InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Silence the Fairytale ❯ Love is War ( Chapter 38 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/n: Strangely enough the last update got barely any reviews o.o;. Ah well, can't win every chapter ne ^^.
SplendentGoddess: Why thanks you. :3. Yea I figured stuffing her underground for a month would do the trick. Roflrofl.
Soliea0death: Thanks deary!
Unistar: We'll see about what life brings eh eh?
^ that is the lineart for the gift I made you guys for all the lovely reviews. Thank you so much.
~~~* dalAssociation/
~~~~* ction (current nomiEations)
THANK YOU INUYASHALOVERR! *tacklehug* I am honored to even be considered ^////^. Thanks soooo much. Thank you Jaimed1968 for telling me! *flustered* I'm so happy ^^
"No. way. Kagome. No. N-o. We're not leaving the den at all until winter is over. So you can sit your ass right here until the snows are gone, because these walls are all you are gonna see for the next couple months," he emphasized to her irritably, pushing her hair up as he washed the back of her neck a little bit gentler than he had been doing previously, for which Kagome was silently thankful. "The last thing I need is Sesshomaru sniffing around for us again and finishing the job he didn't do properly the first time."
Kagome rolled her eyes at the mention of his infamous half-brother's name once again... If Inuyasha used that excuse one more time she was going to paint his Aneue's name onto his forehead and make him wear it.
"Inuyasha, don't you think if he really was intending to do that he would have shown up by now? I think cutting off his arm got his attention enough to make him stay away a while, don'tcha think?" Kagome was insistent, pleading with him to let her out of the damn cave. She would have snuck off herself while he was out patrolling the area for youkai like he frequently did, but she had tried to climb the rock face and the damn thing was too steep.
Maybe if I fashion a rope out of the old strips of kimono I made....
She was desperate for some fresh air.
"I don't know what that fucking bastard thinks half the time, and quite frankly, I'm not inclined to care. What I do care about is you living," he pressed the washing rag into her hand and turned around, grabbing his long silver mane with one hand and pulling it over his shoulder to reveal his back to her.
"Then just come with me, damn! All I'm asking is for a damn walk around the forest, it can't be good for me to sit on my ass all the time. How am I ever gonna get my strength back? I didn't move from that freaking futon for a month and a half. Give me a break..." she grumbled at him, dipping the wash cloth into a warm bucket of sudsy water, and then placed it directly on his back, ignoring his hiss of protest at the temperature.
"Ite, Kagome, I told you not to do it right away, it's fucking hot!" he snapped peevishly, moving out of reach from the steaming rag. Kagome huffed, blowing the best she could at her soaked bangs to keep them from her face and burning holes into the back of his head with her glare.
"Well excuse me, Hime-sama, but I am not the one who prepared our bath water, am I?" she threw the rag directly onto his back, standing up suddenly and walking away from him despite the chill of the cave the further away from the fire she was. She wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to ward of the sudden coolness she felt, tempted to return to the coziness of the interior den, but her indignation kept her at bay.
She could hear Inuyasha's disbelieving sputter from where she stood, back facing him, and she knew his temper hit an all-time high.
"H-h-hime-sama?! What the hell is wrong with you, onna?!" she could imagine solely from the sounds she was hearing the way Inuyasha ripped the cloth from his back and threw the detestable source of all their problems to the ground, stomped on it once and stormed over to where she stood. "Get the hell back over there, you're gonna catch cold here!"
"I'm quite fine where I am, thank you," she replied coolly, shrugging her shoulder in feign indifference at him. She was determined to get at least some say in what she did with herself, but as always Inuyasha ignored her wants in favor for what he deemed was best for her. She felt a shoulder dig into her abdomen faster than she could say 'doghouse' and she was thrown carefully over his shoulder like a sack of rice.
Kagome was staring in mortified disbelief at his very nice and naked ass, and nice and naked as it was, she found herself unable to appreciate his handsome backside.
She was too busy thinking of ways to butcher his precious puppy ears.
"Fine by me," was his response as he unceremoniously deposited her onto their futon, winding her from the sudden action. She felt very dizzy at being manhandled, her stomach lurching in warning from motion sickness, and though she had ridden out most of her nausea within the last few weeks she was still feeling a slight bit peckish in certain situations.
Of course, another thing added to the list of 'Inuyasha is right but I won't admit it'.
Very abruptly he was in her face, his fingers wrapped around her wrists and pulling her toward him. Claws scratched along the skin of her forearm in frustration, not breaking the flesh but leaving small welts Kagome was all but sure Inuyasha was unaware of. His golden irises were heated, slow burning anger churning in them and she met them head on with the icestorm of her own maelstrom. She could give as good as she could get and she wasn't about to back down from the fact she was suffering such horrible cabin fever.
I need to get the hell out of here before I go psycho. Or maybe I already am. Considering I have come up with the fifth way to feed him his own ears, it's safe to say I'm a bit on the frantic side.
"Wanna talk about why you're being such a bitch?" a fang popped out of his mouth, rubbing against a plump bottom lip, and she could tell he was holding back a snarl for her sake. Or at least she thought it was for her. Hell if she cared that he growled at her.
He does it in bed all the time anyway...
She fought down the blush the thought evoked, and though she was fuming, she couldn't restrain the slight arousal the idea caused. The image of her sucking his lower lip popped into her mind and she thrust the picture back down into the void from whence it came.
Damn him for being so attractive!
"Wanna talk about why the hell you're making me a prisoner in my own home?" she bit back, pulling against his grasp and attempting to lean away from his piercing scowl but he would not let up.
"You're not a prisoner Kag, I just don't want you to go outside. What the hell is the big deal? I want you safe, for fuck’s sake!" he was pulling her closer, his nose practically brushing against hers. Kagome's breath was ragged with rage, and with frustration in more ways than one. With herself, for one, for taking notice of how sexy he was and damned if she hadn't known she had such a sex drive until now, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to finish the argument or throw herself in his arms and have her way with him.
Or maybe both.
And for second, him being so damn stubborn and so much stronger than her and if she was in her right mind which she wasn't sure she was anymore she was tempted to purify him just a little to get him to let go. It wasn't fair for him to play his strengths against her when she didn't return the favor.
"For your information, containing me to one place against my will does make me a prisoner, you ass! Now let go!"
She yanked against him again, and finally he rewarded her efforts with his unleashed snarl, pulling her flush against him in direct opposition to what she requested. "What happened to 'wherever you are, I'm home'? What, were you just fucking making that shit up?"
She felt her jaw go slack, utterly confounded that he had the gall to suggest it. To even dare mention something like that was possible. "That's messed up Inuyasha, you know that's not what I meant! Stop twisting my words!" she spat infuriated at him, renewing her efforts to pull away from him. But he held fast to her, arms stretched across her back and pressing her right against him intimately as he stared down at her, his fiery eyes widening just the slightest.
"Do I? Am I? How the hell do I know, Kagome, all you're doing is complaining when I'm trying my best to protect you and keep you happy and you're fighting me every inch of the fucking way! I don't know what to do and you're not making this shit any easier," he snapped right back at her.
She was still glaring at him, staring directly back into his eyes, but she felt the anger fleeing her body quickly. How could she be mad when he put it that way? It wasn't fair. It wasn't right. She wanted to be mad, she wanted to fight, she wanted to get her way like the spoiled person he made her. When did he fight back so vehemently? She wasn't used to it, and she was even more angry at the fact that it made a whole shitload of sense when he put it that way.
"I know, Inuyasha. I do. But I'm not helpless and weak, I can protect myself. And if you're there, nothing will happen to me..."
He shook his head as if he couldn't believe the words she was saying. His eyes slid close, and she knew he was fighting to keep patient, fighting to keep himself from hollering at her.
She half-wished he would yell back. Then she wouldn't feel bad about starting their argument in the first place. But she had to get out, she had to.
"Protect yourself? Me protect you? Are you hearing yourself? What happened, just two months ago, that nearly got you killed? You were in a coma for fucking two weeks. Did you forget that? Did you forget, that we nearly lost our kid? Is that funny to you? Is that a joke? What, is this a game that I'm not playing?"
She resisted the urge to enact violence upon his person in a hormonal outburst.
"Excuse me, but I got hurt trying to save your life, Inuyasha! You would have died if I hadn't have purified that stuff--" she began but he cut her off.
"No Kagome, listen, I would have been fine--"
She let her purification flare just a bit, to seriously gt his attention, and he dropped his arms from holding her to him in hurt and shock. She finally fled his forced embrace, throwing her fists down onto the futon earnestly to make him hear her.
"No, you listen to me for once! You would be DEAD if it wasn't for that! It's been all about what you're wanting and what you're wishing and what you think since I got hurt, since you found out I was pregnant! If I wasn't pregnant, would you be acting like this? When did it suddenly stop being ok for me to fight for myself, for me to protect myself, since when was I weak? I'm going crazy in here, and you can't fucking shelter me from every youkai in the world Inuyasha. Someone is bound to find me in this hole in the ground eventually, be it human or demon! And I would gladly lay my life on the line for you, anytime, anyplace because I can't live without you! Don't ask me to because I love you too much..." she spout it out quickly, tears threatening to fall, disheartened and failing. She had nothing else to say, she felt like he was suffocating her with his fears and she was already strangled enough with her own. She understood him, she did, but she needed some room to breathe for once because between the combined weight of both their nervousness she was going to fall.
Inuyasha clenched his jaw shut, the muscle in his cheek twitching from the pressure. His brows were drawn low, and agitation rode every feature in his face. She gave into her sadness, pressing her palms to her face and crying out her heartache. Between her fingers, she saw him twitch, reaching for her to console her....
"I'm sorry Kagome. You're not weak, you aren't. But you are my everything, and so is what we made together. I came so close to losing you. I wasn't strong enough... I can't risk it again. I'd rather be dead than lose you, I know you feel the same but that kid inside you needs you more. You have to live for both of us, you have to live..." He pulled the hands from her face, cupping her cheeks gently with his own, and looked her seriously in the eyes.
"I know you want to get out... you will, just... give it a little more time. Til you're strong enough to really travel, and then we'll go to Edo again, ok? Ok?"
Kagome gave him a half-hearted nod, rubbing her arm across her nose.
" let's finish bathing cause you just got snot all over you again, baka. I'm sorry I've been so scared, I just..."
She wrapped her arms around him, silencing him with a soulful kiss. His eyes fluttered shut, and he wrapped his arms back around her, letting her know all there was to be said without the words to say it.
She was smiling again, looking up into his face lovingly, "I know I've been a psycho, Inu, thank you for putting up with me... I'm sorry... but... I understand."
He grinned back at her, shaking his head. "Keh, you're right... I can't shelter you. But I can try!" She giggled, pulling him back down for another kiss that sent them both soaring, and she decided to act on the second emotion she was feeling. She reached down, grabbing him suggestively, and she heard him gurgle into her mouth.
" the way, that's my second complaint."
He back away from her lips, drugged, looking down at her with hooded eyes.
"... if you're gonna leave me bored in a cave so much, at least give me a reason to be entertained."
His lips upturned in a feral grin, and he chased her to lay on her back on the futon.
"My pleasure, Kagome."
Not long after those words were said, he had her screaming his name.
"It's gonna be a boy," Kagome guessed, tossing another pebble toward Kirara who predictably pounced on it as it skittered along the cavern floor. The nekomata hanyou batted at it, as if she expected it to move of its own volition. Kagome snickered, tossing another pebble toward her in amusement as Kirara chased after it like it was alive.
"Keh. It's gonna be a girl, I bet," Inuyasha mumbled with his eyes closed, pressing soft kisses on the middle of Kagome's back which had her arching into his touch everytime. A single hand palmed her breast lazily, one finger teasing her nipple that she allowed without much notice.
"Why a girl?" Kagome inquired sleepily as she yawned, stretching high as Inuyasha took the opportunity to press into her more intimately, kneeing apart her thighs and applying pressure there.
He was stuck between sleep and sex, and he was wishing he could do both. Seeing as all his efforts to get her interested in the latter went unnoticed, he was leaning toward an afternoon nap.
"A girl won't challenge me as much..." he murmured, nibbling on the juncture between her neck and shoulder intimately, lapping at the skin to soothe it every now and again from the repeated scraping of his fangs.
"Ne, but a girl will get whatever she wants from you with just a few tears!" Kagome joked, a grin spreading wide on her face at the thought of Inuyasha dealing with his daughter while she gave him puppy eyes. The daydream ended in him giving in to whatever she wanted, of course.
Ah memories.
"Keh you make me sound like a soft bitch," he complained under his breath, moving away from his effort at foreplay, seeing it unsuccessful and laying on his back to catch a few z's.
"Mou, with a girl you would be," Kagome kidded, turning around to face him and went to lay her cheek against his chest. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her a tad closer and he released a jaw cracking yawn that had his tongue curling in his mouth.
"Keh," was all the insight he had to offer on her wisdom, and she giggled silently to herself knowing she was right and he would not refute it.
Kirara pounced on Kagome then, saddened its mistress had stopped their little game, and Kagome could tell the poor neko was bored.
"What's a matter Kirara, you as bored as me?" Kagome cuddled the neko, lifting her high in the air affectionately as she mewed at her. "What's wrong, Buyo not playing with you anymore, ne?"
The lazy lump of brown and white fur opened a single eye at the sound of her name, meowing in assent that she would not put up with her daughter's antics and had the same idea in mind Inuyasha had.
"BRrrrrrow!" the thing drawled out, stretching out in ways that only a cat could, and got comfortable at the end of the futon.
"Awww, Kirara, what will we do with these old fuddy-duddies. All they want to do is lay around all day!" Kagome chided lightly, ignoring the rumbling Inuyasha issued from underneath her.
"Among other things you mean?" he joked quietly to her, rubbing the back of his hand along his eyes as if trying to rub the sleep from them but was unsucessful.
"So, what do we have on the to-do list today for Inuyasha? Eat, sleep, pee, and sex. Rinse and repeat," Kagome grinned at Kirara who flicked her tails in amusement at her Mistress's humor. "Mew!" the neko assented, curling up on Kagome's chest when Kagome brought her back down to her person and cuddled her lovingly.
"I could do without the first two, can't help it if nature calls, and you're not interested in the last one. So I'm resorting to the first things. Not my fault," Inuyasha rolled over onto his side, snuffling into her shoulder in ways that tickled her and made her laugh.
"Mouu stop that! Some of us need a break sometimes, I'm just a weak human, remember? I need rest!" Kagome complained in jest, giggling as he still sniffed at her neck playfully and licked it.
"Mmm, yea, I guess I should let you. Wanna make sure you're in good condition in case I decide to have fun with you later," he muttered seductively into her neck, breathing across her skin and causing her to shiver.
"'Have fun with me' he says. Like I'm a toy," she sighed deeply as he began kissing her flesh softly.
She heard him snort at her words, and he replied in a whisper, "Not a toy. Just my favorite kind of gift."
Kagome looked down at him as he laid his head on her shoulder, unmasked adoration apparent there, and she felt herself falling into him. They were kissing again before she knew it, and he had convinced her forgo everything but the last thing on his to-do list for that day in only the ways he could get her to do.
"I know, but Edo is a far travel and we're running out of rice wine vinegar and soap... I'm sure you don't want to do without soap for too long," he gave her a side-long glance that spoke volumes about what he knew of her. She flushed at him, squinting and abashed he knew her so well sometimes.
"Well, excuse me for not wanting to smell like sex and dirt and sweat all the time..." she murmured irirtably, turning her face away from him and huffing.
"Keh, what's wrong with that? It just means we had-"
"I know what it means Inuyasha, you don't need to share it with the world," Kagome clicked her tongue at him in a motherly fashion, embarrassed that he'd share their home life with the world so loudly.
"Kagome, we're still far enough away from the village that they won't hear us..." he pointed out lamely, his ears flattened against his head in dismay. They were still a good 20 yards from the village, and it was obvious everyone was in the heart of it, tending to their work for the day. They hadn't come to this particular village since they had taken residence with Shinsei-baba, but they had done the favor of clearing out some youkai for them before. So while their presence may have been uncomfortable for some of the more intolerant villagers, it was not unwelcome.
They were premitted to barter there in the past, and it was one of the few places that did not hold a hostile grudge against him for his heritage.
"I know, still..." Kagome began softly, looking down at her feet as she searched for the words to reveal her uncertainty.
Like how I never thought the other village would have rejected us, after everything we had done... but...
Solid fingers pressed underneath her chin, lifting her eyes to face him and he pressed his lips against hers in reassurance. She melted into him, seeking out his strength, and he offered it to her.
She accepted his gift warmly, and thankfully, embracing him with only a tenderness she shared with him.
He returned it earnestly, one hand on the back of her head stroking through her wild hair, massaging her scalp with fingertips and she sighed into his mouth.
"Kagome, don't worry about what they think of us. It doesn't matter anymore. We have each other, and if we can't get what we need here, we'll go someplace else. It's not a big deal..."
She nodded against the solidness of his chest, soaking in his confidence and it gave her some of her own. He was steadfast in her, and she would do the same. Be confident together, as they always were. They never needed anyone else before, and it could stay that way.
And it would.
He's right. It's hard to suffer the rejection, but at least I have him...
She tightened her hold on him, burrowing into his arms just a bit further. Lifting her eyes quietly, she stared up at his jaw while he seemed to be looking into the distance. Somewhere far away, someplace she couldn't touch...
The past...
A thought stuck her, sinking into her like a ship that had lost its buoyancy, going beneath the tides of her conscious reality. It was a sudden, deep feeling that struck her as sharply as a katana once had and hurt one thousand times more than that blade ever could have. It suffocated her on the blood of her pain and realization...
How many decades did he suffer this alone?
She felt like a dagger had been plunged in her heart and twisted, and if Inuyasha had noticed he didn't saying anything. He looked down at her with piercing eyes, eyes that did not look scared or worried, eyes that were steadfast and determined.
"Let's go, Kagome."
She was holding onto a piece of driftwood, Inuyasha, this man who kept her from sinking. This man who had brought her back to life over and over again, physically and emotionally, and she didn't know how to say thank you. This man who held no grudge over those who had wronged him, only scars. She placed her hand in his own, allowing him to lead them on, following his lead wherever he might take them.
And she was okay with that.
Because she always trusted Inuyasha.
Their love might be war with each other at times, or war with the world around them, but it was a fight she was willing to continue... if only to be with him. Her heart lifted a bit at the thought, and she knew how he bore the burden of the past everyday.
Because we bear it together.
She couldn't surpress the smile that overtook her, beaming at him and he returned her smile softly, the weight of their sadness unable to drag them down admist the beauty of their mutual devotion.
I'll never let you swim alone again, Inuyasha.
SplendentGoddess: Why thanks you. :3. Yea I figured stuffing her underground for a month would do the trick. Roflrofl.
Soliea0death: Thanks deary!
Unistar: We'll see about what life brings eh eh?
^ that is the lineart for the gift I made you guys for all the lovely reviews. Thank you so much.
~~~* dalAssociation/
~~~~* ction (current nomiEations)
THANK YOU INUYASHALOVERR! *tacklehug* I am honored to even be considered ^////^. Thanks soooo much. Thank you Jaimed1968 for telling me! *flustered* I'm so happy ^^
Chapter 38: Love is War
"You can't keep me captive in here forever Inuyasha!" Kagome griped loudly, sitting placidly in front of him while he washed her back with a little more zest than necessary. She wasn't about to admit he was damn near scrubbing her skin off, especially when she was feeling as angry as she was. He was being damn unreasonable, and there was no doubt in her mind her admitting that he was making her uncomfortable in just the slightest would backfire on her cause immediately."No. way. Kagome. No. N-o. We're not leaving the den at all until winter is over. So you can sit your ass right here until the snows are gone, because these walls are all you are gonna see for the next couple months," he emphasized to her irritably, pushing her hair up as he washed the back of her neck a little bit gentler than he had been doing previously, for which Kagome was silently thankful. "The last thing I need is Sesshomaru sniffing around for us again and finishing the job he didn't do properly the first time."
Kagome rolled her eyes at the mention of his infamous half-brother's name once again... If Inuyasha used that excuse one more time she was going to paint his Aneue's name onto his forehead and make him wear it.
"Inuyasha, don't you think if he really was intending to do that he would have shown up by now? I think cutting off his arm got his attention enough to make him stay away a while, don'tcha think?" Kagome was insistent, pleading with him to let her out of the damn cave. She would have snuck off herself while he was out patrolling the area for youkai like he frequently did, but she had tried to climb the rock face and the damn thing was too steep.
Maybe if I fashion a rope out of the old strips of kimono I made....
She was desperate for some fresh air.
"I don't know what that fucking bastard thinks half the time, and quite frankly, I'm not inclined to care. What I do care about is you living," he pressed the washing rag into her hand and turned around, grabbing his long silver mane with one hand and pulling it over his shoulder to reveal his back to her.
"Then just come with me, damn! All I'm asking is for a damn walk around the forest, it can't be good for me to sit on my ass all the time. How am I ever gonna get my strength back? I didn't move from that freaking futon for a month and a half. Give me a break..." she grumbled at him, dipping the wash cloth into a warm bucket of sudsy water, and then placed it directly on his back, ignoring his hiss of protest at the temperature.
"Ite, Kagome, I told you not to do it right away, it's fucking hot!" he snapped peevishly, moving out of reach from the steaming rag. Kagome huffed, blowing the best she could at her soaked bangs to keep them from her face and burning holes into the back of his head with her glare.
"Well excuse me, Hime-sama, but I am not the one who prepared our bath water, am I?" she threw the rag directly onto his back, standing up suddenly and walking away from him despite the chill of the cave the further away from the fire she was. She wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to ward of the sudden coolness she felt, tempted to return to the coziness of the interior den, but her indignation kept her at bay.
She could hear Inuyasha's disbelieving sputter from where she stood, back facing him, and she knew his temper hit an all-time high.
"H-h-hime-sama?! What the hell is wrong with you, onna?!" she could imagine solely from the sounds she was hearing the way Inuyasha ripped the cloth from his back and threw the detestable source of all their problems to the ground, stomped on it once and stormed over to where she stood. "Get the hell back over there, you're gonna catch cold here!"
"I'm quite fine where I am, thank you," she replied coolly, shrugging her shoulder in feign indifference at him. She was determined to get at least some say in what she did with herself, but as always Inuyasha ignored her wants in favor for what he deemed was best for her. She felt a shoulder dig into her abdomen faster than she could say 'doghouse' and she was thrown carefully over his shoulder like a sack of rice.
Kagome was staring in mortified disbelief at his very nice and naked ass, and nice and naked as it was, she found herself unable to appreciate his handsome backside.
She was too busy thinking of ways to butcher his precious puppy ears.
"Fine by me," was his response as he unceremoniously deposited her onto their futon, winding her from the sudden action. She felt very dizzy at being manhandled, her stomach lurching in warning from motion sickness, and though she had ridden out most of her nausea within the last few weeks she was still feeling a slight bit peckish in certain situations.
Of course, another thing added to the list of 'Inuyasha is right but I won't admit it'.
Very abruptly he was in her face, his fingers wrapped around her wrists and pulling her toward him. Claws scratched along the skin of her forearm in frustration, not breaking the flesh but leaving small welts Kagome was all but sure Inuyasha was unaware of. His golden irises were heated, slow burning anger churning in them and she met them head on with the icestorm of her own maelstrom. She could give as good as she could get and she wasn't about to back down from the fact she was suffering such horrible cabin fever.
I need to get the hell out of here before I go psycho. Or maybe I already am. Considering I have come up with the fifth way to feed him his own ears, it's safe to say I'm a bit on the frantic side.
"Wanna talk about why you're being such a bitch?" a fang popped out of his mouth, rubbing against a plump bottom lip, and she could tell he was holding back a snarl for her sake. Or at least she thought it was for her. Hell if she cared that he growled at her.
He does it in bed all the time anyway...
She fought down the blush the thought evoked, and though she was fuming, she couldn't restrain the slight arousal the idea caused. The image of her sucking his lower lip popped into her mind and she thrust the picture back down into the void from whence it came.
Damn him for being so attractive!
"Wanna talk about why the hell you're making me a prisoner in my own home?" she bit back, pulling against his grasp and attempting to lean away from his piercing scowl but he would not let up.
"You're not a prisoner Kag, I just don't want you to go outside. What the hell is the big deal? I want you safe, for fuck’s sake!" he was pulling her closer, his nose practically brushing against hers. Kagome's breath was ragged with rage, and with frustration in more ways than one. With herself, for one, for taking notice of how sexy he was and damned if she hadn't known she had such a sex drive until now, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to finish the argument or throw herself in his arms and have her way with him.
Or maybe both.
And for second, him being so damn stubborn and so much stronger than her and if she was in her right mind which she wasn't sure she was anymore she was tempted to purify him just a little to get him to let go. It wasn't fair for him to play his strengths against her when she didn't return the favor.
"For your information, containing me to one place against my will does make me a prisoner, you ass! Now let go!"
She yanked against him again, and finally he rewarded her efforts with his unleashed snarl, pulling her flush against him in direct opposition to what she requested. "What happened to 'wherever you are, I'm home'? What, were you just fucking making that shit up?"
She felt her jaw go slack, utterly confounded that he had the gall to suggest it. To even dare mention something like that was possible. "That's messed up Inuyasha, you know that's not what I meant! Stop twisting my words!" she spat infuriated at him, renewing her efforts to pull away from him. But he held fast to her, arms stretched across her back and pressing her right against him intimately as he stared down at her, his fiery eyes widening just the slightest.
"Do I? Am I? How the hell do I know, Kagome, all you're doing is complaining when I'm trying my best to protect you and keep you happy and you're fighting me every inch of the fucking way! I don't know what to do and you're not making this shit any easier," he snapped right back at her.
She was still glaring at him, staring directly back into his eyes, but she felt the anger fleeing her body quickly. How could she be mad when he put it that way? It wasn't fair. It wasn't right. She wanted to be mad, she wanted to fight, she wanted to get her way like the spoiled person he made her. When did he fight back so vehemently? She wasn't used to it, and she was even more angry at the fact that it made a whole shitload of sense when he put it that way.
"I know, Inuyasha. I do. But I'm not helpless and weak, I can protect myself. And if you're there, nothing will happen to me..."
He shook his head as if he couldn't believe the words she was saying. His eyes slid close, and she knew he was fighting to keep patient, fighting to keep himself from hollering at her.
She half-wished he would yell back. Then she wouldn't feel bad about starting their argument in the first place. But she had to get out, she had to.
"Protect yourself? Me protect you? Are you hearing yourself? What happened, just two months ago, that nearly got you killed? You were in a coma for fucking two weeks. Did you forget that? Did you forget, that we nearly lost our kid? Is that funny to you? Is that a joke? What, is this a game that I'm not playing?"
She resisted the urge to enact violence upon his person in a hormonal outburst.
"Excuse me, but I got hurt trying to save your life, Inuyasha! You would have died if I hadn't have purified that stuff--" she began but he cut her off.
"No Kagome, listen, I would have been fine--"
She let her purification flare just a bit, to seriously gt his attention, and he dropped his arms from holding her to him in hurt and shock. She finally fled his forced embrace, throwing her fists down onto the futon earnestly to make him hear her.
"No, you listen to me for once! You would be DEAD if it wasn't for that! It's been all about what you're wanting and what you're wishing and what you think since I got hurt, since you found out I was pregnant! If I wasn't pregnant, would you be acting like this? When did it suddenly stop being ok for me to fight for myself, for me to protect myself, since when was I weak? I'm going crazy in here, and you can't fucking shelter me from every youkai in the world Inuyasha. Someone is bound to find me in this hole in the ground eventually, be it human or demon! And I would gladly lay my life on the line for you, anytime, anyplace because I can't live without you! Don't ask me to because I love you too much..." she spout it out quickly, tears threatening to fall, disheartened and failing. She had nothing else to say, she felt like he was suffocating her with his fears and she was already strangled enough with her own. She understood him, she did, but she needed some room to breathe for once because between the combined weight of both their nervousness she was going to fall.
Inuyasha clenched his jaw shut, the muscle in his cheek twitching from the pressure. His brows were drawn low, and agitation rode every feature in his face. She gave into her sadness, pressing her palms to her face and crying out her heartache. Between her fingers, she saw him twitch, reaching for her to console her....
"I'm sorry Kagome. You're not weak, you aren't. But you are my everything, and so is what we made together. I came so close to losing you. I wasn't strong enough... I can't risk it again. I'd rather be dead than lose you, I know you feel the same but that kid inside you needs you more. You have to live for both of us, you have to live..." He pulled the hands from her face, cupping her cheeks gently with his own, and looked her seriously in the eyes.
"I know you want to get out... you will, just... give it a little more time. Til you're strong enough to really travel, and then we'll go to Edo again, ok? Ok?"
Kagome gave him a half-hearted nod, rubbing her arm across her nose.
" let's finish bathing cause you just got snot all over you again, baka. I'm sorry I've been so scared, I just..."
She wrapped her arms around him, silencing him with a soulful kiss. His eyes fluttered shut, and he wrapped his arms back around her, letting her know all there was to be said without the words to say it.
She was smiling again, looking up into his face lovingly, "I know I've been a psycho, Inu, thank you for putting up with me... I'm sorry... but... I understand."
He grinned back at her, shaking his head. "Keh, you're right... I can't shelter you. But I can try!" She giggled, pulling him back down for another kiss that sent them both soaring, and she decided to act on the second emotion she was feeling. She reached down, grabbing him suggestively, and she heard him gurgle into her mouth.
" the way, that's my second complaint."
He back away from her lips, drugged, looking down at her with hooded eyes.
"... if you're gonna leave me bored in a cave so much, at least give me a reason to be entertained."
His lips upturned in a feral grin, and he chased her to lay on her back on the futon.
"My pleasure, Kagome."
Not long after those words were said, he had her screaming his name.
Kagome was pressing her cheek into her palm, boredly watching Kirara. Inuyasha was spooned behind her, his arms pulling her against his naked chest."It's gonna be a boy," Kagome guessed, tossing another pebble toward Kirara who predictably pounced on it as it skittered along the cavern floor. The nekomata hanyou batted at it, as if she expected it to move of its own volition. Kagome snickered, tossing another pebble toward her in amusement as Kirara chased after it like it was alive.
"Keh. It's gonna be a girl, I bet," Inuyasha mumbled with his eyes closed, pressing soft kisses on the middle of Kagome's back which had her arching into his touch everytime. A single hand palmed her breast lazily, one finger teasing her nipple that she allowed without much notice.
"Why a girl?" Kagome inquired sleepily as she yawned, stretching high as Inuyasha took the opportunity to press into her more intimately, kneeing apart her thighs and applying pressure there.
He was stuck between sleep and sex, and he was wishing he could do both. Seeing as all his efforts to get her interested in the latter went unnoticed, he was leaning toward an afternoon nap.
"A girl won't challenge me as much..." he murmured, nibbling on the juncture between her neck and shoulder intimately, lapping at the skin to soothe it every now and again from the repeated scraping of his fangs.
"Ne, but a girl will get whatever she wants from you with just a few tears!" Kagome joked, a grin spreading wide on her face at the thought of Inuyasha dealing with his daughter while she gave him puppy eyes. The daydream ended in him giving in to whatever she wanted, of course.
Ah memories.
"Keh you make me sound like a soft bitch," he complained under his breath, moving away from his effort at foreplay, seeing it unsuccessful and laying on his back to catch a few z's.
"Mou, with a girl you would be," Kagome kidded, turning around to face him and went to lay her cheek against his chest. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her a tad closer and he released a jaw cracking yawn that had his tongue curling in his mouth.
"Keh," was all the insight he had to offer on her wisdom, and she giggled silently to herself knowing she was right and he would not refute it.
Kirara pounced on Kagome then, saddened its mistress had stopped their little game, and Kagome could tell the poor neko was bored.
"What's a matter Kirara, you as bored as me?" Kagome cuddled the neko, lifting her high in the air affectionately as she mewed at her. "What's wrong, Buyo not playing with you anymore, ne?"
The lazy lump of brown and white fur opened a single eye at the sound of her name, meowing in assent that she would not put up with her daughter's antics and had the same idea in mind Inuyasha had.
"BRrrrrrow!" the thing drawled out, stretching out in ways that only a cat could, and got comfortable at the end of the futon.
"Awww, Kirara, what will we do with these old fuddy-duddies. All they want to do is lay around all day!" Kagome chided lightly, ignoring the rumbling Inuyasha issued from underneath her.
"Among other things you mean?" he joked quietly to her, rubbing the back of his hand along his eyes as if trying to rub the sleep from them but was unsucessful.
"So, what do we have on the to-do list today for Inuyasha? Eat, sleep, pee, and sex. Rinse and repeat," Kagome grinned at Kirara who flicked her tails in amusement at her Mistress's humor. "Mew!" the neko assented, curling up on Kagome's chest when Kagome brought her back down to her person and cuddled her lovingly.
"I could do without the first two, can't help it if nature calls, and you're not interested in the last one. So I'm resorting to the first things. Not my fault," Inuyasha rolled over onto his side, snuffling into her shoulder in ways that tickled her and made her laugh.
"Mouu stop that! Some of us need a break sometimes, I'm just a weak human, remember? I need rest!" Kagome complained in jest, giggling as he still sniffed at her neck playfully and licked it.
"Mmm, yea, I guess I should let you. Wanna make sure you're in good condition in case I decide to have fun with you later," he muttered seductively into her neck, breathing across her skin and causing her to shiver.
"'Have fun with me' he says. Like I'm a toy," she sighed deeply as he began kissing her flesh softly.
She heard him snort at her words, and he replied in a whisper, "Not a toy. Just my favorite kind of gift."
Kagome looked down at him as he laid his head on her shoulder, unmasked adoration apparent there, and she felt herself falling into him. They were kissing again before she knew it, and he had convinced her forgo everything but the last thing on his to-do list for that day in only the ways he could get her to do.
"I thought you said we were going to go to Edo..." Kagome pointed out to him, walking beside him quietly as she carried Kirara in her arms to keep her warm. They had left Buyo at home, who was more than happy to do without the cold weather, but Kirara had seemed to want to come along. It was apparent the poor neko was bored as well, so they had obliged her and taken her along for the walk."I know, but Edo is a far travel and we're running out of rice wine vinegar and soap... I'm sure you don't want to do without soap for too long," he gave her a side-long glance that spoke volumes about what he knew of her. She flushed at him, squinting and abashed he knew her so well sometimes.
"Well, excuse me for not wanting to smell like sex and dirt and sweat all the time..." she murmured irirtably, turning her face away from him and huffing.
"Keh, what's wrong with that? It just means we had-"
"I know what it means Inuyasha, you don't need to share it with the world," Kagome clicked her tongue at him in a motherly fashion, embarrassed that he'd share their home life with the world so loudly.
"Kagome, we're still far enough away from the village that they won't hear us..." he pointed out lamely, his ears flattened against his head in dismay. They were still a good 20 yards from the village, and it was obvious everyone was in the heart of it, tending to their work for the day. They hadn't come to this particular village since they had taken residence with Shinsei-baba, but they had done the favor of clearing out some youkai for them before. So while their presence may have been uncomfortable for some of the more intolerant villagers, it was not unwelcome.
They were premitted to barter there in the past, and it was one of the few places that did not hold a hostile grudge against him for his heritage.
"I know, still..." Kagome began softly, looking down at her feet as she searched for the words to reveal her uncertainty.
Like how I never thought the other village would have rejected us, after everything we had done... but...
Solid fingers pressed underneath her chin, lifting her eyes to face him and he pressed his lips against hers in reassurance. She melted into him, seeking out his strength, and he offered it to her.
She accepted his gift warmly, and thankfully, embracing him with only a tenderness she shared with him.
He returned it earnestly, one hand on the back of her head stroking through her wild hair, massaging her scalp with fingertips and she sighed into his mouth.
"Kagome, don't worry about what they think of us. It doesn't matter anymore. We have each other, and if we can't get what we need here, we'll go someplace else. It's not a big deal..."
She nodded against the solidness of his chest, soaking in his confidence and it gave her some of her own. He was steadfast in her, and she would do the same. Be confident together, as they always were. They never needed anyone else before, and it could stay that way.
And it would.
He's right. It's hard to suffer the rejection, but at least I have him...
She tightened her hold on him, burrowing into his arms just a bit further. Lifting her eyes quietly, she stared up at his jaw while he seemed to be looking into the distance. Somewhere far away, someplace she couldn't touch...
The past...
A thought stuck her, sinking into her like a ship that had lost its buoyancy, going beneath the tides of her conscious reality. It was a sudden, deep feeling that struck her as sharply as a katana once had and hurt one thousand times more than that blade ever could have. It suffocated her on the blood of her pain and realization...
How many decades did he suffer this alone?
She felt like a dagger had been plunged in her heart and twisted, and if Inuyasha had noticed he didn't saying anything. He looked down at her with piercing eyes, eyes that did not look scared or worried, eyes that were steadfast and determined.
"Let's go, Kagome."
She was holding onto a piece of driftwood, Inuyasha, this man who kept her from sinking. This man who had brought her back to life over and over again, physically and emotionally, and she didn't know how to say thank you. This man who held no grudge over those who had wronged him, only scars. She placed her hand in his own, allowing him to lead them on, following his lead wherever he might take them.
And she was okay with that.
Because she always trusted Inuyasha.
Their love might be war with each other at times, or war with the world around them, but it was a fight she was willing to continue... if only to be with him. Her heart lifted a bit at the thought, and she knew how he bore the burden of the past everyday.
Because we bear it together.
She couldn't surpress the smile that overtook her, beaming at him and he returned her smile softly, the weight of their sadness unable to drag them down admist the beauty of their mutual devotion.
I'll never let you swim alone again, Inuyasha.