InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shippo's First Rut ❯ Shippo Needs a Mate ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2
Shippo Needs a Mate
Shippo slowly picked himself up off the ground. With a miserable, defeated look he walked back in the house. He slunk in, trying not to bring too much attention to himself as he went to his room, and climbed back in bed.
“Shippo,” said Kagome softly from the doorway, “are you okay?”
The kitsune turned to look at her and tried to smile, but gave up.
“Not really,” Shippo replied, “I'm in a lot of pain, horny as hell and InuYasha is going to kill me.”
Kagome sighed and shook her head sadly.
“I'm sorry this so hard on you,” she said, “I understand what the rut does to youkai, having been on the receiving end of lustful hanyou for ten years.”
Shippo groaned, turning his face away from her into his pillow.
“Maybe it would be easier on you if you are not around InuYasha and me at this time,” said Kagome, “why don't you see if Miroku and Sango will take you in until the rut is over?”
It made Shippo sad to think of having to stay away from the people he thought of as his surrogate family. Michiko and little Ichiro were like siblings to him, and he would miss them, as well as Kagome and even InuYasha (when he wasn't threatening to kill him).
But grudgingly he had to agree that she was probably right. If he had to listen to Kagome and InuYasha making love one more night he would probably run screaming into the forest never to return. It was just too much for him to handle right now.
“Okay,” said Shippo, “I'll go see them in the morning.”
“Kagome, get your ass back in here!” InuYasha yelled.
“I have to go,” said Kagome with a rueful smile, “the cranky hanyou calls, see you in the morning.”
“G'night, Kagome,” said Shippo sorrowfully, rolled over and tried to sleep.
The next morning at breakfast, Michiko and Ichiro looked sad when he said he was leaving.
“Do you have to go Shippo?” said Michiko, her golden eyes big, solemn and round.
“It will only be for a few days I promise,” said Shippo, smiling at her encouragingly.
“Why do you have to go?” whined her four year old brother, Ichiro.
“It's kinda hard to explain,” Shippo said, “but I won't forget you two, I promise.”
InuYasha rolled his eyes where he sat wolfing down his breakfast. He was glad the kitsune was going away for a while. As long as he stayed away until the rut was over, he had less of a chance that InuYasha would castrate him.
“Don't worry kids,” said Kagome, “Shippo just needs to be away from us for a while, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love you and won't return.”
“Mommy, is it my fault Shippo has to go away?” said Michiko, “Because I promise not to wake up at night ever again if he can stay.”
“That's enough Michiko,” said InuYasha, “you didn't do anything understand? It will be better for Shippo this way, okay?”
“Yes, Daddy,” said Michiko softly.
When breakfast was over, Shippo packed some of his things and left Kagome and InuYashas house near the forest, and headed into the village to Miroku and Sangos house.
In the front yard, their six year old twins Masahiro an Akiko were playing.
“Hi Shippo!” the twins said happily in unison when they saw him.
“Hi kids, your Mom and Dad around?” said Shippo.
Just then Miroku came out of the front door. He saw Shippo and gave him a calculating look and smiled.
“Miroku, can I talk to you a minute?” said Shippo.
“Sure,” said Miroku, “come in the house.”
Shippo tussled the twins hair and followed Miroku back in the house. Once they were there, he gestured for Shippo to sit down. The kitsune sat down with a weary sigh.
“There's something bothering you, isn't there?” said Miroku.
“Yes,” said Shippo sheepishly, “I need a place to stay until mating season is over.”
“I figured as much,” Miroku said with a grin, his hand coming up to touch his chin, “InuYasha and Kagome getting to you, huh?”
“That's an understatement,” Shippo moaned miserably, “and last night InuYasha threatened to castrate me.”
Mirokus eyebrows rose in surprise.
“What happened?” the monk asked.
Shippo explained what had happened that night, and how miserable he was being in rut and unable to get any relief. And he said he really felt bad leaving InuYasha and Kagomes kids, who did not understand why he had to go. But he agreed with Kagome and InuYasha that it was better this way.
“Can I stay with you and Sango for a while?” said Shippo.
“Of course you can,” Miroku said, “but that will only save you from having to deal with InuYasha. It won't help the distress you are feeling from being in rut yourself.”
Shippo opened his mouth, taking a sudden in drawn breath at the realization that he was probably right. Just because he would be inflicted with InuYasha and Kagomes carrying on did not mean the rut would just leave him alone. It seemed to be more pronounced for him at night, but he could feel it even now eating at him and boiling his blood.
“So what do you suggest I do?” Shippo said.
“That's easy,” said Miroku, “you should find yourself a mate.”
“A mate, me?” Shippo said in consternation.
“Why not?” Miroku replied.
“How am I supposed to do that?” said Shippo, “The human girls in this village are not like Kagome, I doubt they would have anything to do with me that way.”
“So you have to find yourself a youkai mate,” said Miroku.
`A youkai mate,' Shippo thought, `I've been living with humans so long I don't have the slightest idea how to do that.'
“Look,” said Miroku kindly, “female youkai feel the need to mate as badly as males this time of year, right?”
“Yeah, usually,” said Shippo doubtfully.
“Then I am sure that if you went in the forest at night, you would be sure to find someone,” said Miroku.
“You make it sound so simple,” said Shippo miserably.
“Well, it is,” Miroku replied, and reached out to give the kitsune a comforting pat on the back.
Just then Sango came in, and Shippo and Miroku explained the kitsunes problem to her. She listened patiently and felt very sorry for Shippo.
“Of course you can stay here,” said Sango. “The kids love you, and we have a spare room you can use.”
“Mommy, mommy!” the twins called from the front yard.
Sango smiled at Shippo sympathetically. “I have to go see what the kids are up to,” she said standing up, “but please make your self at home.”
When Sango had left, Miroku turned back to Shippo.
“About what we just discussed,” said Miroku.
“Yeah, I won't say anything to Sango,” said Shippo.
“Will you consider what I told you?” said Miroku hopefully.
Shippo shrugged, looking at his lap. Then he sighed and rubbed his forehead.
“Maybe, Miroku,” he said sadly, “maybe.”
That night, Shippo lay in the bed in Miroku and Sangos spare room as waves of heat came over him. He trembled and sweated, and his cock was so hard it felt twice its normal size. Panting, he wondered how much more of this he could take.
Finally after suffering half the night, Shippo gave in to the only obvious answer. He had to find a youkai mate, as soon as he could. He rose and packed his things. Quietly he left the house and made his way towards the forest. The smell rising from it seemed to call to him, and he let his instincts guide him to what he hoped would be a mate and the answer to all his problems.