InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ She Who the Prophecy Foretold ❯ Realizations and Fears ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Inuyasha & co. belong to the illustrious Rumiko Takahashi. I do, however, own all my original characters and this plotline.
Chapter 8 - Realizations and Fears
Sesshoumaru was awake with the sun, feeling more refreshed than he had ever been before. He nuzzled his face deeper into the hair of the human girl in his arms and breathed in her scent. It was still weak but the scent of strawberries and cream was there, stronger than it had been the night before. He listened to her heart beat and felt her chest rise and fall. It seems that his youki had done the trick. Her body was hanging on. He only hoped it was enough, that he could find Kikyo in time to save Kagome.
Perhaps his mother had been right. Somehow this human miko had slipped past all of his defenses and he wasn't willing to let her go. As he contemplated this he found that he had always been drawn to her. Her scent soothed his beast and he had sought it out repeatedly. Despite her humanity he found himself attracted to her and his beast agreed wholeheartedly. Never before in all his centuries had his beast been drawn to anyone. He pondered this as he soaked himself in her scent, hoping it would stay with him at least for a while once he left her side. Deep inside behind the locks and chains his beast purred like a kitten. He knew, even if his master still did not, that this girl was it. He would have her, claim her, possess her, and keep her. She had been made for him. Sesshoumaru had always refused to listen to the voice of his beast, just as he had ignored his mother but now, feeling the beast's calm state, maybe he should have. He had tried to kill this girl. He shuddered at the though of him succeeding.
`Father must be laughing at me right now. If only he could see me, holding a human in my arms, contemplating her importance to this Sesshoumaru, savoring her scent like a pup. Yes, he is sure to be laughing. How did this happen? How could this Sesshoumaru be drawn to a human?'
`It's easy. We are drawn to her because she is ours. She was made for us alone. Who cares what Father might think? Mother was right. You will see.'
`Silence. Now is not the time for such silly thoughts. Now is the time to locate the dark miko and return her to her grave.'
His beast purred his agreement. `Yes, the bitch must pay for her attack on our pups. She must die so our miko may live.'
`Our miko?' Sesshoumaru shook the thoughts from his mind and rose, albeit regretfully, from the bed. Now was not the time for such thoughts. Even if he were to decide that he did have an interest in the miko and allowed himself to pursue it, he was fairly certain that she would refuse him. She was, after all, in love with his half brother. That thought caused a wave of jealousy to rise as a possessive snarl broke free. Despite all her forgiveness, the miko could never love a being such as him. Had his mother been wrong after all; had she been right, and his own actions had ensured that her words would not come true? Was it possible that Kagome was in fact made for him and he'd ruined his only chance for true happiness and love? He sighed softly before he decided not to think on it any more. He dressed and donned his armor and swords. He stopped to check in on his pups, which were all still unconscious, before he went down to the dining hall where he saw Rin seated at the table, awaiting her breakfast.
“Rin, I must go. I have something of importance that needs to be done. You will remain here with Jaken. You are not to disturb the pups or the miko. They need their rest.”
Rin looked sad at the thought of her lord leaving her behind but she nodded her agreement. “Yes Lord Sesshoumaru. Please come back soon!” She grinned brightly before rising and running over to give his legs a tight but quick hug. He patted her head and turned, exiting the room. Rin returned to her seat and began devouring her meal.
He located a servant in the hall, directing them on the care of the miko in his absence. Then, taking to the skies, he started his search for his prey.
Kikyo finally arrived at Naraku's hidden fortress. She went immediately to speak with him about the demon lord's attack. Naraku's expression was unreadable. He called for Kanna and demanded that she show him Lord Sesshoumaru. The mirror swirled for a moment before clearing to show Sesshoumaru flying over his land. He did not appear to be in a hurry; instead seemed to be out on his routine patrols which Naraku had watched many times. Now he was confused. Why was he not at the bedside of his dying pups? Was he so callous as to not be bothered by their impending deaths?
Naraku now ordered Kanna to show him the pups. The mirror swirled and swirled but it did not clear. “It seems that he has erected a barrier around his palace. I cannot see anywhere within.” Kanna's voice was quiet and completely free of any emotion but that was okay because Naraku had enough anger for the both of them.
Indeed, Sesshoumaru had once again successfully spoiled Naraku's fun, this time without even trying. He had erected a barrier covering the entire palace grounds that would allow only his entry and exit. Naraku would not get a second chance at his pups; and Kagome was too weak to put up any defense if Naraku were to find her there. He knew her importance. She was the Shikon Miko, after all. She would be the one to eventually defeat Naraku and purify the jewel of his evil influence. This knowledge just added to his determination to save her. If she were to die then Naraku's darkness would never come to an end.
Naraku was absolutely livid. How dare he block his vision? He wanted so much to watch the final act of the show, to see each pup die one by one. He needed something to take his anger out on. He now called for Kanna to show him Inuyasha. He was the evil hanyou's favorite punching bag. He loved to cause the inu-hanyou pain, be it mental or physical. Looking into the mirror he laughed aloud. Inuyasha was down on all fours, his nose pressed to the ground, desperately searching for a scent. An idea was forming in that deviant mind of his.
“Kikyo, I have another task for you. I want you to return to Inuyasha and beg him to protect you from Sesshoumaru. Tell him that Sesshoumaru is after you because he caught you in his lands in a human village, healing those who had been attacked by his guards. Make it good. Maybe then Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru can kill each other for me, saving me the trouble. If I can't watch the show I want then I should at least get a good replacement, ne?” He chuckled darkly as he continued to watch the dog demon search, apparently unsuccessfully, for a scent.
“Yes, Lord Naraku.” Kikyo wasn't too fond of this new idea of his but she had to do as ordered or he would not restore her life. She only hoped than Inuyasha would be strong enough to keep her from his brother's wrath. She smiled then. Inuyasha would fight to the death to save her. He felt guilty for her original demise. He would not allow it to be repeated.
“Kikyo…” Naraku called to her as she began to depart. “Before you go…” Kikyo held back her sigh. She knew what Naraku wanted of her. It was times like these that she was glad she had little feeling in her body as she had given it over to Naraku willingly to cement their agreement. He was now her mate and she had no choice but to allow him.
She turned back to him, putting on her best impression of a sexy smirk. “Yes Naraku, whatever you wish.”
Rin was bored. Jaken was no fun. She had gotten used to running and playing with her Lord's sons, as well as attending daily lessons, but lessons had been postponed and she had no one to play with. After quite a bit of whining and pleading, she had managed to drag Jaken out to the gardens with her so she could run in the fresh air and pick flowers.
“Jaken, do you think that Kagome will be alright?” Rin was worried about Kagome. She had spent some time with her in the past, during her Lord's fights with his brother; Kagome had even saved her a few times when Sesshoumaru had not been around.
"Why would I care?" Jaken grumbled. That human miko had caused him too much trouble already. Her arrival had sent him sailing through the palace halls until he met up with a very solid wall. And then later his Lord had stepped on him! He was just trying to protect the reputation of his Lord and make sure his servants were kept in line. What was his Lord thinking? Why would he allow the miko to remain after her job was complete? Why did he have to pick that miko anyway? And why, oh why, would his Lord put her in that room? That room had been off limits for hundreds of years now with the Lord himself being the only one to enter it. Jaken was confused and his little toady brain was on overload.
“Jaken should care! Rin thinks that Lord Sesshoumaru likes Lady Kagome! Wouldn't that be wonderful? Then maybe she would be Rin's new Mama!”
Jaken sputtered in shock. His Lord? Like a human, let alone a human miko? Never! “Rin, don't be so stupid. Lord Sesshoumaru would never care for a human wench, let alone his bastard half-brother's miko wench. Bite your tongue girl!”
“Rin thinks that Jaken is wrong and that Jaken is mean! I'm gonna tell Lord Sesshoumaru on you!”
If possible, Jaken's eyes widened even more. She wouldn't dare, would she? Of course she would! And his Lord would believe her too! He always took the human child's side, much to his loyal retainer's dismay. “Ther…there…will be no need…for that now Rin,” Jaken stuttered out.
“Fine, I won't tell, but only if Jaken will help Rin pick flowers to put in Lady Kagome's room!” Jaken sighed in defeat and nodded, following after the girl as she picked the flowers she thought most beautiful for Kagome.
Morning came and went in Kaede's hut with no Kagome or Inuyasha. After much discussion and excessive pleading on Shippo's part the group finally came to an agreement.
“Alright, so we will stay here for one more day; if neither Kagome nor Inuyasha have returned, we will go and look for them,” Sango said, her worry shown clearly on her face.
“Yes, dear Sango. If we can locate Inuyasha then he can go through the well and see if Kagome is there safe and merely delayed.”
“But why can't we go now?” Shippo's voice was mostly a whine. “Something is wrong with her. I know it! She's in trouble somewhere!”
“Now, now, Shippo. Ye know no such thing. It would be best for ye all to remain positive. I am sure that Kagome will be fine and return to us safely.” Kaede did her best to calm the fears of the kit but Miroku looked at her oddly.
“Lady Kaede, how is it that you are so sure that Kagome is well? Is there something you aren't telling us?” Miroku was sure that something more was going on. Ever since Kagome had not arrived, Kaede had not seemed the slightest bit concerned but he knew that the old woman cared about their friend as if she were family. Why would she not be worried as well?
“There is nothing for this old woman to tell you at this time,” Kaede turned as she spoke, hiding her small smile. “Now, I must go tend to some of the villagers who have taken ill. Would you care to assist me, Sango? Mayhaps, it would do you well to focus on something other than your worries.” Sango nodded and followed after the elder miko.
Miroku was certain now that Kaede knew more than she was saying, but he didn't know what or how to get her to share her knowledge. After thinking on it for a few moments, he decided his time would be better spent dealing with the distraught kitsune and settled for doing his best to distract Shippo.
While the shard hunters made their final decision; Kikyo was making her way through the forest in the direction of Inuyasha, finally having been released by Naraku. She was not necessarily looking forward to seeing him again so soon. He was too affectionate for her liking, as she only wished for his death and had no interest in his love. She had to keep playing along though. She was still a bit sore about her failure to seduce the inu hanyou. She had been looking forward to seeing the look on her copy's face when she found out that Inuyasha had mated her and not Kagome. Despite the setback, she was determined and would eventually get her way. Her revenge on Inuyasha and Naraku; and her complete soul from the pathetic girl who was so weak it was hard to believe her to truly be her reincarnation.
She traveled on the ground this time, hoping that it would help Inuyasha catch her scent and bring him to her. This would save her the time and trouble of looking for the annoying mutt, hopefully moving things along. She still found herself wary of being present for Sesshoumaru's wrath after the death of his pups with only her devoted hanyou to protect her. Naraku was putting her out there like a sitting duck and she did not appreciate it.
As night passed and a new day dawned; the group of shard hunters, minus two important members, climbed upon a transformed Kirara and took to the skies. Miroku had tried once again to get any information possible from Kaede but she only insisted she had none to give. The whole thing was odd. Inuyasha never stayed away when Kagome was set to return. Usually he was at the well waiting hours early, pacing impatiently while complaining about the girl and her school. Half of the time he went to get her early. Why had he not returned to the village? Had something happened to him? And Kagome too was a puzzle. If she had simply been delayed for some reason, perhaps an important test, then she would have come and let them know not to worry, wouldn't she? She always had in the past, even though she knew she would have to deal with an aggravated hanyou when she did.
Shippo had barely slept and had refused to eat that morning which had them all worried. Sango didn't look so great either. The worry and fear of losing another she cared about had kept her up half the night, compulsively polishing her Hiraikotsu. Miroku had settled for meditating, sleep eluding him as well. And now they were off in search of their missing friends with no clues as to where to look. They didn't even know what direction to start, so they decided to go the way they had seen Inuyasha heading the last time they had seen him.
They flew over the trees searching the entire day only taking short breaks for foods and water and to let Kirara rest. Even using Kirara's demon nose, no trace of either of their missing companions was found. There was little talking amongst them and Miroku's hand had failed to wander even once. Thankfully their search was not interrupted by any demons and they hoped that little bit of luck would hold. They eventually made camp for the night, even more depressed and worried than when they had started.
Sesshoumaru searched through the night. He didn't have time to waste. He had caught the scent of his brother once, but the vile scent of death had not been with him so he did not investigate further. He did not want to see the half-breed if he didn't have to. Little did he know, Inuyasha was searching through the night as well. They were both searching for Kikyo, but for very different reasons.
Come dawn, Inuyasha had caught a whiff of the scent he was searching for. He took off at a high speed in the direction he smelled her. Finally she came into view. Kikyo was walking towards him, looking exhausted and weak. She dropped to her knees as he approached. He caught her in her arms before she fell completely to the ground.
“Kikyo! Kikyo, can you hear me? Are you okay? What happened to you?” He held her tightly to his chest and shook her slightly.
“Inu… Inu…yasha….is that you?” Kikyo groaned in mock pain. “Thank…Kami I… found you. He's… he's after me.”
“Who's after you, Kikyo? Is it Naraku? Don't worry. I'll protect you. I swear it.” He was looking around, nose in the air trying to search out any danger, causing him to miss her smirk.
“L..Lord… Lord Sesshoumaru. He wants to kill me. I was in his lands, helping the injured in a village near his palace. The villagers had been attacked by his guards and I… I healed them. He took it as a slight against him and has hunted me since. Please Inuyasha, don't let him get me. I am not ready to die again.” She added extra emphasis on the again, just to rub a little more salt in the gaping wound that once was his pride.
“Don't worry, Kikyo. I will protect you. My bastard brother will not hurt you.”
“Thank you. Thank you Inuyasha! I knew I could count on you!” Inuyasha growled to himself. `How dare that bastard try to hurt my Kikyo? I won't let him. I'll kill him for this. Then I'll finally be rid of him for good!' Inuyasha then picked up the weak Kikyo and held her limp body against his chest as he searched for a safe place to allow her to rest and recover.