InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shuurajou Nakigoe ❯ Immortal ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(Cry for me. I don't own InuYasha still. >_<)

Chapter One: Immortal

Have you ever bitten your tongue? Have you ever felt your own blood flow across your gums and slide down your throat? Or the metallic and salty liquid setting into your taste buds and making you cringe, and yet feeling so good and forbidden at the same time?

And do you know why?

It is because blood is what makes humans. It is the eternal river that flows through mortal beings veins, and making them what they are. Moral.

Without blood, there is not a being.

But does the normal human bleed just to see if they are alive? No. They as mortals take it for granted and live out their short, pointless and depressing lives.

And then They die. They rot and slowly dissolve into the earth, where hungry earthworms wait. Most are not remembered. Probably remembered as a part of a family and a well-rounded and typical person. But then those who remember die. And the cycle continues. Their lives and their blood eventually end.

How I wish to be like them!

I lived eighteen, maybe nineteen years of my mortal life when I was given a proposition. A stranger that appeared out of dark made me . . .an Immortal.

"My dear boy" the tall male hissed in my ear, "I am here for your benefit."

I pulled away from his grasp and stumbled back. "Where have you taken me?" I slurred and tried to glance at my surroundings. I was in a room with red satin and dark. What was this place?

"I assure you that my father will be looking for me!"

The tall figure with the strong voice was coming into focus now, but only slightly. He had . . .golden eyes. What?

"You are a long way from home, young lord." He smiled, flashing pearly white fangs. Fangs?

In a burst of speed I felt myself being pulled back, my head being wrenched to the side, my hair being pulled by long clawed fingers. Cold lips closed onto my throat and suddenly I couldn't feel anything. I went slack as I felt myself being drained. It pulled from my center, as my heartbeat slowed and my eyelids became heavy. I knew I was dying.

My head cracked against the stone floor, had I been dropped? It felt like I was flying . . .

"InuYasha, drink." A bloody wrist was shoved in front of my face.

Him again? He was getting so annoying. I just want to go to sleep . . .

"Drink!" he demanded, the wound was pressed against my lips now. Why was it so cold? Drink it? Drink his blood? Well if that isn't the most disgusting thing, I don't know what is.

"Do you want to die?" he said, angered by my disobedience. The tone in his voice, was he bored of me? Do I? I don't want to die.

He mumbled something under his breath and pushed his wrist harder into my lips. Damn it! I don't want to die!

So I began to drink. The cold metallic taste was nothing. I couldn't feel. But suddenly, I felt my heart clench in my chest and stop. My heart!

And my whole body felt submerged in ice water, my head hummed from the cold. And I still drank. It tasted so . . .so good. Wasn't I supposed to breathe?

And I clenched my eyes and dug my teeth into the vein, ripping into the tissue, feeding on more crimson liquid.

A voice interrupted my bliss, "That is enough, InuYasha." It murmured.

Go away! I gripped the wrist with my hands, squeezing more of the delicate drink.

"That is enough!"

Leave me alone!

"Stop!" the buzzing voice weakened.


"ENOUGH!" It shouted and pushed against my forehead with incredible strength. The sweet source pulled out of my grasp.

Something clicked in my brain at that moment. By body racked with convulsions, my muscles tightened and gained new strength. It felt like I was placed into a horrible fire. It hurt! My skin was on fire! I thrust off the floor and rammed myself into the tall male; he stiffened at the attack but did not fall. I remember a smile worming evilly onto my face and hissing into his ear:


I didn't get anymore from him. To be frank, he kicked my ass for even asking. He did teach me a lot though, things about what I was now but never why. How I was supposed to live out my life, and what to be wary of. Damn, he talked too much. I wanted to go out into the world! I wanted to use my new powers to kill! To taste the blood of mortals!

But he kept me inside. For months and months he kept me there. Sometimes he would disappear and I'd have to go look for him. He'd be painting or reading and would say some stupid lengthy 'blah blah' then I would give up and walk away. You will never know how bored I was. I grew weak from hunger sometimes, and I'd make due with a rat or a bird. But they tasted so bitter. I would tell him that I was hungry and he would chuckle and shake his head, then lead me out of the room and close me out and leave me baffled from what it might mean.

And now that I think about it, I didn't know anything about him. He left me to my bed and the same clothes I'd been wearing for 5 months and barely spoke. Never even explained why he took me and made me a Vampire. I don't know why I was so naïve at the time and never asked questions. I just took what he gave and never fought against him. But I think he could sense my restlessness growing.

Then one night he came to me. Threw some clean clothes at me and motioned for me to follow. So I did.

"Where are we going?" I said while pulling on the silken shirt, my voice muffled.

"Hunting." He said simply and flicked his long silver hair behind his ear and striding away, knowing I'd follow.

"For humans? Really!" I pulled on my boots impatiently. He wasn't going to wait for me; I knew that.

"Yes InuYasha. I felt that you were hungry. Shall we?" He turned on his heel and faced me, raising his brows questioningly. And for a moment we just stood and stared at each other. His golden eyes bored into mine, but I did not blink. I slowly straitened myself to full height and I found myself asking,

"Who are you?"

And without missing a beat he answered, "Lord Sesshoumaru. Are we leaving now?"

I unplanted my feet and strode past him in a graceful fashion and said over my shoulder, "I am."

And he followed me. We walked out of his castle by the sea. And I never felt so good in my life. And I was free.

Or so I thought.


Ummm. Okay! It's all vampire-ness. Yeah um, this chapter is kinda crappy. It takes me a few chapters to get into the rhythm of a story. So yep. Will you review? Please? PLEASE?! If you don't. . .I'll sic my vampy Inu-chan on you! BWAHAHA!

Inu- . . .

Me- DO IT!

Inu- How about, no.


Inu- (flies away)


. . . . . .Well. . . .You'll review anyways right? (Chases after the much needed main character "You little biznich! ROAR!") Ha…haha…. yeah.

Sess- @_@;;

Inu- (gone)

Me- Lalalalalala!!! EEEHEHEHE!!


Me-. . .

Sess-. . .


Shippou- . . .oooooo yeeeah!


All- (dancin' like monkeys)

The wonderful bestest of everything, goddess of mustard and popcorn, the mysterious and beautifully insane persony -Tannim