InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Silver Tears and Puppy Ears ❯ Over ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]






Inu Yasha looked at Kagome as she studied herself in the mirror, she wasn't expecting to start showing just yet. She didn't start showing until much later when she carried Shippo. Inu Yasha finally got up and went over to her.

"What's wrong?"

"Its nothing really…"

"Tell me"

"I'm showing a lot faster this time"

"I wouldn't worry to much about it"

"I know… but"

"Your mom reminded us when we left, that you had a doctors appointment, so if something's wrong we'll find out right away" Inu Yasha said trying to comfort her.

"I guess your right" Kagome agreed. Inu Yasha looked at Kagome's stomach he had to admit, she was right, her belly hadn't begun to swell like this so fast, she was only 3 weeks in. Kagome sighed and retied her robe and leaned back into Inu Yasha.

"It'll be ok" he said as he wrapped his arms around her waist.


Sango stood on her balcony staring down at the people walking by; she had stayed up late last night studying English. Yesterday when they went shopping Kagome had bought some books with English exercises in it. Perhaps today she would be able to talk to those American boys. She wanted to know what they were saying. It wasn't about wanting them; she just wanted to show Miroku what it felt like. Not to mention he didn't think they would learn enough for her to understand or have a conversation in English before they left. She wanted to prove him wrong and only had three days to do it. She slid open the door to her room and walked back inside to have some breakfast. Miroku was sitting at the table drinking some tea and eating a muffin. He glanced up at her as she walked into the kitchen; they hadn't spoken since the night before last. Sango returned the gesture by ignoring him completely and poured herself some tea and grabbed a croissant. She took her tea and pastry and sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. Miroku groaned when she turned on the TV, he had been enjoying how quiet it was. Not wanting to have another fight he picked up his tea and muffin and went back into his room. Sango heard him leave and sighed… he just didn't get it. At least she wouldn't have to deal with him ignoring her since he was hiding out in his room now. Kagome and Inu Yasha had come out of their room as Sango turned on the TV and saw Miroku go back into hiding. Yesterday he had made it a point to lie as far away from Sango on the beach as possible. He hadn't even talked to any of the girls there. He just laid there at one point Kagome had warned him he was getting sunbunt but since Sango was the last to use it and was still next to her, so he just turned over and said he was fine. Kagome wondered how long they would fight like this, she and Inu Yasha were going to be gone today and they would be alone which Kagome wasn't sure was a good thing. They were going to take Shippo to a park nearby that the concierge had told them about when they made reservations for dinner.

"Well, we're leaving now, we'll back by the time we have to leave ok" Kagome said to Sango.

"Ok Kagome, I'll see you when you get back have fun" Sango answered

"Tell Miroku we've gone when he comes back out?" Kagome asked

"Yeah, sure" Sango replied.

"Thanks, bye" Kagome said and she left the hotel. Miroku had become sick of having to hide out and finally came out of his room about an hour later.

"Hello Sango" he said coolly.

"Miroku" Sango returned.

"We should talk" Miroku said calmly.

"I agree"

"When we had made that promise earlier, an engagement if you might, things were different, the pressure is gone and it seems that neither of us are in any rush to make true those words. We appear to have drifted apart." Miroku said making sure to keep eye contact with Sango.

"I'm so sorry Houshi-Sama" Sango said. Miroku knew that if she was back to calling him that, it was truly over, it had been so difficult for him to convince her to call him Miroku.

"I am to Sango, I never thought that when the quest ended we would be over as well. I hope to keep your friendship as before" Miroku said relieved, he knew it was coming; he just hadn't wanted to do it.

"We will stay friends Houshi-Sama" Sango reassured.

"I would still prefer you called me Miroku" he teased.

"I will try Hou-Miroku" She said correcting herself.

"Well I'm going to head out for a walk, I'll be back later" Miroku said and quickly left the room. He felt to awkward being there after that. Sango watched him leave; she hadn't really expected that to happen just yet. She had never even gotten the chance to confess her love to him before they drifted, which only proved they shouldn't be together. Sango spent the rest of the day relaxing on the balcony studying; she had no interest in leaving the hotel room. She finally stopped studying when Kagome and Inu Yasha returned and told her they had to leave in an hour. Sango put down her books and got into the shower. Miroku had come back at some point, but Sango really wasn't sure when that was. Miroku insisted that he didn't want to go out for dinner with them because his sunburn was much worse then he thought and wanted to stay back and just lay down. When she got out of the shower and walked into the main room she saw Kagome and Inu Yasha waiting.

"Where's Miroku?" Sango questioned.

"He got a really bad sunburn and didn't feel very much like going out tonight" Kagome explained.

"Oh, ok" Sango replied.

"Are we going yet?" Inu Yasha grumbled.

"Yes we are" Kagome answered. The four of them left the room quietly shutting the door behind them. Kagome wondered what had happened while they were gone and was hoping it wasn't anything to serious, that Miroku would allow a sunburn to keep him from going out. She looked at Sango's face hoping to find something but her face was calm like always. Kagome had no idea how anyone could mask their emotions so well, according to Inu Yasha when she was feeling something the entire world could see it in her eyes. Yet Sango was able to keep hers from showing. She wanted to asked what happened, but knew it really wasn't her business. Sango would tell her eventually, or Miroku would tell Inu Yasha and then Inu Yasha would tell her. Kagome lifted Shippo from his stroller and sat down in the taxi. The driver and Inu Yasha folded it up and placed it in the trunk. Then they all piled into the back of the taxi and Kagome told them where they were going. Sango felt very guilty that Miroku had chosen to stay behind, she was sure if she had said she was going to stay he would have gone. Inu Yasha looked down at Shippo, he didn't like it that there wasn't a car seat for him, it didn't matter that he knew he really didn't need one, it just made him uncomfortable that they weren't taking all the precautions to keep him safe. Kagome looked at Inu Yasha and then down at Shippo, she knew what was bothering him they had discussed it earlier at the park. The way she saw it, was all three of them were hanyo and could easily get out of danger if it came down to it. The driver announced they were there and told them the fee, Kagome paid him and then they got out. Dinner was very tense and Kagome was positive Sango was hiding something. She attempted to get her to talk but all she got out was lets not talk about it. Inu Yasha had gotten very annoyed by the entire situation and finally got Sango to crack on the way back to hotel. Once Inu Yasha got them to talk he was content with sitting and holding Shippo in the car.

"So its over then" Kagome said astonished.

"Yeah, it was bound to happen" Sango said.

"Did you ever get the chance to tell him?" Kagome asked.

"Actually no, it all fell apart before I had the chance"

"So who ended it" Kagome questioned.

"He did, but it wasn't like I made it very easy for him not to" Sango admitted.

"Now I understand why he wanted back, you think he'll be ok" Kagome thought out loud.

"Just take him to a nude beach and he'll back to himself in no time" Sango joked.

"We're back at the hotel" Inu Yasha interrupted.

"Oh all right" Kagome answered. She paid the driver and then they all got out of the taxi and headed back into the hotel. Kagome waited for Inu Yasha to get the stroller out of the taxi.

"He's so tired, he had such a long day today" Kagome said.

"At least he's behaving during dinner now, I only had to scruff him once to get him to settle down tonight, the first time we took him out for dinner he was fussy the entire time. Maybe tomorrow he'll behave on his own" Inu Yasha said.

"That would be nice" Kagome considered. Sango waited patiently while Inu Yasha and Kagome got Shippo into his stroller. When they were finally ready she followed them back into the hotel. Kagome hated pushing the stroller through the lobby because there was always someone who would stop them to look at her baby and then after they walked away Kagome could hear them muttering about how she was so young. They didn't know she could hear them, but it wasn't an excuse. Inu Yasha, Sango, and Miroku would always remind her that in the feudal era, she was considered old to have just had her first child and that most women in the feudal era were engaged or married by their 14 year and were carrying their first child within months of the marriage. It still bothered he though, in her time being 19 years old, married and already having a child was very young. Kagome cringed when a group of guys walked over and said hello to them. Inu Yasha tensed as they came over and stepped closer to Kagome. Sango recognized them as the American boys that had tried to talk to them earlier.

"Hello, its nice to see you again" one of the boys said.

"Its nice to see you too" Sango answered in English. The boy looked shocked that Sango spoke to him English considering on their last encounter when Sango couldn't understand them and they couldn't understand her.

"I thought you didn't understand English the last time we saw you" the boy said.

"Well I didn't, I have begun learned since" Sango said. They boy smiled at Sango's slight mistake but didn't correct her.

"Ok, since you understand us would you like to join us, we're all going for a swim they're having a late night thing at the pool" he asked, his eyes hopeful. Sango glanced at Kagome unsure if it was such a good idea.

"Sango, the pool is within sight of our hotel balcony, if you stay at the pool, Inu Yasha and I can see you" Kagome said in Japanese.

"Then you think it's a good idea" Sango asked.

"Hai, have some fun" Kagome told her. The boy stood there and listened as they talked to each other in the other language, he wasn't sure if it was Japanese.

"I will go with you" Sango told him. The boy smiled but realized something.

"I'm sorry I haven't told you my name, I'm Jacob, what's your name, and will you need to get a bathing suit"

"My name Sango, yes I need a suit" Sango answered.

"Ok, I'll wait here for you to get back" Jacob said. Sango quickly went upstairs with Kagome and Inu Yasha, changed into her suit and ran down out of the room. Kagome noticed that Miroku wasn't in the main room and couldn't hear him making any sound. Kagome focused harder on his room, he was sleeping.

"Why don't you go grab some non-alcoholic wine from the kitchen and some snacks and we'll go sit out on the balcony and keep an eye on Sango and her new friend Jacob" Kagome told Inu Yasha. He nodded and went over to kitchen and Kagome picked up Shippo and went onto the balcony. She had put one of his playpens on the balcony so they could sit out here with him. Kagome immediately looked for Sango in the pool and as soon as she found her she focused on her aura and scent. This way she would know the second there was something wrong. She wouldn't have to constantly watch her, just keep her powers tapped onto her. Inu Yasha came out after a few minutes with the wine and a few bags different snacks. Kagome caught sight of some Doritos and snatched them from him.

"I love these" Kagome exclaimed ripping open the bag.

"I see Sango is doing ok" Inu Yasha commented looking down at them and then he sat down. He poured them both a glass of wine and handed one to Kagome.

"You know, I like this stuff, it has a better taste then the sake I'm used to" he commented after taking a sip.

"Does it have anything to do with the fact there's no alcohol in it?" Kagome asked.

"I don't know, maybe, but its good" Inu Yasha said.

"Oh I haven't seen Sango this relaxed and happy in such a long time, it feels so good" Kagome said happily.

"You're not even looking at her" Inu Yasha said.

"No, but I'm focused on her aura, and I can just feel it, I like that I'm starting to get control over my powers" Kagome said.

"That's good" Inu Yasha said proudly. She had doubted herself so much in the beginning when she got all of her soul back. They had so many conversations about how she could feel it, she knew it was there, but just couldn't get it.

"Have you given any thought to the jewel?" Kagome asked, they had been avoiding it for some time.

"I don't really know what to think anymore, for so long I've wanted to become a full blooded youkai, but now everything is so different. I don't want to be human, but I really don't want to be youkai anymore. From all those times I've changed against my will, I really don't want that." Inu Yasha said, he had been contemplating the wish for so long.

"But it is your wish to make" Kagome reminded.

"I know" Inu Yasha admitted.

"But we wont have to make the wish for a long time, so we have time to think about it"

Kagome stood up and looked down at Sango, she was still with that Jacob boy and it looked like she was having a really good time. She didn't want to be rude and eavesdrop so she made sure to not focus on what they were saying. She was still in shock by the change in Sango when she was free from her commitment to Miroku. She just hoped Miroku was handling it as well as she was. Maybe they should take him to that nude beach… Kagome saw Sango walk away from Jacob and head towards the hotel.

"I guess she's coming back" Kagome said to Inu Yasha.

"Well, she was gone for a long time" He answered.

`At least she finally had some fun' Kagome thought happily. Kagome stretched out her legs and arms and yawned.

"You tired?" Inu Yasha asked.

"A bit" she admitted.

"Go to sleep then, I'll stay up and make sure she gets back alright and then I'll come in ok"

"Alright, thank you" Kagome stood up and kissed Inu Yasha.

"Goodnight" Kagome whispered

"I'll be in soon" Inu Yasha said and kissed Kagome again. He watched her go in and close the door and then picked up Shippo from his playpen.

"You know, your mom is something else pup. We are lucky to have her"