InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ She's Like The Wind / The Power of Love ❯ Back to the Future ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: InuYasha, ears and all, still belongs to Rumiko Takahashi.
Chapter 11: Back to the Future ( ^~^ Warning: Chapter contains Lemon)
InuYasha looked at Kagome, “Do you want to go with me?”
Kagome looked thoughtful as she replied, “I'd rather not - take your brother with you.”
InuYasha called softly, “Sesshomaru.”
His brother appeared out of nowhere, “What is it, Little Brother?”
InuYasha gestured in the direction of the soul-catchers, “Kikyou is here. I promised Kagome and myself that I would never go to see her alone again. I also told her not to come near me unless she has news of Naraku.”
Sesshomaru nodded in agreement, “This Sesshomaru will accompany you.”
InuYasha turned back to Kagome, “I'll call you if I need you.”
Kagome looked at him questionably, “You know my ears aren't as good as yours, how will I hear you?”
InuYasha stroked her mark on his forearm in response.
Kagome grinned, “Oh.”
Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow - he could smell the spike in her arousal with InuYasha's simple action.
Kagome went back inside with Kaede and the others as Sesshomaru and InuYasha went towards the circling soul-catchers.
They found Kikyou waiting at the foot of the Sacred Tree. She did not look pleased to see Sesshomaru alongside InuYasha.
InuYasha spoke before she asked, “I told you I would never see you alone again. This is my brother, Sesshomaru.”
Kikyou looked at them coldly, “We've met before.”
Sesshomaru looked even colder, “So, Miko, do you still hate all living things?”
Kikyou glared. InuYasha looked puzzled. He did not know they had crossed paths when he was battling Menomaru.
Breaking the frigid silence InuYasha asked, “Why are you here? I told you not to come unless you have news of Naraku.”
Kikyou looked at him with hatred in her eyes, “Is it true? Is it true that you have taken that girl as your mate?”
InuYasha folded his arms and thrust his chin in the air as he replied, “Yes.”
“You fool! She was weak before, but now she will be helpless! She wasn't much use battling Naraku, but now she will be useless! Why did you do something so stupid?” Kikyou was practically screaming.
InuYasha and Sesshomaru just watched her in fascination as she continued, “Now Naraku is planning to attack! He knows she won't be able to defend herself, and he's found out your dirty little secret!”
InuYasha's eyes opened wide when she said that, “What…what do you mean?”
Kikyou practically had a smirk on her face as she said, “Apparently Kagura tried to defy him one time too many. In order to save her pitiful life, she told him that she had seen you as a mortal.”
InuYasha visibly paled when she said that, “She...she what?”
Kikyou looked fit to bust as she responded, “Kagura told Naraku that you become human the night of the full moon.”
InuYasha tried not to show the relief that flowed through his body. Right now he was ever so grateful that he had never revealed his secret to Kikyou.
Kikyou continued, “So now your mate will have no power, and you won't either when he attacks. As it is, it looks like you had to bring your brother with you to help protect her.”
Sesshomaru stated, “This Sesshomaru protects no one.”
Kikyou glared at him as he continued, “Naraku can not be forgiven. He must die.”
Kikyou was still angry, but spoke again, “InuYasha, I told you that when Naraku completed the jewel I would purify it and cast him to hell along with it. You and your worthless mate can stay in hiding. I will return before the next full moon.” As she finished her statement her soul catchers swooped around her and carried her into the night.
Sesshomaru turned to InuYasha as she was swept away, “Is there something you need to tell me, InuYasha?”
InuYasha grinned and replied, “Keh. But I want Kagome here first.” He rubbed his forearm to let her know to come.
Kagome came running towards the Sacred Tree, but slowed to a walk and looked confused when she saw InuYasha and Sesshomaru alone.
“What happened - where's Kikyou?”
InuYasha answered, “She left - she was a bit ticked off that I had taken you as my mate.”
InuYasha relayed what they had been told, watching Kagome's reaction.
“She didn't!” Kagome exclaimed.
“She did,” InuYasha responded.
Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow and waited for an explanation. InuYasha wasn't nearly as upset as he should be over the revelation of his human night.
“Kagura must really want to be free of Naraku,” Kagome said as she pondered the implications of what Kikyou had revealed.
Sesshomaru finally spoke, “She does, and she even came to me for help in the past. Kagura offered two of the jewel shards in exchange for helping her defeat Naraku. I told her to not consider betraying him if she was not strong enough to escape on her own. What does this have to do with what the undead miko said?”
InuYasha spoke to his brother, “I assume you know that hanyous have at least one period each month where they become mortal, losing all of their demonic powers.”
Sesshomaru replied, “Yes, I do. However, I was away during the last full moon, though I did hear you were keeping yourself entertained in your quarters.”
InuYasha's face broke out in a grin, “The night of the full moon and the days surrounding it are when my youkai powers are at their highest.”
A look of understanding crossed Sesshomaru's face, “So that means…”
Kagome answered him very softly, “InuYasha becomes human the night there is no moon.”
Kagome looked at the two brothers and said, “It looks like we have about two and a half weeks to prepare for Naraku's attack.”
The next statement was directed at InuYasha, “InuYasha, we need to go home and tell my mother we are mates. Plus, the new moon is in four nights. Maybe we can have her arrange for a quick wedding ceremony at the shrine that evening.”
Sesshomaru was curious, “Home? Where is your home?”
InuYasha took Kagome's hand and said, “Follow us,” as he went in the direction of the Bone-Eater's Well.
Sesshomaru actually looked puzzled as they came to the well, and Kagome sat on the wall surrounding it. InuYasha looked at Sesshomaru and said, “What we are about to tell you only a few people know - even less than know about me becoming human.”
InuYasha looked to Kagome to explain, “This well is a time portal. My family tends a shrine that includes the Sacred Tree and this well approximately five hundred years in the future. We don't understand why, but InuYasha and I are the only ones that can travel through it. I was originally brought here when a centipede youkai came through to my side on my fifteenth birthday, lured there by the Sacred Jewel, which was embedded in my body. She grabbed me and dragged me back to this time. Not knowing that I had any type of power, in my fear I blasted her arms off that gripped me as we went through the time slip. When I landed in the bottom of the well and then climbed out, I found myself here. The shrine was gone - I didn't know where I was but then I looked up and spotted the Sacred Tree. I ran to it hoping to find something that was familiar, and that was when I saw InuYasha for the first time. He looked like he was asleep, pinned to the tree by an arrow.”
Kagome had not been interrupted, so she continued, “I couldn't believe what I saw, and climbed up to get a better look - I had to rub his ears for myself to see if they were real.”
InuYasha muttered, “You and my ears.”
Kagome just grinned, “When I was up by InuYasha, men came from the village to see what was going on and shot at me. Even then, I threw my body in front of InuYasha so he wouldn't be struck by their arrows.”
InuYasha questioned, “You did?”
Kagome responded, “Yea. Anyway, the men captured me and took me to Kaede, thinking I was a youkai. She threw powder on me to make me show my true form. Once she figured out that I was human, she had me untied and fed me. She also mentioned something about my looking like her sister. That night the centipede youkai came rampaging through the village looking for me. Wanting to lead her away from the village, I ran blindly in the only direction I knew - toward the lights in the forest, yelling for someone, anyone, to help me.”
InuYasha looked at her in amazement, “I heard you - my soul heard you and I woke up.”
“Yea, and when I got to the tree you started calling me `Kikyou' and telling me I looked dumb down there where I had had been thrown by the youkai, and why didn't I do the centipede like I had killed you. But even though you were awake, you were still pinned to the tree by the arrow. Then the centipede was trying to pull me away, telling me to give her the Sacred Jewel.”
“Yea, that got my attention. That and the fact that you were hanging on to my hair and wouldn't let go.”
“I managed to blast her again as she tried to drag me away, and the jewel was ripped out of my body as I was thrown in the air. Then she started to crush me and you against the tree.”
“That's when I told you that if you wanted to live, try to pull out the arrow. Kaede and the villagers were all yelling at you not to.”
Kagome grinned, “I decided I would rather try to free you and live than be crushed by that monstrous centipede, so I reached up and grabbed the arrow and it turned to dust.”
“And I was set free,” InuYasha responded.
“Of course then you had to attack me to try and take the jewel for yourself.”
Sesshomaru watched this entire exchange in silence and amazement. He had no idea of the circumstances that had surrounded his brother being set free from his enchanted sleep. He finally spoke up, “So you can travel back and forth through this well.”
Kagome responded, “Yes.”
Looking at InuYasha she said, “We really should go and see my mother, it's not too late for us to go back tonight.”
InuYasha spoke to Sesshomaru first, “I don't like leaving the others alone with everything that has happened but Kagome is right - her mother needs to know. Will you make sure no one attacks in our absence? We should be back tomorrow, but will return to her home before the moonless night.”
Sesshomaru studied his brother. He knew that he had entrusted him with his two greatest secrets. Plus, he wanted to see this for himself, “Yes.”
Kagome looked at InuYasha, “We need to let the others know we are going.”
Sesshomaru replied, “This Sesshomaru will inform them.”
“Thank you!”
Kagome and InuYasha said together as InuYasha swooped his mate up into his arms, and jumped into the well. Sesshomaru watched in fascination as they vanished into the blue light.
Elsewhere, Naraku had become so confident in his impending success that he did not even have those nasty insects from hell out spying for him. Instead, he was using them as messengers to let others who wished to be allied with him know where and when he planned to attack.
“Kukukuku…Once I defeat InuYasha and his helpless mate, I'll have the Sacred Jewel whole again. I'll absorb those who think to rule with me and control ALL.
Naraku smiled at the thought of the power he would soon have.
It was dark and quiet when InuYasha and Kagome emerged from the well house. They walked hand-in-hand to the door to her home. Kagome called out to her mother as they entered the house to let her know they were back. Her mother came out to greet her. Grandpa was watching television and Souta was upstairs doing his homework. Looking at the pair, Mama Higurashi could tell that something had changed between the two.
“Mama?” Kagome addressed her mother, “We have something we need to discuss with you.”
“Already?” Mama replied.
“Keh,” Responded InuYasha.
They went into the kitchen and each took a seat at the table. Somehow important discussions usually took place here, if not under the Sacred Tree.
Kagome looked at her mother as she clutched InuYasha's hand, “Mama, InuYasha and I are mates.”
“How and when did this happen?” her mother inquired.
Kagome told her mother about finding Sesshomaru, the battle with the tiger youkai, everything she could think of except the actual mating. InuYasha felt his hand practically crushed in her nervousness as she talked.
Mama Higurashi finally asked the question that Kagome had tried to avoid answering, “How did you become mates? Was there a ritual like InuYasha thought?”
They both blushed at that, but InuYasha replied, “Sesshomaru told me everything I needed to know that night before the tigers attacked us. After we went to his castle, he offered his home for us to complete the rites in.”
Before Mama could inquire further Kagome jumped in, “InuYasha had to mark me and I had to mark him.”
“How?'' Mama Higurashi asked.
InuYasha offered his forearm to Mama so that she could see the symbols for “lover,” “friend” and “forever” embedded there. She looked inquiringly at Kagome, so Kagome stood up and bared her shoulder and neck for her mother to see the blood-red crescent moon along with the kanji for “first” and “only,” confirming what InuYasha had revealed to her mother that day under the Sacred Tree.
“How…how did those get there?” Mama asked hesitantly.
Kagome was blushing the color of InuYasha's robes, so he responded as tactfully as he could, “Kagome had to bite me hard enough to leave a scar, and then I had to do the same to her. The bite marks turned into the symbols.”
“You had to bite each other? That was it?” Mama asked.
“Not exactly,” Kagome replied and then continued, “I'm really glad you took me for that shot.”
Her mother actually blushed as she processed what Kagome had said.
“So you had to bite each other while you were…?” Mama couldn't finish the question.
“Keh,” InuYasha replied, his and Kagome's faces both matching his haori now.
“But, how did yours get on the back of your neck?” Mama asked curiously.
Kagome answered simply, “Well, he is half dog demon.”
“Oh!” was all Mama Higurashi said as she absorbed the meaning of Kagome's words, and then asked, “How long did the ritual take?”
InuYasha grinned, “Five Days.”
“Five days?” Mama just stared blankly - how was that possible?
“Mama?” Kagome yanked her mother out of her thoughts.
“We would like to hold a simple wedding here. I know it is short notice, but I would like to get married on the night of the new moon here at the shrine,” Kagome told her.
“Why so soon?” Her mother asked, “That's in only three or four days.”
InuYasha answered this time, “We don't want to frighten you, but we have word that Naraku will attack on the next full moon. While we will be prepared and have every intention of defeating him, we don't know what will happen with the Sacred Jewel.”
Kagome picked up, “We don't know if the well will remain open once the Sacred Jewell is purified. It could be sealed to where I can't come here again. I would rather have a quick and simple wedding, knowing that you, Souta, and Grandpa will be there rather than risk getting locked into the feudal era, never having had a ceremony here.”
Her mother sighed, “I agree - I do want to see you get married here. I thought you two would take longer, but then again you have been together almost constantly for two years. I have to say that I'm not really surprised.”
Kagome stood up and hugged her mother, “Thank you - I knew you would understand. Do you mind if we stay the night? If we go back now we'll probably wake the others.”
Mama Higurashi smiled, “Just try to keep the noise down. Your brother is right down the hall.”
Kagome blushed; InuYasha grinned.
Kagome took his hand and led him upstairs to her bedroom.
After two days of travel, Kagome was ready for a nice hot bath, “InuYasha, I need a bath.”
“Keh?” InuYasha looked hopeful.
Kagome grinned and took his hand again and led him to the bathroom.
After she filled the tub with hot water (but not so hot that it would send InuYasha running down the hall naked), Kagome pulled off her clothes as InuYasha did the same. They stepped into the shower to rinse off the dirt before they went into the bath. InuYasha pulled Kagome into a kiss as they stood under the warm water, and then picked her up. Still entangled in their kiss, she wrapped her legs around his waist as he lowered her onto his now very stiff erection. Kagome threw her head back and grasped his shoulders as InuYasha held her waist to control the motion of her body. As he moved her up and down, InuYasha leaned over and sucked one breast into his mouth, gently nipping, sucking and licking causing Kagome to want to scream in pleasure. As she came InuYasha looked up and brought her hard into a kiss to keep her from crying his name out loud. InuYasha then pumped her harder and faster until he joined her in her pleasure, kissing her again so that this time he would not scream her name.
Out of breath, they turned off the streaming water of the shower and stepped into the bath. Sitting down in the tub, InuYasha pulled Kagome into him. She once again settled herself on top of him, enjoying the sensation of him inside her as they sat in the warm water. She leaned forward and pulled InuYasha into another kiss. After deciding it was time for action again, she pulled herself off of him and leaned back against the tub, propping her legs up on either side. InuYasha recognized an invitation when he saw one. On his knees in the bath, he moved forward until he had fully entered Kagome. He started moving slowly in and out of her, reaching down with one claw and flicking her clit in rhythm. The sensations were making Kagome gasp. In turn, she let go of the tub with one hand and reached up to start rubbing her mark. That sensation made InuYasha pant - the pleasure of the combined acts was unbelievable. Lifting her partially out of the water, he slammed into her until they had both come again. Exhausted, InuYasha kissed Kagome again before turning her around and pulling her back into his lap, content to just sit and hold her, basking in the warm water.
They finally decided they should dry off and go back to Kagome's room. They put on robes to walk down the hallway. When they entered her room, Kagome shut and locked the door. Dropping their robes to the floor, she pulled InuYasha into another kiss as she reached down to stroke his member. It responded immediately to her soft touch. In response, InuYasha leaned over and pulled her breast into his mouth as he reached down to stroke her already warm and wet center, dipping his middle finger in as it passed.
Kagome pulled InuYasha onto the bed with her as she lay on her back and raised her knees. InuYasha just grinned as his face disappeared between her legs. Kagome had a pillow clutched to mouth so that her moans wouldn't be too loud. The sensations that InuYasha was causing with his fingers and tongue were unbelievable. Her body bucked as is responded to his touch. She practically went into convulsions as she exploded and the juices flowed out of her. InuYasha gently licked her still trembling body as it came back down to earth.
By now, Kagome had determined InuYasha's favorite way of making love to her. Well, she couldn't say it was all him, she enjoyed it, too. Wanting to reward him she rolled over and reached up to grab the headboard for support as she brought her knees up under her. InuYasha didn't need to be told twice. Once again grasping her at the waist, he entered her from behind. As he began driving into her, he reached up and started to massage her breasts, once again keeping in rhythm. He bit down on his on tongue to keep from screaming her name as he released into her.
Making love without making a lot of noise was hard work.
They both collapsed onto the bed, completely exhausted but content. As InuYasha leaned in to give Kagome a soft kiss, she reached up and started soothingly stroking his ear. InuYasha was purring as his eyes closed and they both drifted off to sleep.
Sometime during the night they had ended up in their favorite position, with Kagome folded back into the warmth of InuYasha's body and arms. She giggled when she awoke to find something hard pressed into her. Not wanting to disappoint, she reached down and guided him into her from behind. If InuYasha wasn't awake before, he was now. He started to slowly move in and out as they lay on their side. Without losing contact, Kagome managed to roll InuYasha on his back so she straddled him from above. Reaching back and grabbing his legs to support her, she started to ride him. InuYasha closed his eyes as the feelings of pleasure washed through him. He then reached over and started to rub her mark on his forearm in rhythm with her. He looked up to see her eyes open wide as the extra sensations rushed through her body, especially her lower regions. InuYasha stroked harder as he felt himself ready to erupt. Kagome came with him as their bodies were racked with delight.
Kagome, still astride InuYasha leaned forward and whispered, “Good Morning - wow.”
InuYasha kissed her and grinned, “Keh.”
They decided they should at least rinse off in the shower before they got dressed and went downstairs. Mama was waiting expectantly for them with a grin on her face.
“Did you two have a good night?” She asked.
“Keh,” was her reply. Kagome just turned red.
About that time Souta came running down the stairs. Kagome didn't realize how early it was - she'd forgotten they'd been up before dawn the last couple of mornings.
Souta exclaimed, “Sis - you're back! Are you OK? It sounded like you were having nightmares last night!”
Kagome's face now matched InuYasha's firerat, “Yea - we were just tired from two days of travel and a couple of battles.”
InuYasha agreed, “Keh.”
Mama was setting tea in front of them as Grandpa came in. She looked at them and said, “Kagome and InuYasha have some news to share with you.”
Not sure exactly what her mother wanted her to say, Kagome responded, “You'd better tell them, Mama.”
“InuYasha and Kagome are getting married,” Mama announced.
“Cool!” yelled Souta.
“Whaaaaat!!!” shouted Grandpa.
“They are getting married, and they want to do it on the night of the new moon.”
“When?” asked Grandpa.
“This week,” replied Kagome.
“Whaaat! What's the big hurry!?” Gramps practically yelled.
This time InuYasha answered, “We have been warned that Naraku will attack us on the next full moon. There is a possibility that the well will be sealed as the result of the battle. We may not be able to come back.”
“Oh,” Grandpa said as he was impacted fully by what InuYasha had said.
It was decided that Kagome would stay with her mother to help work out the arrangements while InuYasha went back to check on the others. InuYasha wasn't gone long though. Sesshomaru told him that everything was quiet, and he would handle any situations if they came up. Sesshomaru told InuYasha to return to his mate and stay with her until after they had completed the wedding ceremony. Once they had returned, Sesshomaru would fly home to his castle to alert Kanti and the others of what was happening so that he could return in plenty of time before the battle.
The next few days flew by as arrangements were made for the wedding. Grandpa arranged for one of his friends, a Shinto priest, to perform the ceremony at the shrine. Mama Higurashi was on the phone letting a few close friends and family members know.
Kagome wasn't sure how her three friends would react. She wanted to ask them to serve as her attendants (she couldn't bring herself to call them “Miko” maidens since they didn't have an ounce of spiritual power between them). Much to her relief, at least Yuki and Ayume were thrilled. She was disappointed that Eri refused - she was insisting that Kagome must have to get married and that InuYasha was going to ruin her life. Kagome pleaded with her to at least attend. She hoped that Eri would understand how truly happy Kagome was when she saw her and InuYasha together.
The wedding meant another shopping trip for InuYasha, though this time it was to rent a formal wedding kimono for him. He actually was pleased to learn that he would be wearing attire not so different from what he was used to, just in mostly black with some white. Even the traditional footwear was acceptable. The young man who helped InuYasha was amazed. Not only was he not raising a fuss to the ladies who had accompanied him into the store, he actually knew how everything went on and where it went. He had expected the exotic young man with the amazing silver hair to be forced into the outfit. The only thing he didn't understand was why he never took his cap off.
The day before the ceremony Mama Higurashi took InuYasha and Kagome to a jewelry store to select their rings. Kagome knew she had found the perfect set when she saw a pair that consisted of a gold band, with a simple pattern of leaves in silver on it - it reminded her of the Sacred Tree where they had met. It was like the rings had been waiting for InuYasha and Kagome to try them. It was just the right width to be comfortable enough for him and the rings did not even have to be sized.
When they arrived back at the shrine, Mama Higurashi sent InuYasha out to see if could help Grandpa with anything to get ready for the ceremony. As InuYasha disappeared out the door, Mama said, “Come with me, Kagome.”
She led Kagome to her room and closed the door. On the back of the door was hanging a beautiful shiromuku.
Kagome's hands trailed over the elaborate embroidery on the heavy white kimono. “It's beautiful, Mama,” gasped Kagome.
“This is the kimono I was married in. I always hoped that you would want to wear it for your wedding as well,” her mother replied.
“Oh Mama, thank you!” Kagome hugged her mother and broke into tears.
“Kagome, I want you to be happy. I know you love InuYasha very much and I appreciate you coming back to get married to make me happy. I know that he will always take care of you,” Her mother also had tears streaming down her face.
“Mama, that's not all. He was finally able to say he loves me,” Kagome practically whispered as she hugged her mother again.
The next day flew by as the final preparations were made. InuYasha had to go into hiding in the house when their limited numbers of guests started to arrive - a few family members had to travel some distance and had arrived early. He decided that maybe a soak in the tub wouldn't be a bad idea before he had to get dressed for the ceremony.
Kagome was in her mother's bedroom. It took a good part of the afternoon for her to get ready. Ayume and Yuki were there, already dressed in the traditional red and white. Mama had hired someone to help with Kagome's makeup and hair - Kagome was having a hard time with the traditional headpiece, which was as elaborate in design as her wedding kimono. However, it was finally arranged to where Kagome didn't think it would come off when she moved - it was practically glued to her head.
The ceremony was to be held under the Sacred Tree. Neither InuYasha nor Kagome could think of a more appropriate place than where they had first met. The ceremony was brief - they had chosen San-san-kudo, where the bride and groom perform the three-times-three exchange of nuptial cups, and had added the ring exchange. InuYasha couldn't take his eyes off of Kagome. She was absolutely stunning in her mother's shiromuku. Likewise, Kagome kept staring at InuYasha. He was beautiful in his traditional dress, even with black hair and eyes. After they had each taken three sips from each of the three cups as they exchanged them, the sake was offered to Mama, Souta and Grandpa, as InuYasha had no other family. Kagome and InuYasha completed the ceremony by exchanging rings, and were then presented to their guests.
They had decided to have a simple reception at the shrine, foregoing a formal one as there were no go-betweens, InuYasha had no family, and they certainly didn't want his family history read.
Kagome went inside to change before the reception. Her mother had presented her with a houmongi to wear as a married woman. Not knowing when or if she would get to wear it again in this century, she headed back to her mother's bedroom.
She was met by Eri, who had tears streaming down her face, “Oh, Kagome. I'm so sorry for the way I behaved. I hope you will be able to forgive me. It is obvious that he truly loves you - he never took his eyes off of you for the entire ceremony.”
Kagome hugged her - as well as she could in the formal gown, “I know you thought you were acting for my own good, and I forgive you. Since you're here, will you help me get out of the get-up and headpiece?”
Eri giggled and followed her. Fortunately, the make-up artist / hairdresser was waiting as well, and helped Kagome change into the houmongi, repaired her make-up, and took out the hairpiece, setting Kagome's hair in a traditional but more comfortable style.
When they were finished, Kagome looked at Eri and said, “I'd better get out there and save InuYasha.”
Kagome arrived to find InuYasha surrounded by females, along with Souta who was trying to save him from the crowd. InuYasha's face brightened immediately when he spotted Kagome. She walked up to him, wrapped her arms around him and kissed him, not caring what it did to her makeup. InuYasha was all hers - and the others didn't even know about those fabulous ears he had every other day of the month.
InuYasha just looked at her and said, “You're beautiful.”
Kagome kissed him again.
It wasn't soon enough before the last of the guests had left. After everyone had said their good-byes, Grandpa and Souta started picking things up. Mama Higurashi looked at Kagome and InuYasha, who had already changed into more comfortable clothes, and said, “Follow me.”
She led them through the house and to the guest bedroom. It had been redone so that it had a queen-size bed, plus the guest bedroom had it's own small bath. InuYasha and Kagome's clothes had been moved into it as well. Mama kissed both InuYasha and Kagome and said, “This is for you. I hope you get to use it often.”
Kagome blushed and hugged her mother. InuYasha just grinned as she closed the door.