InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Simple Touches ❯ Dinner offer & More ( Chapter 5 )
I don’t own Inuyasha or any part belonging to him or Sesshoumaru, or Miroku, (sigh) I can only dream.
Warning: NC-17: The chapter contains material that was specially written to be viewed by adults and therefore maybe unsuitable for children under 17. This story contains: Explicit sexual activity, crude indecent language, violence, blood, and some nudity . View discretion is advised
Dinner offer & More
Rin stood staring at the office door as she mindlessly redressed herself. Sesshoumaru stood next to her with a look of annoyance on his face. He would definitely have to have a talk with Inuyasha about the importance of knocking on a door. Especially the CEO’s office door.
Rin still could not believe that someone had seen her half naked and doing what they had been doing when they were interrupted. She began to wonder how far she would have really gone. She had wanted their first time to be special as in she wanted to do it in a bed not on a desk in an office. She remembered what Sesshoumaru had said in the elevator, which brought a smile to her face. Not only by the thought that Sesshoumaru did respect her but also she began to think of the things that they might do once they were a lone and in the safety of one of their own homes. The thought of being kissing and touching by him was enough to get Rin worked up again but she knew now that her and Sesshoumaru had some work to get done.
With one final sigh Rin turned around to make her way back to her desk, but she ran face first into a solid chest. "Excuse me Mr. Sesshoumaru I wasn’t looking were I was going." She said shyly in her usual professional voice that she use around the office.
"Rin do you really think such titles are still necessary after all you are standing in the middle of my office with out your panties on. Which said panties are still in my pocket." Sesshoumaru replayed with a sly smirk. Slowly he leaned over to whisper in Rin’s ear, " They are there so any time I feel like it I can reach in and grab them just to remind me of what is in store for you later." His smirk only grew as Rin’s face grew redder then it had been only moments ago.
And so with one finally peck on the check Sesshoumaru turned and made his way to his desk.
"Well then Rin, on to the first matter of business for the day." Boomed Sesshoumaru’s voice as he sat down to began work.
Rin just simply stared straight ahead wondering how she was going to make it through the day if he continued to do things like that.
It had taken Rin quite a while to get her mind on her work. Over an hour after Inuyasha and Kagome’s little interruption and been spent arranging her desk and rearranging again and again. Often she would look up from her work to look at Sesshoumaru only to find him look the same as always, cool and collected working away on whatever file was placed in front of him at the time.
Jaken had made his way in about mid day complaining a bout the horrible weather out side and how he didn’t think he should have had to come in to day. For a man of such small heights scooping the snow out from around his car was very difficult, especially when people who passed by didn’t see him there and splashed more slush and snow on to him. After some colorful word from him, a stapler and the one pound paper weight (which was more or less a rock) in the head he went out to his desk in out front and seemed unusually quiet for the rest of the day.
It was well after 8 in the evening when Sesshoumaru decided to call it a day. Earlier in the day a call had come in about one of Sesshoumaru’s clients having confused to a murder in which only the day before he had sworn he was innocent of. So they had to spend some extra time on the case which was set for trial the following week. Sesshoumaru had even brought most the case with him when he had left stating that he would have to work on it at home as well.
Sesshoumaru had walked Rin out to the garage only so he could possible give her a kiss good night, but when they had stepped out of the garage level elevator they looked out to see the blinding white snow that was falling from the sky. Rin knew in an instant that she would not be able to drive herself home. Her small Datsun would probably not be able to make it out of the garage, so there was no way she could make it home in it. With a sigh of defeat she started to dig through her purse for her cell phone so that she could call a friend with a bigger car or even a truck to see if they could come and get her.
" What are you looking for?" Sesshoumaru asked from behind her.
Up until then she had forgotten that he was there behind her. A little startled Rin turned around to face Sesshoumaru.
" I was looking for my cell phone. There is no way I could make it home with my car so I was going to call a friend to see if they could come and get me. Other wise I would have to stay in the hotel across the street and I really can’t afford it right now. And I really highly dough you would let me stay in the building. But even if I did find some were to stay close by, there still is the matter of clothes. I have an extra set in the car but I only have jeans and a tee shirt that I know you don’t allow in the office except when other wise informed. Which is very rare. And know I am rambling on and on because I am not sure exactly what to do and now I am close to crying and I really don’t want to cry in front of you. Please tell me to shut up, because right now I really don’t know what to do and…"
"Rin shut up," Sesshoumaru said in a calm voice. He really wasn’t getting tired of Rin talking he just didn’t want her to continue and end up crying. That was something he did not like at all. " You will come and stay with me across the street, in the room I had Jaken arrange for me earlier today. It is a two-room suit. I had anticipated the bad weather and knew you would not be able to make it home on your own as well as I would rather not drive in this kind of weather either. Now please hold off on the tears. I will make sure you have something to wear tomorrow as well, if we make it in to the office that is"
Rin just stood staring at Sesshoumaru. He really did always think a head and she thought it was so sweet that he had thought of her too, never really thinking that maybe he had arranged the room for another reason. She was so relieved and thankful she through her self on him and gave him a very big kiss so show how grateful she was to him for all this.
After a couple seconds into the kiss Rin pause in her actions realizing what she was doing and pulled a way. " I am so sorry. I’m sure that was really out of line for me to do that. I mean I know what we did earlier but we are out in public and where someone could see and I don’t know if you really want any one knowing about this or not or if you even want to continue or…"
"Rin. Shut up. " again come Sesshoumaru’s calm voice. " If you have no problem about people seeing us then neither do I. And as for kisses like that I will welcome them any time except when it is completely inappropriate, such as in court or with clients and so on and so forth." Slowly Sesshoumaru slid his arm around Rin’s waste and pulled her closer. His voice becoming deeper and almost demanding " Also never pull away unless you know I am finished with you." It was not said to be threaten and Rin did not take it that way but she now knew how he felt about the whole thing.
Again she through her self at Sesshoumaru and prayed that tomorrow he would not change his mind and send her way or fire her or something.
This time it was Sesshoumaru who tried to pull away only to have Rin stop him and whisper against his lips "don’t pull away unless you know I am finished with you." With a smile on both their lips they locked again in a heated battle. It was at that time that Sesshoumaru realized that when Rin knew it was ok for her to act a certain way that was the way she would act. Other wise she was shy and distant almost.
Sesshoumaru and Rin were so into each other that they never noticed the other two couples that stood behind them, until one of the males cleared their throat. " Well, well twice in one day. I really didn’t think you were as bad as the pervert here is Sesshoumaru. Hell I didn‘t think any kind of thoughts like that went through your head. I was always under the impression you through your mouth was only for yelling."
" Inuyasha is that any way to speak to my dear Sango. I know she has a bad mind sometimes but to call her a pervert is just uncalled for." Retorted the man next to Inuyasha.
" Miroku." Came the warning from the female next to him.
" Yes my beautiful, loving, caring, darling." Miroku’s voice dripped with sweetness.
" If you wish to sleep in a bed to night and not out in this snow storm I suggest you watch what you say."
" Yes Sango my love."
Neither Kagome nor Rin could hide their giggles as they watched the seen before them. Kagome tried to hide hers behind her hand, which didn’t work at all. And Rin, having already stopped kissing Sesshoumaru, was now trying to hide in Sesshoumaru’s chest.
Rin had always been the quiet shy type, except around people she knew and was comfortable around. Yes she did know everyone that was here right now but she had never really got the chance to hang out with them and get to know them. So laughing at one of them seemed kind of rude to her but she just couldn’t help it, they were just so cute.
"Well if you would excuse us we have to check in." Sesshoumaru said as he began to lead Rin a way already feeling the irritation build toward Inuyasha.
"You staying too?" asked Inuyasha not know his brother was ready to kill him. " All of us have a rooms. Maybe we could get together for a late dinner, how does that sound?"
Miroku and Sango had agreed right a way. The two couples where always doing things together. And now was the chance to add a couple more faces to their usual party.
After much thought Sesshoumaru asked Rin if she would like to join them. A little taken back at first Rin wasn’t sure what to say. Was this just some friend getting together for dinner or was it going to be like a triple date?
As if Sesshoumaru had read her thoughts he leaned down and whispered in her ear," consider this our first date. And if you want to have if just be us two on our own then we can do that too. Its up to you."
"I wouldn’t mind have a group dinner. I could get to know Kagome and Sango better perhaps. And maybe even your brother." She answered in a very excited for after only a moment of thought. Then add in a kind of skeptical voice, " just as long as I don’t have to sit by Miroku."
At first Sesshoumaru really couldn’t understand why she would not want to sit by someone she hardly knew, but then his own question was answered by Kagome screaming ‘pervert’ and Inuyasha slugging him followed by Sango slapping him and cussing at him.
"You are such a pervert Miroku. Grabbing Kagome’s ass while she was right there next to Inuyasha. You must have a death wish. And just so you know I will see if the hotel staff can bring up a cot so you don’t have to sleep in the snow while your out on the balcony tonight."
Sesshoumaru made a mental note to keep Rin as far a way from Miroku’s wondering hands as possible.
Sorry another lame chapter, but it will start heating up again in the next one I promise
Thank you for reading