InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sick Day ❯ Sick Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Sick Day
by ShoujoFushigi

Rating: P

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.

A/N: One-shot. OOC.


Sesshomaru's Fan Mail

Dear Sesshomaru,

I've noticd that you never seem to get sick. How do you stay so dang healthy?

Kenosha, WA
(A/N: If there's really an Anita there, don't sue, please.)

Sesshomaru: (coughs) Jaken, get in here with my puke pail. And bring me some tissues. LOTS MORE TISSUES!

Inuyasha: Sesshomaru, I think my breath smells. Check this out.

Sesshomaru: Go away. It's not like I can smell anything.

Inuyasha: Well, I bet you can smell these.

Sesshomaru: You're lucky it's your breath that smells. DO NOT go into Naraku's room. Or, as I've taken to calling it, "Rotten Eggland."

Naraku: (from his room) SOMEBODY HELP!!

Sesshomaru: Ugh...Jaken, what's taking so long with those tissues?!?

Jaken: (puking in puke pail)

Sesshomaru: Oh well. I guess I'll just have to reuse these already re-reused ones. Ow! They're pointy now!

Inuyasha: Sesshomaru, I don't think you're gonna be able to solve your word problem this week. So I'll take on for the team.
Two demons run at four miles per hour. At what time do they reach Kagome's time?

Sesshomaru: Ugh...THE PAPER!!!

Paper: (as in the printer paper) Sesshomaru, I can't come in today.

Sesshomaru: Oh, no, not you too! Can I blow my nose on you?

(Paper goes back up)

A/N: Now review please!