InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shattered Glass ❯ Chapter 16 ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Yay! I updated again, like I promised I would!.. :) So...I want to thank everyone for their support for continuing this story. Thank you everyone who reviewed! Makes me want to continuously Well now if you actually read this all, onto the story!

Shattered Glass

Chapter 16

Inuyasha you're here," Kagome said tiredly as she turned to look at him.

"Feh, Of course I'm here!" Inuyasha scowled as he turned his head.

"I was afraid you would leave me here alone," Kagome confessed, causing Inuyasha's eyes to soften.

"I would never leave you alone, Kagome" Inuyasha said lightly as he rested his hand over hers, "never"

“Do you think it’s safe to go back yet?” Sango whispered to Miroku as they stood near the 5th floor elevator, both leaning against the wall.

“I’m not sure, I don’t hear any yelling, but that could also be a bad thing,” Miroku whispered back, as he peaked around the corner and down the hall, where Kagome’s room was. “Oh! Oh! Inutaishou’s coming!”

“Does he have Inuyasha with him,” asked Sango, curiously, as she stood up straight .

“No,” Miroku replied swiftly as he moved back to stand by Sango.

Soon a minute passed by, and Inutaishou rounded to corner, eyes blazing with annoyance.

“Inutaishou, how is Inuyasha?” Miroku solemnly asked, slightly startling Inutaishou.

“Oh hello Miroku, Sango,” Inutaishou replied, “Inuyasha is back to normal now, although I think it best if no one bothered him now. He is currently with Kagome and I do not think it would be wise to go in there just yet, because of the recent events that just took place,”

“So they are both okay?” Sango asked.

“Inuyasha is fine, and Kagome has fully regained consciousness, but that doesn’t mean she’s in the clear just yet,” Inutaishou informed them both as he pushed the button for down on the wall.

“What are you going to do now?” Miroku questioned as he watched Inutaishou push the elevator down button.

“I am going back home, but I need to talk to the two of you. So follow me,” Inutaishou commanded lightly as the elevator dinged and the big metal doors slide open.

“Alright,” Miroku and Sango echoed simultaneously, before stepping into the elevator behind Inutaishou. The elevator burst into life as Inutaishou pushed the button for ground floor, before leaning against the railing

“What is it that you needed to talk to us about?” Sango asked Inutaishou curiously, watching as a deathly serious look crossed his face..

“What happened with Inuyasha today was not a good thing,” Inutaishou answered solemnly.

“Wha..but I thought that was a good thing, because doesn’t Inuyasha turning full demon to ‘protect’ Kagome mean that she is his mate?” Miroku quickly countered.

“Maybe. Maybe not. We shouldn’t jump to conclusions, but yes it is very likely that Kagome is his mate. Although, it is very bad thing that he turned full demon. Inuyasha could’ve seriously wounded many people, and in the process he could’ve accidently killed Kagome”

“I understand that, but isn’t it certain that Kagome is Inuyasha’s mate because he turned?” Miroku asked as the elevator dinged and they walked out and into the hallway.

“Well I believe that his demon side has chosen her as his mate without him realizing it, and therefore I’m not certain whether or not he realizes it himself,” Inutaishou claimed.

“And we also don’t know Kagome’s feelings for Inuyasha as well,” Sango added, “Kagome’s feelings are also an important part of this too, right?”

“Yes, Kagome’s feelings for Inuyasha will have a major effect on how everything plays out,” Inutaishou sighed,. “ because I don’t want the same thing that happened two years ago to happen again.”

“Yes you’re right,” Miroku stated as everyone’s faces became grim.

“Well I need to go now, but I will be back soon. I have to check on something, and when I am done I will come back to get you all,” Inutaishou said as he turned to leave, with Miroku and Sango muttering quick ‘goodbyes’.

“You don’t th-think that what ha-happened then will happen ag-again do y-you?” Sango stammered.

“No, I don’t believe so. What happened back then was different from what is happening now, and Kagome will not meet that same fate, I am sure of it. This is a completely different issue,” Miroku replied grimly.

“I hope your right, I d-don’t want to lose my best friend!” Sango cried, worry shaking through her body.

“She wont, I promise,” Miroku whispered as he brought the distressed girl into his arms, “everything will be alright.”

With Inuyasha

"I would never leave you alone, Kagome" Inuyasha said lightly as he rested his hand over hers, "never"

“Promise?” Kagome whispered, her voice dry and raspy.

“I promise,” Inuyasha promised, his grip on her hand tightening slightly.

“Thank you,” Kagome replied as she shifted in the bed.

“I’m sorry,” Inuyasha whispered almost silently.

“What?” Kagome asked curiously.

“I’m sorry,” Inuyasha repeated this time loud enough for Kagome to hear.

“For what?” Kagome questioned, as she watched Inuyasha who was right next to her by the bed,. ‘He looks so sad,’ Kagome thought

“For not getting to you fast enough. It was my fault you went onto the ice. It was my fault you feel in. Everything that happened was my fault,” Inuyasha whispered sadly, as he bowed his head.

“Inuyasha, it wasn’t all your fault. It was mine too, I shouldn’t have went too far away from the shore,” Kagome explained softly as she sat up in the bed.

“No! Don’t you understand?! You wouldn’t have went out there in the first place if it wasn’t for me!” Inuyasha yelled sadly.

“That doesn’t matter, it was still my fault for going out that far, there was nothing you could do about it,”

“Damn it Kagome! Don’t you understand! You almost fucking died and it would’ve been my fault!”

“Inuyasha...” Kagome said sadly as she reached over and hugged the distressed hanyou, “Don’t worry Im fine now, okay?” Kagome whispered.

“Kagome...”Inuyasha replied his voice laced with emotion, “Don’t do that to me again..” Inuyasha finished as he hugged her back.

Suddenly someone cleared their throat behind them, causing Inuyasha and Kagome to jump apart.

“I’m sorry were we interrupting something? I am sure we could come back another time when it is more convenient for the two of you,” Miroku joked.

“Can it, Miroku!” Inuyasha snarled as he tried to hide the blush that spread across his cheeks.

“Kagome! You’re alright!” Sango suddenly gushed, as she ran over to hug her friend, who was at the moment also currently blushing.

“H-Hey’t br-breath” Kagome chocked out as Sango loosened her hold on Kagome.

“Sorry!” Sango apologized as she released Kagome.

“It’s fine,” Kagome said as she smiled.

“So you two seem to have been pretty busy, I guess I don’t have to ask how your feeling now..”Miroku said suggestively, causing Kagome to blush harder.

“Miroku!” Sango screeched as she slapped him upside the head.

“Ow! That hurt Sango,” Miroku whined, rubbing his abused head.

“You deserved it, you lecher!” Sango scolded, crossing her arms.

“But But But..My dearest Sango, I was only joking!” Miroku claimed

“Sure you were...” Sango huffed before turning back to Inuyasha and Kagome.

“So how are you doing, Kagome?” Sango asked.

“My head feels heavy and my throats a little sore, but other then that I feel fine.”

“That’s good to hear,” Sango sighed as she sat down in one of the chairs in front of Kagome’s bed. “We were really worried,”

“I’m sorry I worried you guys so much,” Kagome answered slightly ashamed.

“There’s nothing to be sorry for Kagome, it was an accident. Accidents happen all the time so there is no need to be sorry about it,” Miroku interjected.

“Yea ,no need at all, right Inuyasha?” Sango added looking towards Inyasha.

“Keh, She already knows my answer to that,” Inuyasha scoffed looking at the ground, causing Kagome to smile.

Inuyasha’s House

"So what exactly happened,” Izayoi asked her husband who was pacing back and forth in front of the window.

“He turned full demon! In the hospital, no less! What could he have been thinking! Does he not know how dangerous that was!” Inutaishou ranted, his hands moving as he talked to illustrate his point.

“I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it, he was just worried,” Izayoi replied softly as she placed a comforting hand on her husbands arm, stopping him in mid-stride.

“I know,” Inutaishou sighed, “but what if it happens again and he accidently kills her. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself,”

“That’s true, but we have to have faith in our son. I don’t think that he would attack her even if he was in full demon form anyway. From what you told me now and before, I think he cares about her too much to let anything happen to her,” Izayoi smiled as she lead Inutaishou to the couch to sit down.

“Yes, but before when he lost control and turned full demon he attacked everything and anyone. He couldn’t tell friend from foe, or enemy from family..or whatever..he just attacked and destroyed everything in his path,” Inutaishou argued.

“Even so, it might be different this time, right? With that one girl, Kagome, she’s the one his demon side chose as a mate. So I don’t believe that he will hurt her if he turns,” Izayoi concluded.

“What if history repeats itself though? What if she really isn’t his mate?”

“This time is different, and I know it! Kagome is Inuyasha’s mate and you know that!” Izayoi answered, “Now stop worrying about useless things and go back to the hospital! The doctors won’t give them any information unless you’re there.”

“Fine. Fine. Im going.” Inutaishou huffed as he pushed himself off the couch.

“Bye, bye, now.” Izayoi smiled as she watched her husband leave. ‘So my little boy really did find his mate.’ Izayoi thought as a small smile graced itself upon her lips, ‘I hope everything works out all right though...’

A/N: Dun Dun Dun! Hehe so Im sure your all wondering, What happened two years ago? Why is everyone so unsure about Kagome being Inuyasha’s mate? What are they worried is going to happen? Well well you will just have to tune in to the next chapter and you might find some one the answers to your questions! So please read and review! The more the faster I will update!