InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ She Died For Love ❯ She Died for Love ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
I don't own Inuyasha. Period.

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The final battle with Naraku had lasted longer than Kagome had expected, but they were victorious. She looked around the battlefield and took in the destruction that the fight had caused. Inuyasha had disappeared right after the battle, taking Kikyo with him. Kagome tried to get up, but hissed in pain as her legs buckled. She looked down and saw a gruesome gash running from her upper thigh to her knee on her left leg.

A sad thought ran through her mind as she tentatively touched her wound.

'Inuyasha isn't here to help me this time…' She quickly shook that thought out of her head.

Sango was busy tending to an injured Miroku, who had been put out of commission early in the battle because of Naraku's poisonous insects. Sango was also sporting wounds herself from defending the defenseless Miroku against Naraku's minions.

'I envy them…' Kagome thought, sighing.

She saw Shippo lying beside Kirara, who was still in her large form. Shippo had been knocked unconscious. Once again, she tried to get up, and this time she managed to limp towards the place where Naraku had been killed by her arrow. He had been caught off guard with Inuyasha's tetsusaiga and that's when Kagome shot the winning shot. She conjured up all the love she had for her friends… Her family… Inuyasha… Kagome rid her head of those thoughts as she looked around some more and found a blackened shikon jewel.

Naraku had taken all of Kagome's jewel shards during the battle and had used them all to gain power. She picked up the jewel with the intention of purifying it and at once hissed and dropped it. Kagome looked at her scorched hand to the shikon jewel. 'It's too evil…' she thought. Kagome steadied herself for another try to purify the small sphere.

Again, when she touched it, Kagome felt it crackle in her hold, burning her hand. She clenched her teeth, closed her eyes, tried to ignore the pain, but it was starting to overwhelm her. Finally, the crackling diminished. Kagome looked down to find that the jewel had not disappeared. 'Someone needs to wish with a pure intent in order to purify it completely,' she thought. 'Inuyasha…'

Kagome looked back down at the jewel. The jewel that had caused so much pain. The jewel that had broken Sango's family apart. The jewel that had led Inuyasha and Kikyo into a deadly trap. Kagome lifted it up to eye level. She couldn't believe that the small gem, pink in all its innocence, had caused so much heartbreak, so much pain. Pain…

Kagome thought about what Kikyo and Inuyasha were doing. Had Kikyo once again attempted to take Inuyasha to hell? Had she succeeded? Was Inuyasha professing his ever-lasting love to her? Kagome tried not to cry, but a few tears had managed to escape. She brushed them away hastily and looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of Inuyasha's silver hair… Oh, how she had come to love that hair in the past 2 years… So soft… And those doggy ears… Kagome immediately stopped herself, stopped herself from thinking about Inuyasha, in case she started crying again.

Face set with determination, she set off to find Inuyasha. She needed to find him to make a wish because she couldn't bear to make a wish… She was scared of what her true heart's desire was… What if it wasn't pure? 'Inuyasha, where are you?' Kagome asked herself. Grabbing a long, sturdy branch to use as a walking aide, she started to search for Inuyasha. In all honesty, Kagome was scared of what Inuyasha's wish was going to be. What if he wished for Kikyo to get her soul back? Would Kagome die?

So wrapped up in her thoughts was she, that Kagome didn't notice when she wandered into a clearing. A voice broke her out of her trance.


She looked up and gasped. Inuyasha was holding Kikyo in his arms! He started to speak again.

"Kikyo, I have always loved you…" he said. Kikyo embraced him tighter. A little part of Kagome had always known that Inuyasha would choose Kikyo in the end, the undead priestess being his first love, but as if hearing the words had brought this into reality, as if it had sealed her fate, Kagome's heart broke. She started to run, run as fast as she could. Inuyasha's voice invaded her mind as she ran blindly, tears streaming down her face.

"I will always love you…"


"Love you…"

Kagome covered her ears in an attempt to block out the words. She cried out in pain as she tripped over a tree root, but she got up again, eyes still screwed up in agony. She ran and ran until she stumbled across the battlefield again. She saw Sango look up in concern. She saw the now awake Shippo start to come towards his beloved Mother figure. Kagome collapsed onto the ground. She barely felt Shippo's tears on her face as he cried for her to wake up, and she barely felt Sango's touch as she carried her to Miroku for examination. One coherent thought entered her scrambled mind as she blacked out.

'Inuyasha chose Kikyo…'


Kagome moaned as she woke up to find that her body ached all over. Her hand felt as if someone had lit it on fire. She opened her eyes slowly, only to close them again as the light blinded her. "Mama, turn off the lights…" she mumbled, thinking that she was at home in her warm, soft bed… Wait… The bed she was lying on wasn't soft, it was hard… The memories of the previous day came rushing into her head at such a speed that it was getting too painful to think. Inuyasha had chosen Kikyo… He had said that he loved Kikyo… Kagome wished that for once, she could be the one in Inuyasha's loving hold, that she could be the one that Inuyasha gazed at with soft eyes.

Kagome sat up, but immediately lay back down. She whimpered, holding her head in her hands. The physical pain eventually died down, but the emotional pain was still threatening to consume Kagome. She felt tears starting to run down her face again at the thought of Inuyasha leaving her, but this time, she didn't move to wipe them off. She just started blankly at the wall, eyes open yet not seeing.

Finally, Kagome got up to go outside, ignoring the burning pain in her legs, arms and torso. She spotted Sango, Miroku, Kirara and Shippo sitting in a circle, apparently discussing something. Shippo looked up and saw Kagome standing there, eyes empty and face expressionless. What happened to Kagome that morning they did not know, but they were guessing that it had something to do with Inuyasha. Suddenly, Kagome's eyes snapped into focus.

"Hi guys," Kagome said in a quiet voice. They stared at her. "Why are you staring at me?" she asked, a little uncertain. As if her question had brought him to life, Shippo immediately hopped onto Kagome and started sobbing into her torn shirt.

"Kagome, are you ok? You just fell onto the ground, and you wouldn't wake up! You were just lying on the ground, looking as if you were dead! I was so worried!" Shippo was becoming more and more hysterical by the second. Sango finally gently pried him off of Kagome and told him to tell Kaede that Kagome was awake. As soon as Shippo was gone, Kagome shot Sango a very grateful look.

"Kagome, why don't we go and take a bath to help you relax," Sango suggested. Kagome replied with a small nod.

"Miroku, don't even think about following us there, you got it?" Sango threatened Miroku, the soft look in her eye changing into that of a fierce protectiveness. Miroku gulped and nodded, not wanting to face the wrath of an angry Sango. Sango started leading Kagome to the nearest spring. After a while, the warm, clean water came into view. Kagome stripped off her clothes and climbed into the water, sighing in relief as she felt the dirt and grime wash off of her. Sango joined her a few seconds later.

"Kagome… What happened yesterday? Did Inuyasha do something? I swear, if he hurt you, I'm going to kill that bas-"

"Sango…" Kagome cut her off. "It's ok… I just… It's… It's nothing," Kagome said, voice occasionally cracking. Sango nodded, but the look in her eye told Kagome that she didn't believe her, but respected the fact that Kagome couldn't tell her anything yet. The rest of the bath was spent in a comfortable silence.

"Kagome, I think we better get back now. Inuyasha might start worrying about you." Sango looked at Kagome. She was sleeping. And she was mumbling something. Sango leaned in closer and caught a few words.

"No… Inuyasha… I love you…" Kagome said. Sango gasped. Kagome continued.

"Inuyasha… Why did you say that you loved Kikyo? Why did you choose her…?" Sango gasped again. Inuyasha said that he loved Kikyo? He chose Kikyo!? 'Damn him for breaking Kagome's heart…' Sango thought, growling. Kagome moaned and started to wake up. The nimble demon exterminator immediately moved back to her spot on a particularly large rock, pretending not to have heard anything.

"Sango?" Kagome said.

"Yes, Kagome?"Sango replied.

"Let's go back to the camp…" Sango nodded and started to dry herself off. Kagome followed suite, drying herself off and putting on her clothes. During the walk back to the camp, both girls were consumed in their own thoughts.

'How could Inuyasha do this to Kagome?'

'Inuyasha… Why do I love you? All it brings me is heartache…'

When they arrived back at camp, Kagome saw Inuyasha, sitting in his tree. Kagome, teary-eyed, went directly into the hut, saying that she was tired and had to go to "school" the next day. Sango watched Kagome trudge into the hut before sitting down beside Miroku, giving Inuyasha a glare.

About 20 minutes later, Kagome came out with a bow and quiver of arrows. She answered that she needed to relieve herself, and that she didn't want any demons sneaking up on her and getting the better hand at Shippo's questioning gaze. Kagome chanced a look at Inuyasha, who was staring at her, and her bottom lip started quivering. She looked away before her tears came again. With a word of farewell, Kagome set out into the woods.

"Inuyasha, you bastard," Sango hissed. Inuyasha was bewildered.

"What? What did I do?"

"You broke Kagome's heart! Choosing an undead clay pot over a living, breathing girl that loved you to no end! She collapsed with grief this morning! Did you know that?" Sango didn't give Inuyasha time to answer her. "Are you happy now!? You broke her heart! You broke her heart with your meetings with Kikyo, and you finally shattered it by choosing Kikyo instead of Kagome!

"But you're happy, right, you little bastard? Right?!" Sango screamed. Miroku, who was clueless at the beginning, was now fixing Inuyasha with a deadly glare.

"You left right after the battle, taking Kikyo with you, telling her that you loved her! And you know what? Kagome saw it all. She saw it all, you bastard!" Sango stopped, breathing heavily. Inuyasha took this as a chance to retort.

"You're wrong! I chose Kagome! I took Kikyo to tell her that I had always loved her, but that now I love Kagome! Kagome! Not Kikyo!" Inuyasha was about to yell some more when a familiar scent drifted to his sensitive nose. His eyes widened.

"Kagome's blood…" He looked at Sango and Miroku, fear in his eyes. Without a second to spare, Inuyasha leapt into the forest in the direction of Kagome, with Sango and Miroku following close behind on a transformed Kirara.

A few seconds later, he came upon a gruesome sight. Kagome's body was spread-eagled on the ground, face up, with an arrow sticking out of her chest. She was dying…

"No… No! I won't let you die, Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled, as if yelling could bring back his love. He ran to Kagome, trying to stop the blood that was still flowing freely out of her wound.

"Kagome... Kagome, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! I love you!" he yelled, shaking Kagome lightly. She smiled and lifted her hand up to his face. She tried to speak, but couldn't. Kagome's hand fell limp.

"Kagome! Come back! Kagome!" His heart-broken pleas echoed in the air. Sango was staring at Kagome, tears in her eyes and trailing down her cheeks. Miroku looked from his desolate love to Kagome. He then noticed a white piece of paper, stained red from Kagome's blood, lying beside her. He walked over to Kagome, staff in hand, and picked the piece of paper off of the ground. It was addressed to Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha…" Miroku said quietly. Inuyasha paid no attention. "Inuyasha," Miroku tried again, voice firmer. Inuyasha was too busy rocking his love in his arms. "Inuyasha!" This time, Inuyasha took notice of Miroku, but before he could continue, Sango interrupted him.

"Why didn't you tell her earlier, Inuyasha? Why!? She could still be alive!" Sango said, desperate, falling onto her knees.

"Sh…" Miroku said, immediately trying to comfort Sango by holding her in his arms. Sango took comfort in the warmth that he had to offer by collapsing onto him. The letter was long forgotten by Miroku, lying on the ground beside Inuyasha where Miroku had dropped it. Inuyasha noticed the letter addressed to him and picked it up.

"Inuyasha… If you are reading this, then that must mean that I am dead. I was heart-broken Inuyasha. Watching you hug Kikyo… Watching you say that you love her… Inuyasha, I suppose that now is a good a time as any to tell you that I love you. I don't know when my feeling of friendship towards you turned into love. All I know is that I love you.

"That morning after the battle, you disappeared with Kikyo. I tried to find you to let you make your wish. I knew that you didn't want to become a demon anymore, but that you would wish for youe true heart's desire. I didn't make a wish because I didn't know if my true heart's desire was pure or not… But I knew that your's was. Underneath that rough exterior is the kind and gentle Inuyasha that I have come to know and love.

"Let me tell you that I felt my heart break a little every time Kikyo summoned you. I felt my heart break even more when you went to her. I stayed up late into the night when you finally came back because I was worried about you. What if one of the times that Kikyo summoned you, you didn't return? I am writing this at the moment to tell you that I'm sorry, sorry that I wasn't strong enough. Sorry that I wasn't strong enough to stop loving you, to let you go. I am writing this as I am watching you through the window, and you seem nervous with apprehension. What do you have to be nervous about? Don't you have Kikyo with you? Kikyo… She is a lucky woman to have a man as great as you…

"You are probably laughing at me as you read this. As you read my heart, my soul, poured out into this piece of paper. You probably can't wait to go to Kikyo… your true love… But even if that is so, Inuyasha, just understand this. I died for love."

~The End~

AN: Sorry for the abrupt ending! It's my first fic ever… oh, and I don't HATE Kagome, it's just that this idea popped into my head and wouldn't go away… well, review please! Flames are welcome ^_^