InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shattered Glass ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Welcome everyone! Including readers! Thank you all for reviewing it means a lot to know that you like my story!!
.Sorry its 2kb shorter then normal!!
"Better?" Inuyasha asked Kagome as he laid his head down next to hers.
"Yes..Thank you.." Kagome said quietly
"It's fine, I don't mind" Inuyasha said softly as he watched Kagome slowly fall asleep before falling asleep himself.
Next Morning
Inuyasha was awoken the next morning by a slight pounding on his door, opening his eyes he realized that he was still holding Kagome, though their position had changed a bit. Kagome was now turned around and had her face buried in the crook of his neck and had her hands holding on to the front of his shirt. Their legs were intertwined and like last night Inuyasha was still holding Kagome close to him.
"Inuyasha get out here!" A voice bellowed from the other side of the door. Groaning slightly Inuyasha carefully untangled his and Kagomes legs and unhooked his arms from around her. Though when her tried to remove her hands from his shirt she only gripped it tighter. Sighing slightly Inuyasha carefully worked Kagomes hands off of his shirt and scooted away, which made Kagome scoot forward to trying find the missing warmth.
Smiling slightly Inuyasha covered Kagome up completely before going to his door, ignoring the sound of Kagome moving around trying to find him. Opening his door he was met by his father.
"It's about time you answered the door!" Inutaisho said loudly.
"Be quiet! Or you are going to wake up Kagome!" Inuyasha said in a harsh whisper.
"Follow Me." Inutaisho said as he watched Inuyasha out of the corner of his eye, as he quickly looked back to see if Kagome was sleeping before shutting the door and following him.
About a minute of following his father, Inuyasha was getting fed up. 'What the hell does he want now.' Inuyasha thought as they went into the same study that he and Miroku were in just last night.
Inuyasha noticed that he was not alone in the room with his father, sitting on the couch was Izayoi, his mother. She had flowing midnight black hair that went past her knees, she had light brown eyes and had a small frame. She was dressed in an elegant looking business outfit.
Next to Izayoi was Sesshomaru, Inuyasha's half brother 'He must of just got here this morning' Inuyasha thought. Sesshomaru was the product of 'A fling' as many would like to put it. Sesshomaru's mother was involved with his father during the early years of college, so after the first time they slept together they got Sesshomaru, and soon after his birth his mother died in a car crash.
Sesshomaru looked at Inuyasha as he entered the study with his piercing yellow eyes and deathly pale frown. He had silver hair that went past his butt and had a crescent moon marking in the middle of his forehead.
" Inuyasha come sit down." his mother said patting a seat next to her while his father took another seat in front of them all.
"Alright well I thought I might get down to business." Inutaisho said as he cleared his throat.
"As you know Sesshomaru, you have yet to get yourself a slave, which violates the Taisho tradition." Inutaisho said to Sesshomaru frowning.
"Yes I know this father, but we already discussed that before when I was 17 because I didn't have time to take care of a 'slave'. " Sesshomaru replied casually with a frown.
"Yes, Yes I know that, this is why I decided that it should be the time for you to get one, and since Inuyasha has been arguing about having a slave, I have decided that you shall take his slave and Inuyasha you will then get another one when you are Sesshomaru's age." Inutaisho said proudly for coming up with the brilliant idea, or so he thought.
"WHAT NO!! YOU CAN NOT GIVE KAGOME TO SESSHOMARU!" Inuyasha yelled standing up.
"Kagome?" Izayoi asked Inuyasha questionably.
"The....slave...that father made me get." Inuyasha managed to get out somewhat uncomfortably because he hated the word slave.
"You will listen to me!" Inutaisho replied firmly.
"NO I WONT, I will not give Kagome to that bastard!" Inuyasha said enraged.
"You will do as I say!" Inutaisho repeated firmly.
"NO!" Inuyasha said.
"YES you will!" Inutaisho said getting aggravated with his son.
"No you wont I will not let you take Kagome from me and give her to that bastard! She is mine." Inuyasha yelled as he eyes flashed red once again, which did not go unnoticed by his father or Sesshomaru.
"Why do you care so much about this girl when it was you who did not want her in the first place?" Inutaisho said calmly not wanting to anger his son any farther and make him lose control.
"That's none of your business! You are not giving Kagome to Sesshomaru, I wont let you!" Inuyasha said as he stormed out of the room.
"What do you think is wrong with him?"Izayoi asked worriedly.
"I think that our son might have found his mate." Inutaisho said leaning back on the couch as he hear Izayoi gasp as she place her hand over her mouth.
"You mean our little boy might have found his mate?" Izayoi said her hand still partly covering her mouth.
"He might have..but you have to remember Inuyasha is 17 years old he is almost considered an adult, he's not our little boy anymore" Inutaisho said.
"I don't care he will always be my little boy. I still remember when I took him to the park when he was five and he wouldn't stop crying until I bought him ice cream." Izayoi said smiling at the memory.
"Yes but you have to remember he is growing up. You can not always treat him like a baby. Now, Sesshomaru since Inuyasha is not willing to give up that girl then I guess you will have to go and get your own." Inutaisho said changing the subject.
"I don't care it's not like I really wanted Inuyasha's stupid human girl anyway." Sesshomaru said coldly.
"Very well, now I expect you to hold up tradition though so that means you still have to get a slave." Inutaisho said.
"Yes I know this father." Sesshomaru replied coolly.
"Alright then I guess that will be all then." Inutaisho said as he saw Sesshomaru said get up off of the couch.
"Alright bye." Sesshomaru said as he started leaving.
"Oh wait, one more thing Sesshomaru! Since you just got in this morning will you unpack all of your clothes and get your room set up?" Izayoi asked kindly.
"Sure" Sesshomaru said as he left the room.
"I am happy aren't you?" Izayoi asked.
" I am content..but I don't see why you are so happy." Inutaisho said
"Well I thought Inuyasha might be alone his whole life after the whole Kikyo thing..but now he has that girl, Kagome with him and you said yourself that she might be his mate." Izayoi said happily
"Yes I guess I get it now, but remember even if she was to become his mate it is too early to tell because they have only known each other what, 56hours?" Inutaisho said.
"Yes I know, but still I think that she will end up his mate, and we can just say that it is a mothers intuition." Izayoi said
With Inuyasha
Inuyasha was furious as he stormed down the halls to his room that he shared with Kagome. 'How dare he try to give Kagome away to Sesshomaru! I will not allow him to take Kagome away from me to give to him!' Inuyasha thought angrily as he opened his door.
His anger quickly faded once he saw Kagome still sleeping in the spot that he left her in. Closing the door gently, Inuyasha looked over at the clock which read: 6:39a.m. .
'Damn it is way to early to be up, I'm going back to sleep.' Inuyasha thought as he climbed back into the bed next to Kagome who immediately scooted closer to him so that her face was almost touching his chest. 'I could get used to this' Inuyasha thought before he drifted off into sleep.

A/N: Sorry it is 2kb shorter then it normally is but I had to make it shorter because I am working on a suprise for my mediaminor and readers/reviewers..well I cant tell you anymore but thats all! Review please!