InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Silence ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Angeltiger: *stops danceing* Ok, I've learned my lesson....

Inuyasha: Go on! Say it! *twitches in anticipation*

Angeltiger: *deep sigh* Inuyasha and company do not belong to me, no matter how hard I try, they will always belong to Rumiko Takahashi. Unless...hmmmm. Maybe if I raise enough money, I could buy the show off her and-

Inuyasha: NO!! *shivers at the thought of what Angeltiger would do to him on TV in front of millions of fans* NO! You get Sesshomaru for now, isn't that enough?

Angeltiger: *latches to Sesshie's arm* Borrow, Inuyasha. I don't get to keep him...*evil gleam* yet...

Sesshomaru: *gulp*

Angeltiger: *rolls eyes* Oh, and you really should pay attention to what Myoga has to say. It will come in handy later. And yeah, I've written about Kagome and Sesshomaru's little adventures in this chapter, sorry I didn't include them in the last one. *pouts* I was kinda busy with other things...*shivers* I'll never look at meatloaf the same agian...

Devilcheetah: Wait a minute...YOU USED TO LIKE YOUR MOM'S MEATLOAF!?!?


Chapter 5

Myoga cleared his throat, stating he was waiting for their attention. "First and formost, Kagome is an innocent maiden no longer."

Miroku and Sango hung thier heads. Inuyasha tensed, blaming himself.

"Now, as you know, it was a wolf that has taken her- Inuyasha stop that snarling!- innocence away. Now, what I'm not sure if you humans know...wolves mate for life."

Sango nodded, knowing only due to the training in demon slayings her father had forced upon her, while Miroku only sat stunned. He clearly hadn't understood the severity of the situation.

"Since she is human, and we are nearly certain it wasn't consentual- I said stop growling at me sire, I know she wouldn't do anything like that!" The little flea sighed and shook his head. "If I could continue- thank you- sicne she is human, there are certian...addities she will more than likely gain."

"Addities?" Miroku asked.

Sango nodded, "When a human mates with a demon, the human gains some of the more dominate features of their partner."

"That would be correct, m'lady. Such as the lenghening of the lifespan, hearing, eyesight, speed...the list goes on. Just conider, her abilities will be sharper. Almost as if she herself were a demon, well...half demon at least."

"I see," Miroku closed his eyes, "So, in a sence, she will become a 'demon' to become more evenly matched with her partner."

"But..." Inuyasha interupted, looking thoughtful. "My mother..."

"Ahhhh, you're mother." Myoga sighed, "Yes, actually you mother did develope a demon side after she became Lord Inutashio's(sp) mate. She chose to hide this from you and the local humans, since she knew you would be having many problems to begin with."

Inuyasha nodded, though still deep in thought.

Miroku fidgeted, "So is there anyway we can get Kagome back...the old Kagome?"

The flea nodded, "There may be, though it will not be easy." Shifting himself into a more comfortable position, Myoga thought carefully how to word the things they would need to do to get thier friend back.

"First off, as far as I konw, there has never been a prestess and a demon that have actually mated together- yes I KNOW of your predicament with the priestess: Kikyo, Inuyasha. But did you actually mate with her!?"

That stopped his little tyrade.

"Now, if I may continue, again!" He eyed the hanyou wairily, "My guess would be that her pure blood would ward off the demon's...uhhhh...demon's...." The flea flushed and scratched his head as a blush ran to his tan cheeks.

"Addities?" Miroku offered, using a previously used word.

"Yes, addities. Anyway, her pure blood would ward him off as long as it can, assuming it wasn't concentual. But we must act fast.

"What do we have to do?"

Ingnoring Inuyasha's question, Myoga continued, "Kagome will have some trouble fighting off the instincts. It is very dangerous for us, due to the fact that wolves mate for life, she will search out her 'mate'. Even if deep down, she's afraid."

"Then we kill him and get it over with!" Inuyahsa flexed his claws. Not that I wasn't planning on slaying him anyways...

"Good heavens NO m'lord!" The little demon began jumping up and down frantically on his master's shoulder. "If you were to kill her, it would be killing her mate."


"If she were to leoe her mate, she would lose her soul and spirit, her will to live. She would become distant and more than likly, nothing more than a shell of a human."

The hayou flinched, though the group didn't notice, not even the flea who rested on his shoulder. I can't...he thought, looking down at his claws, I won't be respinsible for killing the will of another woman...

"So...she would go into depression?" Sango asked.

"Similar, only worse. You see, when a demon loses a mate, they are able to pull through it, and just live by friends alone. Humans however..." He paused, "humans cannot take death as easily as demons do. For demons, death is an everyday thing, even to those that are familly. But if you think about it, humans always have a hard time dealing with death."

Sango's eyes dulled as she thought of all the villagers who died from Naraku. Her friends, father, and her brother...he was as good as dead.

Miroku too closed his eyes in rememberance, of all the abandoned villages he had passed through, seeing the decaying faces of humans as they lie in wait until the death took away their body along with their souls. And his still hurt to think what had happend to his father could someday happen to him.

The two humans both looked up simultaneously and nodded in understanding, while Inuyasha continued to look at his claws, thinking of his own experiences with death and resserection.

Thinking he had given them enough time, Myoga continued, "She wouldn't be able to handle it...she would die from the separation of their spirits."

"Die?!" Sango asked incredulously, Kagome would die without that monster beside her?

Miroku sighed, "Then it would seem killing the culprit would not be an option."


"Then what the hell are we supposed to do?!" Inuyasha jumped up, suprised at his own outburst, sending Myoga tumbling to the ground.

"If you would sit down and calm youself m'lord, I would be able to tell you." He explained, sitting up and rubbing his head angrily."


"Now..." deciding he was safer with Sango, the flea settled on her shoulder. But not without earning a warning look that said 'try to suck my blood, you'll find yourself out there with Shippo on his candy-high'. Ok, maybe she didn't look exactly like that, but it was enough of a visual in his imagination that made him sit nicely, floding his hands in his sleeves.

"Ahem. Now, there is only one way to break this bond that I know of, that wouldn't hurt Kagome. The other choices will be left unsaid, for reasons I'll make known later." He sighed, not wanting to go on.

"The best tactic is to play with her new instincts. Manipulate her, if you will, so that she believes the wolf is her enemy. The only problem is, she'll run right back to him in a matter of time...unless-"

"Unless what?" Inuyasha growled, geting impatent. "What do we need to do?"

"Unless...she were to love another, without a shred of doubt. It will be hard, but it's the only way to breakt the connection that wolf has with her."

"Love another?"

"Without a shred of doubt?"

"Correct Sango, Miroku. Now the reason this will be hard is...well, you see, it goes like this: In demon sociey, mates mean everything, next to a battle of course. So it is only natural that it is a great shame on the pair if one part of the whole were to...'cheat' on the other.

"Now, if this person she falls for must love her unconditionally, and be strong enough to drive out the link the wolf has set with her. But we only have one chance to do this, if she falls for another and it doesn't work out...she may run back to the wolve. We may never get another shot after that.

"This person that she falls for, they must show that they care for her, and that they are a better choice to be her life mate, and that they will be able to protect her from the wolves wrath. And that they will always be there for her, and only her."

The humans fixed heated glares at Inuyasha, who was currently giving Myoga his own 'death' look.

"Same feelings huh?" Sango crossed her arms, "So I take it that means whomever this person is, they must be completly true to her?"

"Yes, as I've said: If there is even a shred of doubt to the man's loyalty. She'll run back to her mate. Probably in shame of herself for what she has done. I honestly don't think we will have another chance after that."

"Hear that guys?" Sango asked, though looking straight at Inuyasha, "Loyal! Just her!"

"I heard him!" Inuyasha snarled before looking down. "But...I can't...I..."

"Why m'lord? Why!?"

"I...I already promised Kikyo..."

"So, who's more important Inuyasha?" Sango ordered, "Spending a lifetime with Kagome, or spending an eternity rotting in hell with Kikyo?"


"Whatever you decide, it needs to be done quickly. For a normal human, the effects of the union are immediate. But she's a priestess, and like I said before: no demon has ever actually mated with a one, so we don't know how long her blood can hold off her instin-"

Sango immediatly jumped up, sending Myoga sailing off yet another should in the span of five minutes. "Then why are we still here?!"

"I agree with Sango, we had better continue." Miroku stood as well, grabbing his staff.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you the whole time!" Inuyasha growled.

Grabbing her friend's pack, Sango walked over to where Myoga lie twitching. "Do you plan on coming with us?"

"Of course!" He yelled, righting himelf and jumping on Kirara's back. "I want to see her well as much as anyone." Not to mention, this is one task that should't be violent. Meaning I'll be a safe little flea...

"Then let's go!"

After taking a few steps, Miroku stopped and looked towards the others. "Wait a minute...."

They stopped, impatently lifting their eyebrows, "What?"

"Sango..." he started, looking around, "where's Shippo?"


He was there.

No matter where she was, where she looked, he was there. All around her it seemed.

"What do you want?"


Kagome looked slighly taken aback at his abruptness. "Why?"

~Well, you are my mate~

"Don't I get a say in this?"


She could feel her face getting hot. "What?"

~We are already mated, and what's done is done. Don't you remember?~

She shivered. Of course she remembered, she couldn't forget.

~I'll take that as a yes~

"Well, what if I don't want to be your mate?!"

~It is too late my dear. Don't you remember what your dear Kouga told you?~


"Kagome, I'm gonna make you my woman!"

Kagome blinked, "Wha-"

"Think about it, we're a perfect match!"

"But Kouga, I-"

"You'd better prepare yourself Kagome, wolves mate for life."

~*~*~*~*~*~End Flashback~*~*~*~*~*~


~It's too late, you belong to me now~


~Yes! And no one can help you. You will be all alone my dear...but of course I can help...~

"No...I won't be alone..."

~I'm afraid so...but I'll always be here with you.~ The voice turned into a snake-like whisper, ~After all...that'ss what matess dooooo~


"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Kagome shot straight up from her bed.

"What is it, human?" A small black, imp-like demon with blue stripes on it's cheeks entered her borrowed room.

"Who. Are. *pant* You?

"You are alive." It noted, showing no emotions. (AT: Hehe, Sesshie's got 'em trianed.)

"Huh? Why wouldn't I be?"

"I am on watch of you now. You scream, I am to check on you. Now that I know you are safe, my job is done." He began to walk out.

"Wait!" She called, scooting forward on the bed, "What time is it?"

"It is nearly dawn."

"That late? It thought I was supposed to be woken up in an hour."

"The Lord decided you needed your sleep. You are to be grateful human. He'd kill a human before he brought them here. You are forutnate." Without another word, he stalked out of the room.

Kagome looked around the borrowed room, Why did he save me? She wondred, And why am I here?

She sat up, wincing a bit. She still hurt...she hadn't know it would hurt so much. She felt the tears well up while she thought of all those years in sex-ed and CPR.

(AT: For those of you who don't know, CPR means: Creating Postiv Relationships. It has to be the gaiest class I've ever taken. The sad thing's one of the only classes I can pass...I wonder what that means...)

She slumped over, what had they said? Echos of a teacher droning on and on filled her head: Diseases, pregnancy, cons, and come-ons...what else?

I can't belive this is happening to me... she thought through her headache. I want mama...

Climbing out of the bed, Kagome barely got a foot on the floor before jumping back on. That stone floor was cold! Glancing back down, she noticed a pair of slippers that matched her robe looking lonley by her bed.

After slipping them on, she scooted across the room to her door. Peering out, she noticed the hallway was empty. Where'd that little imp go?

Deciding she'd rather take her chances at finding Sesshomaru on her own, she set off. She studied the forks and four-way intersections in the halls, searching imps and if need be, shadows.

Crap!She thought, hiding in the shadow at a corner of an elegant wall. After waiting until the blue striped imp passed by, she turned the corner, still slinking in the shadows. I feel like I'm living Souta's 'Metal Gear: Solid' game. She smiled at herself, Wait till I tell him.

After repeating this process a few times, she started to get more comfortable and into the feel of slinking around. Her pants blended in perfectly, and the dull creme of her top made her barely noticable, unless someone was looking...


I can't belive the Lord would make me that little human's slave! Jaken thought, obviously PO'd. Why would he do that to me, his most loyal servant!

He stopped when he came to the girl's door. The cause of his latest trouble was just on the other side...

Darn that little girl, making my master bring home some half-breed's wench! That Rin will be the death of him yet!.....and me.... He added, noting how he got into this pradicament in the first place.

Taking deep breath, he opened the door so hard it slammed into the opposite wall, hoping that he had just waken her up. He then strided in, making a big deal of holding his nose so he could show just how rank the human smelt.

~~~~A few minutes later~~~~

Can' Instead of a sickly green, the little toad was now a striking shade of "Robin's egg blue". Still, he could not tell if the human girl was there or not. Of course, the thought never occured to him that if he would just take a sniff, h would've been able to tell that she had left around 30minutes ago.

But of course he stood there holding his breath, until he finally fell unconsious.


Angeltiger: There! Mwaaa haaa haa*cough*herrrrrrr...

Sesshomaru: She still can't get the whole 'evil laugh' thing goin.

Angeltiger: Leave me alone. *turns to audence* Well? Whadda ya think so far? I know it's going kinda slow, but I like to have detail. I'm not an author that just has Kagome meet Sesshomaru under certain cercumstances and they immediatly fall in love...the end. Sorry, I don't work like that.

Inuyasha: Riiiight.

Angeltiger: Oh yeah. And thanks again to all those that reveiwed. You have nooooo idea how happy that makes me! *does crazy happy dance*

Evilpanther: You should really stop that you know.

Angeltiger: *freezes* Oh no....not you....

Evilpanther: Oh

Sesshomaru: *growls* Who is he?

Angeltiger: An old friend...*cough* ex-boyfriend...


Evilpanther: Hey babe, you still single?

Devilcheetah: *walks onstage* Hey AT? I found- *gasp* You! What are you doing here!?

Sesshomaru: *ignores DC* No! She's not single. *growls*

Evilpanther: Oh really. AT, honey, don't tell me you're dating pretty boy over here.

Sesshomaru: 'Pretty boy's gonna kick your ass if you don't leave.

Evilpanther: Oh yeah?

Sesshomaru: Yeah!

Angeltiger: O_O;;; *calmly slips off backstage as the two boys duke it out* Uhhhh....

*whispers* That was unexpected...anywho...*flinches when she hears broken glass* I'd better go before they tear my whole set up! And rememeber flames are welcome, suggestions are welcome, hell ANYTHING's welcome. *more broken glass* Shit! I think that was the Shikon!

Inuyasha and Kagome: WHAT!?!?

Angeltiger: ^_^;;; hehehe...ta-ta! *runs back onstage*