InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Silver Lining ❯ What's the Worst that Could Happen...? ( Chapter 5 )
A/N: *creeps in secretively* Hehe…sorry 'bout the long wait…production time is here again!…and this year we're having 2 productions!! *sweat drop*
There aren't any dance vocab...just a lot of thanks to reviewers!
Mofaf - Glad to know you're liking the story so far, mom! Don't worry, Miroku's sister will be showing up sometime soon...and so will Inu...=^-.~^= glad you like Kagura and Sango being friends, too...wasn't too sure about all that when I wrote it, and she will play some key parts later on as well, too... don't worry, Sango didn't lose Kagura's numbers and contacts *I hope*...and keys stay in car...mwahahaha...
Dragonflyelj - Hey chica!! aw, sorry to hear you're having to sift through the crap load of fics posted...I've been getting sick of it too. *lol* hope you get to finish reading this...hope to see you in chat sometime, love!
Lilpapillonbleu - Wow...what a great review...I've read it thrice! *lol* You've made me all excited with it!! Yeah, I've locked my keys in the car once and thought I should add that in one of my stories one day...whoop there it is. Haha...calm down, all of your questions will be answered in time...the main reason I write Mir/San is because they are SUCH an interesting pair and, yes, there is a HUGE shortage of good ficcage in their honor...just adding my love to make it grow! *lmao*
GothicAnime - Ty so much...I've sent a list of the songs and who sings them...I'm planning on using many many songs ('cause music is my LIFE source) so if you want to know any others just let me know. =^n_n^=
Birdie - No, Kagura's not Miroku's sister...just a good friend of Sango's while she's still in NY. don't worry, Miroku's sis hasn't been found yet...but when she is...*lol*...let's just say I'm going to have fun writing that part of the story...^^ Ty on your compliments, too!
Animechick262003 - *lmao* thanks, Chicky, hope you like the latest chapter!!
slyzerin-girl - Hahaha...lecher voice, eh? alright alright, you've convinced me...*giggle*...glad you're enjoying the story...sorry me so slow...*lol*
DRAKE220 - Glad you like the autographed guitar from Lenny part...*lol*...I'm not sure what's been up with lately...but hopefully it'll soon stay fixed!
Purplesailorstar (Teresa) - Oh GOD I almost had a heart-attack when first reading your review...thought it would be a flame! TOTAL opposite. *lmao* Here's the next chap...hopefully I won't disappoint you!!!
Aamalie - Sorry about the confusing POV has a weird document folder...whenever I edit something...the symbols disappear! I didn't realize it until after reading your review, 'cause i coulda sworn i'd added borders between POVs...*sweat drop* anyway, ty!
Julie, Love-Kittie, lemon_luvr, darkpyroangel06, B4ByK4K4SH1, suicidalslayer, BEANHEAD, LoSt gUrl8o8, and lilkawaiigurl88 - Thanks so much! Much, much love to you all!!
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Chapter 5
"Um," Kagome searched the hallway, which was now serving as a makeshift waiting room, her tired, stormy blue eyes slightly hidden by the glasses she wore.
She briefly looked down at a clipboard before smiling at the people sitting and standing around the 'waiting room'.
"Jessica? Ms. Jessica Rhode?"
A woman, a very young one at that, stood from her white plastic chair with an unconscious swipe at her behind, causing many of the males around her to look her way. She had very short, silky blonde hair and a slightly noticeable scar going lengthwise at the end of her right eyebrow. She gave a huge, attractive smile at Kagome as she walked up and gave a friendly nod of her head, her southern charm making her seem to glow.
"Hiya, I'm Ms. Rhode…Jess, if you like."
Kagome grinned at the tall girl, impressed by the aura she gave off.
"Well…Jess…you're first on the list." She took Jess's hand in a light handshake before ushering her into Miroku's office. "Ready to meet the boss man?"
The girl snorted, her soft teal eyes amused. "Oh, yeah…"
"Wow…your resume states that you're fresh out of high outstanding degree from only two years of college." Miroku's violet gaze darted between his newest could-be-employee who sat across from him at his desk and her papers with a studying face, "You've done so much so early…but can you teach?"
Jess made a type of 'pfft' noise, rolling her eyes as she crossed her legs to get comfortable while crossing her arms across her chest as well. Her huge hoop earrings jingled from the movements.
"Please, honey…you don't even know HALF of what I've been through. My instructor practically used me during my high school years to teach classes after a hired hand relocated to somewhere else. It was a small studio, with few classes…but many, many clients."
He shook his head knowingly, flicking his eyes over her physique as he did so. She was very lithe, but muscular, barely the smallest hint of fat on her bones as proof of her story. A very avid dancer, indeed, he thought as he eyed her long, tanned legs, noticing a nice-sized scar on one of her shins.
"Ms. Rhode," at her look, he began again, "Jess…If you don't mind me asking…" he started, putting down her papers as he once again eyed the scar adorning her face, "…how, exactly, did you get such deep cuts on yourself?"
He watched as she looked down into her lap with a soft smile, fingering a healed gash he'd failed to notice on the inside of her left forearm. It went at least five inches down from her elbow, and she grimaced tightly, as if remembering the incident as she wiggled a bit in her chair.
Looking back up into his patient, awaiting eyes, she timidly touched at her hair as she answered.
"I was in a car wreck less than a year back…"
His eyes widened as she went on.
"I was being reckless, I'm not going to lie to you…I was late to a class, so I picked up speed a little bit. Some guy ran into me, and my BMW beetle was so old that the seatbelt actually ripped out as I flew through the window shield…"
She looked up to see his unbelieving expression, shrugging at him as she looked back to her lap.
"…Its not like I really remember it all…the guy made a hit and run. A woman who knew me saw me on the side of the road, thinking I was my twin, Rachel…who was actually running late for something that day…and called an ambulance." She smiled, "Luckily I'm too thick-headed to have been killed…not even a broken bone." Jess rolled her eyes at herself before meeting his with a smirk. "Well, I had therapy for my arm," she flexed it to emphasize her statement, "which I couldn't rotate until about a month or so ago."
Miroku gave the country sweetheart a fond look with very awed eyes.
"I understand, Jess. You must be very strong."
"Damn straight." She said and he laughed, reminding him of an old friend. She touched the scar at her brow as she continued. "Every morning I see this and thank God to have been so lucky…I bought a worthy car soon afterward, that's for sure."
Even though Miroku's first interview with Jessica had gone great, almost all the ones after had been horrible. There had been one beautiful and amazing woman, except to find out she couldn't sing, dance, nor even act…which was a huge bummer for Miroku, who thought that maybe he could've gotten lucky in more ways then one…though he did get a good grope as he escorted her out of his office. Soon after, with many other fakes scattered into it, he'd only found two other people good enough for his studio…a newlywed voice instructor, Nia Liter, who also had the knowledge to teach ballet, and a young African American who was taught under well-known tap and jazz artists, such as Savion Glover and the late Gregory Hines by the name of Frank Carter. He had also found a woman who could help out Kagome with all the secretarial work, Renae James.
Just when Miroku was thinking of giving up on the rest, in walked someone from his past, a gorgeous young Hispanic woman.
At the sight of her, Miroku ducked under his desk. Gliding over to him, the girl pushed his chair out of the way before kicking him lightly in the behind.
"Get up, idiot."
Looking up at her, Miroku sighed as he got up to sit in his chair as the dark Latina went to sit across from him.
"So," she started and he looked up at her. "You do remember me."
Carla Rodriguez had a pure Latin lineage of Mexicans and Puerto Ricans. She had eyes so brown they were almost black, and her hair matched. They'd been in high school together, and she was the first girl he'd ever popped his infamous question on back when his hormones had first kicked in. They had always been very close as kids, too…she had been there the day his mom first stuck him and his sister in a dance class.
"Yes…how could I forget you, Rodriguez? You're almost like my sister…" he grinned. "Almost." At her laugh, he asked, "You are here for a position, no? I'd be more than happy to except you."
She shook her head. "You can't." She said lowly. At his inquisitive look, Carla set him straight, "I mean…I don't think that…that I'm ready to teach…"
"Carla…" he started, but knew she wasn't the type to take pity, so he changed the subject a little. "You know you can always assist us."
Carla smiled, thanking him shortly before they both stood up. Miroku could tell she must've already heard about his sister, and either just didn't want to bring it up, or knew she shouldn't try to.
After Carla, there hadn't been any other people up to status to hire, so Miroku decided to try more interviews tomorrow, and to give Kagome some sort of break until Renae could start helping her the next day.
Sango stepped off the plane, her eyes noticeably heavy from being deprived from sleep.
She had been up all the other night, packing and bitching around in the apartment so much that she hadn't even cared about sleep, not to mention running across town to meet Kagura, and her hectic morning out in the rain. First thing after she'd made her way through the double door of the airport, she'd slipped on some kid's toy, falling flat on her stomach to the hard, cold tiled floor. Luckily, she didn't break her guitar, so some sweet angel must've taken some pity on her.
After picking her butt off the floor, she'd made her way to a bench to sit down and breathe while waiting for her flight to be called (or something). A young guy, around her age had helped her carry her things, though he threw it off as if it were nothing as he picked up her guitar case, suit case, and purse; allowing her to remove her soaked jacket and fix her hair a bit.
The guy, to her, had tried to keep up some kind of 'I'm Superman, don't fuck with me' facade. Though, Sango had to admit, he was very handsome…and even though his face said he didn't care, his eyes were the total opposite. He had unnaturally long hair, pulled back out of his face, as well as long bangs that framed his emotional charcoal eyes.
She thanked him, though she'd never gotten his name, and waited out another good thirty minutes for the call to start boarding her flight.
Getting on the plane, she was surprised to find Superman in the seat next to hers. He never really smiled, she realized, though he did smirk a hell of a lot…
Must've been his way of smiling…she thought to herself as she now walked towards the place to pick up her luggage.
Standing near the luggage pickup area, looking for her things, Sango thought back to her conversation with the young man…
She'd found out that he was going 'home' to visit a few old friends and relatives. She noticed how his voice would be rough and sarcastic, though his dark eyes thoughtful and distant as he spoke of his loved ones. They shared a few similar interests, including football and rock music. The subject of her learning on Broadway caused him to raise his eyebrows, slipping that he'd taken dance himself, though he'd stopped after moving from LA.
He was in New York doing some sort of business trip for his brother, and needless to say, Sango was relieved to be spending such a long flight with someone so laid back.
Time had flown by, but now, as Sango picked up her things and started her long trek out of the airport to where her paid taxi (thanks to Kagura) was now waiting, she kind of wished she'd spent more time napping than talking to that guy so much, though none of their discussions had gone very deep.
He had an unusual name…hell, she couldn't even remember it off the top of her head after only hearing it once. Good thing he'd written it down with his number. They'd both figured to get each other's numbers since she didn't know anyone around here, and that maybe he could help her find a job while he was still in town.
No matter how he acted, he was an overall good guy…he didn't hit on me…Sango decided. The subject of dance had noticeably caught his attention and he'd already told her where he'd be staying, in his nonchalant way, though he didn't ask for the location of her place probably to show he wasn't some psycho or anything. She had known that herself, though…since she'd always been a pretty good judge of character. She snorted to herself as she climbed into her awaiting taxi.
He'd only known me for a few hours and he was already protective of me…men.
Miroku walked out of his shower and into the privacy of his bedroom to search for some clean clothes to put on. He was going to drive to the other side of Los Angeles to go pick up Faythe and safely get her to her mother's house. Her sister, who he'd known since forever, had called, asking him to get Faythe from her dad's since she had to work late again, and Faythe's father couldn't afford her a taxi. He agreed, knowing he owed it to Faythe for helping him with his Senora-less classes all last week.
Throwing on some faded jeans and a button-up black shirt over a wife beater, he left his hair loose, letting the short, silken locks frame his face instead of being pulled back once again. Putting on his tennis shoes, Miroku made his way out the door after checking the clock on his wall and grabbing some cash.
I have a while, he thought, but I guess I can go get something to eat for a late dinner before hand.
After shutting his apartment door, Miroku heard a stressed female's voice as he made his way down the stairs and past the front desk. Turning to look, it seemed as if he were right, the girl's hands were flying everywhere as she all but cussed out the hard-hearted woman at the front desk.
"But my friend made my reservation for a room here early this morning!" She looked at the clock behind the lady. "It's nearly 9:30PM!!"
"I'm sorry ma'am," the gray headed woman replied. "Your name is not on the list and right now we seem to be full."
The young woman's eyes widened as her eyebrows were drawn down in her fury, her long ponytail swinging as she shook her head.
"You can't be serious…I just flew over 3,000 miles to get here! I'm tired, I'm hungry, and I want the damn room you made my friend pay for!"
As the woman was about to retaliate, Miroku walked up beside the angry girl. "What seems to be the problem here, Elda?" he asked the old bat.
Elda sighed, turning to him. "This young lady here says that she asked for a room and has paid for it this morning." Her eyes hardened as she placed them back upon the girl in question, "Though her name is not in our records and if she wants an apartment she will have to wait until tomorrow…"
The young girl plopped her head against the high counter, muttering.
"I give up…you people show no mercy."
Miroku's eyes fell thoughtfully atop the girl's chestnut-colored head, getting an idea as to help her out.
"Well, Elda," he began, putting the woman under his gaze in some sort of challenging way, "it doesn't seem like I can argue with you since you have the upper hand…but would it be alright if this young woman stays in my apartment for the night? I don't believe the situation is her fault…and she has come a long way to get here."
Sango snapped up her head from off the counter.
Did she hear correct???
She slowly turned her head around to look at the guy standing beside her with an unbelieving look as he smiled back at her.
"Don't worry," he said, "My couch can double as a bed…and it's only for one night since you have nowhere to go."
She hesitantly smiled, too sleepy to care…he seemed like an alright guy, to be all up in the desk lady's face about it without question...not to mention that he was gorgeous…his hair all down…she wanted to run her hands through it…
"And besides," he continued, bringing her out of her slight haze, "I've somewhere to go right now…so you can get settled in while I'm gone, and I won't be in your way at all."
Is this for real??
He gave her a smile that made her heart melt, his intense eyes making her breath catch.
How could she say no to that? Besides, it was much better than having to go somewhere else when she didn't know where the hell she was in the first place.
"Thank you…I think I will."
And, if you try anything, buddy, I'll kick your ass so hard you'll be stuck face-first in your own ceiling…
Elda sputtered, throwing her hands up, breaking their eye connection to look at her. "Whatever! I don't care, Miroku, just get out of here so I can close up the front desk! She's had me stuck behind here for two hours past closing time!!"
Sango rolled her eyes as she reached for her suit case, only for her hand to collide with his.
Her eyes shot up, drowning in violet, as he gave her a warm smile.
"Allow me to carry those for you."
She searched his face with her eyes, her lips still parted from the light surprise. They were almost close enough to kiss…
Catching herself, Sango turned to pick up her purse before she'd make a fool of herself. She was very tired, and could use a good shower…
Seeing that he'd gotten her suit case, as well as her guitar, with barely any effort, she followed a man she didn't even know up the stairs to stay the night in his apartment.
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A/N: Mwahahahaha! Take that, Elda, you bitchy cow!! MOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
((((((((((Frank, Nia, Renae, Carla,))))))))))
You are all such beautiful people! I miss y'all so much.
***JESS…you are a miracle…I love you, girl!***
Can you guys believe that I've only gotten 4 reviews on …and 3 are from the same person…*sighs and shakes head*
Aw, Miroku's being so sweet…buuut we all know that he can't possibly keep the 'nice guy' and the 'perverted guy' too far away from each other for long! Hehehe…what should happen in his apartment…hmmm, any guesses?
Sarcastic remarks?
Leave 'em in a review and I'll see what I can do…
Much love,