InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shattered Memories ❯ New Beginnings ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
“You do realize brother, even if you succeed the girl will not know who you are.” Sesshomaru pointed out as he and Inuyasha were walking about the castle gardens.
“I know, but I can't just sit by without her. I have to be with her.”
“You could always cast off your belligerent behavior and you would live long enough to see her again.”
“I can't wait that long Sess. I just wanted to tell you our plan to travel to her time. And, I wanted to leave you the Tetsaiga. It won't be needed in Kagome's time.” Reaching to his side, Inuyasha extended the sword to his brother.
“You are giving me the sword that father had the better judgment to bestow on me?”
“You have changed since then Sess. I think it is right for you to have it now. And like I said, I won't need it in her time.” Thrusting the sword forward to his brother's hand, emphasizing his decision.
Sesshomaru watched as his brother walked away, determination evident in every step. Calling out, he halted his brother's movements.
“You do realize the jewel will not do what you want it to in the way you want it.”
Turning his head, Inuyasha called back. “I figure Midoriko won't be happy with our wish. She'll fulfill it in one way or another. We just have to hope she doesn't put us all into hibernation or else we're dead.”
With that, Inuyasha jumped from the garden and began rushing towards Kaede's village again. It was time to go to Kagome.
The group stood around Kaede's hut, staring at one another as they prepared their wish. They had all said their goodbyes to the villagers and to Kaede. Nodding to one another, they all took a step forward to reach the jewel.
Closing his eyes, Inuyasha asked for his wish with all his body, mind and soul.
Please, let us be with Kagome again. Take all of us to her.
A bright pink light burst forth from the jewel in the center of their circle. The group had to use their other hands to guard their eyes as the light burst forward.
When the light subsided and they regained their sight, they looked around at their new surroundings. New but not unfamiliar. They stood in the middle of a modern day apartment. Their clothing had changed - Miroku, Sango and Inuyasha all wore middle school uniforms and Shippo wore an elementary school uniform.
The apartment was clearly very nice. Expensive leather couches and chairs surrounded them. To their right was a kitchen set up with a nice fridge and oven and stove. Directly in front of them was a wall completely covered in windows. The view was of the modern Japaneses skyline. As they gazed around at the apartment, the door to their right opened.
The group stood calmly as Sesshomaru walked through the door and gazed at them.
“So I see your wish actually worked all those years ago.”
Shock washed over Inuyasha's face as he deftly leaped over the couch to stand before his brother.
“What do you mean all those years ago? I left the Western Lands and your palace just yesterday. And why is your hair not silver? And where are your markings?”
Gazing up at his brother, Inuyasha realized his hair was now black and the markings on his pale skin were long gone.
“It is modern times now brother. You should know better than anyone that no demons walk about in broad daylight. As for my earlier comment, you left me long ago. I have just survived since them. Apparently Midoriko was wise enough to send you to someone to help you get acclimated.”
Stepping forward, Sango spoke out. “But, I recognize this room. I know what everything in here is. How can that be?”
“I do not know that woman. Perhaps the power of the jewel is much stronger than anyone knew.”
Sitting down on the couches the group settled in and got used to their new surroundings and Sesshomaru walked out to go fetch a few items. Returning he approached Inuyasha and Shippo as he handed them both silver necklaces with a crescent moon charm on it.
“These will disguise your demon features. Your senses and strength and abilities will still exist. So I recommend you be cautious.”
Turning he extended a third item to Sango. It was a cat collar with a similar charm on it.
“And this will disguise your neko demon. She will merely appear to be a normal cat.”
Walking away, he stood across from them in another chair.
“Sess, where are we? And when are we?” Inuyasha finally asked after a slight pause.
“You are in the same city as your priestess.” Closing his eyes, Sess paused a moment before continuing. “Although, she is not here at present. I believe today is her 15th birthday. Therefore she must have passed through the well for the first time.”
“How do you know all of that?” Inuyasha asked as his eyes were wide in shock.
“After you all disappeared all those years ago, I went to your elder priestess in the village and spoke to her. She told me of your journeys and how the girl came to you. She also told me her name, so I have watched her grow up.”
“Kaede told you all of that?” Shippo asked, somewhat nervously - Sesshomaru is still the cold-hearted demon to him. “Was she okay? Did she live long?”
“Your miko died at a very old age and from natural causes. Not long after you left, the village was attacked. Lucky for them, I was there at the time. I destroyed the pathetic demons attacking and moved the villagers to the village bordering my castle. Kaede-sama spent her final years being the head miko of my castle and training younger priestesses.”
“You protected her? I knew giving you Tetsaiga was a good choice.”
As the day passed, Sesshomaru continued explaining the past to all of them, while also instructing them on their future. Miroku, Sango and Inuyasha were to attend a middle school as Kagome would. They are in her school, but in another class and would hide from her when she was there. Deciding to do their best to help her, despite her not knowing them, Sango would befriend her classmates and pretended to be a friend of Kagome's family. Receiving her missing classwork from her friends, the group would do it for her and turn it in so that when Kagome returned to this time her life would not be ruined.
As the years passed, Inuyasha watched her from afar. He gritted his teeth and nearly tore a tree to shreds as he watched the fool Hojo ask Kagome out, over and over again.
Finally, the day had come when Kagome returned home and Inuyasha watched from the top of the well house as the bright pink light flashed and the well house disappeared. Launching from the tree, Inuyasha stealthily landed in the woods surrounding the shrine and rushed off to the group's apartments.
Two days later Inuyasha, perched atop the Goshinboku, watched as Kagome rushed out of her house and met her friends at the bottom of the shrine steps. Seeing Souta walk out and sit down before the tree, Inuyasha removed the charm from his neck and jumped down from the tree. Landing beside the base of the tree, Souta jumped up startled.
Gazing in front of him, Souta looked at the new Inuyasha for a few moments before realizing it was him. His hair was now silver again and pulled back into a low ponytail. Inuyasha stood before him in tennis shoes, jeans, a red tee shirt and a white running jacket.
“Hey kid.”
“INUYASHA!” Rushing forward, Souta launched at Inuyasha. Knocking the wind out of him on impact. “What happened to my sister? Why doesn't she know you and where did the well go?”
“I'll explain soon enough. Is she gone for long?”
“Yeah she left for all day.”
“Alright then, let's go see your mom.”
Grabbing the kid around his shoulders, Inuyasha guided them back into the house.
Upon seeing him, Inuyasha received similar greetings from both Kagome's mother and grandfather.
Sitting down with them Inuyasha explained everything - from the jewel reforming and Kagome's memories, to the past three years they have spent in the future watching over her.
“Inuyasha dear” Kagome's mother began quietly “What do you intend to do now?”
“She'll start college soon. Here's my phone number” Inuyasha extended a card to her as he continued. “We all intend to go to school with her. We gave her this time now so as to not attack her. We will meet her at college and hopefully, things will fix themselves. If not, we'll have the future with her at least.”
“You have done so much for my daughter, I wish there was more I could do for you.”
“Just keep in touch with us and let us know what she's doing. We can't meet up with her without you.”
Sniffing the air quickly, Inuyasha bolted upright. “She's coming. I need to go out the back door. I'll be in touch soon.”
(A few months later)
Kagome walked into her new dorm room, toting her heavy yellow backpack and pulling a roller duffel behind her. Dropping the bag from her shoulder she looked at the other half of her dorm room, already full of her roommate's stuff.
“Kagome dear, your room looks lovely” Her mother called as she walked in followed by Souta. “Oh and look, your roommate already moved in.”
On cue, a knock on the door caused the group to turn.
“Hi, I'm Sango. I'm your roommate. This is my boyfriend Miroku and his friend Inuyasha. They live across the hall.”
So it begins! Sorry for the OOC Sesshomaru, it just made it easier. Also I know I changed the plan from chapter two, but that just didn't work with me anymore. Please review, I'll try to update by next week.