InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shikon School ❯ Gift of Love ( Chapter 16 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N. heyy guys!!! I hope you guys like the last chappie, I think it was my fave next to Face Down.
THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR THE REVIEWS GUYS. They really help me come back to this story to update. I'm not extremely confident about this fic, but your reviews rele boost my self esteem! Thanks again!!
“Sango, we have to rehearse! The contest is in a few days!” Kagome said. Sango huffed and blew the bangs away from her eyes.
“I know, I know…I'm just tired.”
Kagome raised a brow, “Tired? Even after you got high on the peanut butter last night? Jeez…”
“Peanut Butter…Hey! That reminds me,” Sango glared at Kagome who was trying to act innocent, “You hid it from me!”
Kagome couldn't hide her fake innocence any more and burst out laughing, “Yeah, `cause you could eat the whole jar in 5 minutes and you wouldn't be able to sleep all night!”
“That's the thing! I couldn't sleep all night because of it! No wonder I'm tired…” Sango gave a sly smile at her and narrowed her eyes. Kagome stopped laughing.
“…What…? Why are you looking at me like that?” Kagome squeaked.
“You know why…”
Kagome tapped her fingers on the shiny top of her black piano, “No I don't know why so you better stop being a butthole and tell me NOW!” Kagome softly pounded her fist on the top of the piano when she yelled `Now'.
“You had a good night's sleep, eh?” Sango said.
“Huh…? What…do you…mean…?”
“You slept next to Inuyasha and probably gave him a good night kiss.”
Kagome blushed fiercely, remembering the heated, yet sweet innocent kiss she shared with Inuyasha. She ignored Sango and tried to avoid the subject.
“Shut up and rehearse, we have 10 minutes before school starts.”
Sango nodded as she got back to work.
Kagome opened the door to get out of her room when a small, red rose fell off. Attached to it was a note. Kagome picked up the noted and held it out to her.
You are the far most beautiful women I have ever seen. More beautiful than a red rose. You dazzle the world with your radiance. Any man would be lost in you're sparkling warm brown eyes. You're ivory skin is just as radiant as you're long dark hair. I am in awe. Please come to the Shikon Beach after school and meet me there. We must talk.
Your admirer
“Aww…” Kagome said softly too herself and gave a beaming grin.
It was sappy, so? It boosted her self esteem by 10 miles. Thought the ending part where their meeting was sent sounded serious.
She quickly placed the noted in her pocket and tucked her rose neatly in her hair. She didn't care if it didn't match with her outfit. Love goes with anything except hate.
Who's my admirer? Could it be…?
Inuyasha. It HAD to be him, just HAD to be.
“Kagome...” Sango called with Miroku and Inuyasha behind. Kagome turned around, “Let's go before we're late to school.
Kagome looked over to Inuyasha who just smiled at her, Kagome gave a small shy smile back as she reached her hand over her hair and stroked the rose.
“Um, ok you guys go ahead, I'll be there.” Kagome said.
“Suit yourself,” Miroku shrugged as he walked away with Inuyasha. Inuyasha brushed his arm on Kagome's arm as he walked away. Sango stayed behind.
“What's wrong?” Sango asked. Kagome waited till the two guys were out of sight before she started talking again.
“Look,” Kagome said as she took the note out of her pocket and showed it to Sango. She watched Sango's dark eyes move from side to side while Sango was reading the note.
Sango read it a couple of times before she smirked like a madman! (A/n....well-madgirl…whatever.)
Kagome snatched the note away from her hands and folded it before she placed it in her pocket.
“Let's go to class…” She murmured.
“Sure Kagome…Inuyasha might be waiting for you.” Sango said sarcastically.
Kagome merely rolled her eyes and muttered, “Whatever,” while blushing. They both headed downstairs to class.
Everyone was in class, messing around and talking. Kagome walked in and sat next to Inuyasha. Inuyasha leaned over to her and cupped the side of her ear. He whispered
“Meet me at Shikon Beach after school. I need to talk to you.”
Kagome nodded and thought,
The note said the same thing! So it has to be him…right?
Kagome's thoughts broke as she felt something tap her shoulders. She got up from her seat and turned around. It was Hojo. He said something. It was hard to hear because of everyone in the class talking so loud. Kagome tried to read hip lips but they weren't working.
Hojo talked a bit louder, just enough for Kagome to hear,
“Kagome, I must say, you look great today!”
Kagome smiled. Hojo cleared his throat.
“So do you want to be partners in Science class?”
“Oh, um, sorry I'm with Sango.”
Hojo slouched his shoulder and gave a disappointed look, but then puffed out his chest as he gave a beaming smile, “Well, maybe next time! Always look forward to things!”
Kagome gave a small smile as she sat back down and watched Hojo march away with pride.
“What was that all about?” Inuyasha askedas he watched Hojo, “And why is Hobo acting all strange and happy?” Kagome shook her head. Maybe the note wasn't Inuyasha…
“It's `Hojo'…” She mumbled. The bell rang as students scrambled to their seats.
Class of boredom was now in section.
She heard footsteps and looked over her shoulder.
(A/n. No, its not NARAKU!!!! Lol I scared inu4ever on that one! )
It was Koga.
Kagome stood up and brushed her skirt, “Uh, hi…?”
Koga smiled. His bright fangs looked even whiter against his deep tan skin. His bright blue eyes were brighter than the Shikon Beach water.
“Did you get my letter?” Koga asked and glanced at the rose neatly planted in Kagome hair, “And my rose.”
Kagome widened her eyes.
So it wasn't Inuyasha…
“O-Oh, so it was you who sent the note and flower,” Kagome blushed and forgot about Inuyasha for a moment, “That was flattering, and thank you.”
“I had to let my emotions out. That's how I really felt for you.” Koga walked up to Kagome. She was shocked.
This man; this handsome, cocky, lustful rogue wrote her such a charming letter? No, that couldn't be right, but it was. Kagome wondered if Inuyasha could write such a sweet letter. The more she thought about him, the more she fell in love with him. He wasn't a charming, flowery man like Hojo, but even if Inuyasha sent a love note with 3 words in it to a girl, that lucky girl would faint and pound her heart out because of happiness.
Kagome focused back at Koga, who reached up to her flower and stroked it, “Even this rose doesn't match up to you're beauty.”
Kagome blushed at his comment, but in slight fear, took a step back. It seemed natural to her, as if her long creamy legs had a mind of their own. Koga grabbed her arm, preventing her from backing away, and leaned close to her face.
“I'm making you my women.” Koga said hotly with a deep voice. His breath ran down Kagome's cheek. Kagome stiffened. Koga inched his lips closer to hers. Suddenly, Koga was pushed away and pushed hardly to the ground. It happened so quickly that Kagome didn't have enough time to blink. She felt firm, strong hands push her away from Koga. In fear of falling hard to the ground, she shut her eyes tightly. Instead of falling, she was tugged into a familiar, warm, hard chest. Kagome peeked through one eye to check who it was before opening the other.
It was Inuyasha. Kagome let both eyes open and relaxed. She leaned in his embrace, loving the warmth of his arms wrapped around her. Kagome felt Inuyasha's chest vibrate as he growled deeply.
Koga got up from the sandy ground and growled back.
“Why are you touching my women?!”
“Shouldn't I be asking you the same thing?” Inuyasha snarled back. Kagome gasped. She belonged to Inuyasha, and he just admitted it.
“Listen, Kagome is way too good for a pathetic mix like you! She belongs with me!”
Inuyasha clutched tighter on Kagome and sneered, “You wanna come up to my face and say that again?”
Koga burst out laughing, “You think you can beat me? Well you're lying to yourself. If you want to do this the easy way, then hand over Kagome and run back to the other millions of girlfriends you have, Three-Timer.”
What is up with those weird nicknames I keep hearing?!
Kagome thought.
“Uh, Inuyasha---”
Kagome was cut off on her question when Inuyasha let go of her, zipped to Koga and punched him in the face. Koga was sent flying back. He got up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth as Inuyasha cracked his fingers with just one movement of his hand.
Koga ran to Inuyasha and kicked him right in the stomach, knocking the air out of him. They both kept hitting and hurting each other again and again.
Tears spilled out of Kagome's damp eyes.
“Please, stop!” She shrieked as she fell to her knees and covered her face. She sobbed uncontrollably. Koga and Inuyasha stopped fighting and watched her with pain and regret. Inuyasha walked over to her, but a stretched out arm stopped him.
“Don't you dare go near her after what you made her cry.” Koga commanded. Inuyasha pushed his arm away and ignored him. Normally they would fight, but seeing Kagome cry tore Inuyasha's heart apart. He felt his heartstrings get pulled with every sob of hers.
“I'll take care of her.” He said.
“Hell no, I'm--” Koga was interrupted.
“I said, I'll take care of her!”
Koga looked at him for a second and said, “Fine, I'll let you with her this time, but I ain't givin' up on her, ya hear?”
“Oh, I hear you, bastard, now LEAVE!”
Koga growled but stomped away, leaving Inuyasha and Kagome together on the shore. Inuyasha knelt down to face Kagome. He gently uncovered her face by pulling her hands away from her face. Kagome bit her lip and lowered her eyes, not looking at him. Too many things were bugging her like,
`What will Koga do to her?'
`Does Inuyasha really love her?'
`Why does Kikyo hate Inuyasha and Miroku so much?'
`And what the hell is up with those strange nicknames?'
This was a lot for her, and it was giving her a headache. Inuyasha gently took her chin to make her look at him.
“Are you okay…?”
Kagome shook her head jumped in Inuyasha's arms and cried freely.
“Why-Why did you fight with him? You could have gotten hurt! You-You are hurt!
“Shh,” Inuyasha shushed her, “I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so aggressive.”
He felt her tremble in his arms.
“It's all my fault! I…”
“No! It's not your fault!”
“But I shouldn't have been near him!”
“But you tried to fight back.”
“I didn't try hard enough.” Kagome sobbed harder, as Inuyasha held her tighter. He ran his fingers through her silky hair.
“I want to give you something…”
Inuyasha said as he stood her up. He wiped her tears away with the pad of his thumb, and reached for something in his pocket. He pulled out the necklace of Koi. Kagome widened her eyes, “Oh my god, it's gorgeous…”
“Just like you, that's why you should wear this instead of…” Inuyasha pulled the rose out of her hair and threw it on the floor, “…this.” Kagome smiled as she took the necklace from his hands.
“But I couldn't take this. It's too much for someone as plain as me.”
“You're not plain. You're the most special, person I've ever met!”
Kagome looked at him with wide eyes. Inuyasha smiled and pressed his lips against her's. It was deep and passionate. Kagome could feel herself met in his embrace. They pulled away, Inuyasha adorned her neck with his gift. He pulled her into his arms again.
He brushed his lips against her ear and placed a butterfly kiss on it as he whispered possessively, “You're mine. I won't let you go, especially to that bastard, Koga.”
Kagome's heart pounded; her heart racing. Inuyasha noticed the spiritual necklace turn blue, but as Kagome shivered, the necklace got a tint of pink. Inuyasha smirked. Kagome noticed the change of color and gasped.
“It's a necklace passed down from my family for generations. My ancestor was a miko and put pure powers in it, which are still held in it today.”
“Powers?!” Kagome asked, shocked.
“The jewel bonds two lovers together. If love is present and is being show by the male, the jewel will turn blue, is the girl shows affection to the male or loves him, it will turn pink. If both lovers are showing love for each other, the jewel will shine gold. If the love is intense, sometimes the jewel shakes. If the jewel on the necklace turns black, the love is corrupted; it's just lust or hate.” Inuyasha explained.
Kagome's face fell, “Oh my god! I better not lose it!”
“Keep the power thing a secret.”
“Okay. I won't lose it either, I'll always wear it.”
Kagome nodded,
A/n. Yay! Done! Srry, ive bee rele bz.
I burnt my hand while I was cooking!! That's why it took me a while to update! I'm so sry! I promise to be more careful the next time I make enchiladas!!!
Please review!!!