so much fun!" She said, laughing as a large pile of snow was at her feet. The snow hadn't soaked into her clothing at all, and she was grateful for the warm outfit that Inuyasha gave her to wear.
He smiled. "Good. I'm getting chilled, though-so let's get inside. It's getting late." Kagome looked up at the darkened sky.
"It is…" She shivered slightly. "I'm a little cold, too, Inuyasha-sama. I can bring you some hot tea to warm you up." She smiled shyly at him. "It would be my pleasure." She continued when he looked like he wanted to protest.
"Kagome…just come to the room with me. Someone else will bring up the tea to us. You can't be doing that sort of thing."
She nodded, his reasoning more clear ever since the earlier conversation she had with his mother. "I understand, Inuyasha-sama." She brushed off the last bit of snow of the jacket and pants, and started to follow Inuyasha back to their room.
He paused in the hallway to look at her. "What do you mean by that, Kagome?" He asked. She blushed, looking down at the floor.
"You already told me that I wasn't supposed to do anything, Inuyasha-sama." He raised an eyebrow at her.
"I'm sure there is more to it than that, but it can wait."
Inuyasha ran his hand gently through Kagome's hair as she slept next to him, oblivious to the look her master was bestowing upon her.
"Stupid girl." Muttering, he paused in stroking her hair, looking down at her sleeping face. "What have you done to me, eh? Making me care so much for you."
"Inuyasha-sama…" He started at the sound of his name being whispered, and looking down at Kagome he realized that she was still sleeping…dreaming about him.
Smiling at the thought, he stroked her face with the back of his hand, wanting her to wake up…so that he could see her blue-gray eyes, hear her sweet voice talking to him, and not just in dreams.
Her skin is so soft…why didn't I realize before? So delicate… He continued to lightly stroke her face, not wanting to startle her into waking. "Kagome…" He whispered softly. "Come on, wake up for a moment. I want to see something…"
She stirred under his touch finally, opening sleep heavy eyes to gaze up at him. "Inuyasha-sama?" She questioned, and he frowned at how tired she sounded.
She smiled at him when his hand gently brushed stray strands of hair away from her face, and relaxed under his touch, leaning up against the pillows. She had not spent one night in her old bedding since that first night…and she didn't object. He was always so careful with her-she wondered how much he held back…
He pulled her against him, laying cheek against her soft hair. She snuggled into him, not knowing where this tenderness was coming from…it had been slowing building up, but this was something she didn't expect. She was taking full advantage of it, though…her Inuyasha-sama…
He gently cupped her face in between his hands, leaning down slowly before his lips gently touched hers. He pulled away after a brief kiss, and smiled down at her.
"I love you, Kagome…your kisses…don't ever leave me girl. I want you to stay here with me. You can't run off. I won't….I won't allow you to be with anyone else…"
She nodded in agreement, and he kissed her again, pressing his lips against hers harder, and holding her tightly against him, as if he never wanted to let her go. She leaned into the kiss, loving the feelings that he awoke in her with his gentle touch…the emotion that he kissed her with…she whimpered slightly as the pressure of his lips increased, and she gripped onto the material of his shirt tightly.
He pulled away for a moment, breath coming in short gasps, and he rested his chin on her head, eyes closed. She tried to regain her own breath, and was content to just let him hold her…feeling safe and protected…warm. She raised one hand to his face, wondering if this was all a dream, and decided that she didn't care.
He leaned into her touch, and gently kissed her palm, hearing her sigh under his touch. When had he gotten so gentle? She meant so much to him-was so much like him in so many ways. He wrapped his arms around her more firmly, and kissed her again, wanting to be closer to her…more so then ever…
Her mouth opened under the gentle pressure of his lips, and she melted at the overwhelming emotion that poured over her with the touch of his lips on hers, the gentle embrace that he held her body in. She didn't mind the lack of air from the prolonged kiss, but just held tighter to Inuyasha, not wanting to ever let go of him-to always feel his arms around her.
He trailed his kisses down her face to her neck, kissing the pulse there. Her soft sigh reached his ears, and he paused, looking down at her face.
"Kagome…" His voice came out in a raspy whisper, and she smiled, pulling him down to the bed, snuggling next to him, his arms still around her waist. Her head settled on his chest.
I know that I love him, too-the words that he told me…his true feelings. I have never been happier in my life at those words…true betrayal to the humans, but I don't care.
"Inuyasha-sama…I love you, too." She whispered, smiling up at his peaceful face.