InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Siren Smile ❯ Who's she?- Twins? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer- I only wish I owned Inuyasha
Chapter 3- Who's she? - Twins?-
Suishou had opened the door to the sacred temple to grab the sword only to find it gone!
Tatakai stopped and put Kuroe down with the sword as well.
“Whew glad I practice everyday that was really handy for once”
“Ya long time no see Tatakai, though I really didn't…”
“Yes, you did, I was talking to a monk and a fire just flew up in the air then disappeared. He told me what was about to happen, that's when I came” Tatakai took a deep breath and sighed as she leaned against a tree.
“You know Tatakai your name means battle and yet I fail to see the fighting warrior in you.” Kuroe looked up at her old friend. She had long black hair that was straight at the top twisty in the middle then pure curls at the very end. Her eyes were a forest green and a few small freckles dotted her nose. She was tall and thin in the most elegant way after a siren. She wore a short black dress with slits a bit past her hips but tied around her waist was a leather band covering any possible things.
“You sure have changed since I last saw you”
“Yup” Tatakai ripped a loose string from her dress and tied her hair back with it.
“Do you think you could help me find a few people?” Kuroe asked picking up the still broken sword
“Sure thing” Tatakai lifted Kuroe on her back and jumped in the air landing like a feather on her feet already at full speed.
“They sit in a valley just beyond this hill!” Kuroe yelled as Tatakai jumped over the hill and spotted a group of 6. (Wait 6?)
~ Not too much long before ~
Kagome and the rest were about to go and try to find Kuroe when there was a certain noise all too familiar to hear. The 5 turned.
“Dumb wolf”
“Kagome” Koga came to a halt and took Kagome's hand's in his
“Oh ya hey mutt”
“Why you…”
~ Now ~
Tatakai landed like a duck on water (Not so gracefully) in front of Kagome and Koga.
“What tha!”
“Kuroe! Oh I was so worried when we suddenly showed up here” Kagome hugged Kuroe and she hugged back.
“I… can't… breathe…” Tatakai gasped for air
“Oh! Sorry” Kagome let go of Kuroe who was still on Tatakai's back and bowed
“My name is Kagome!”
“Konnichiwa my name is Tatakai” Tatakai let go of Kuroe and bowed
“Kagome?” Koga walked over
“Oh Koga, meet Kuroe and Tatakai. Kuroe is a siren and saved my life not too long ago. Kuroe, Tatakai, this is Koga. He's a wolf demon”
“Very nice to meet you” Kuroe and Tatakai bowed as did Koga
After acquaintances and explanations the now 8 walked in search of the Shikon jewels as the sun rose.
“Koga where's your tribe?” Kagome asked as Shippo hopped into her arms
“Back at the cave, I smelled you near and had to find you myself” Koga answered triumphantly (Idk).
“So Tatakai what did the monk say was going to happen?”
“He said that Kuroe would send another demon for the sword, this demon would kill the protector of the sword even though Kuroe did not want them to. The demon would wound the protector badly and a white haired demon with a small girl and toad demon following him would take the protector.”
“Sesshomaru?!” Inuyasha and the gang chimed in surprise
“Well I guess he can have some sort of a heart” Kagome said trying to defend the brother of Inuyasha's.
“Kuroe sent a demon to get the sword? But your name…?” Kagome looked at Kuroe and Tatakai confused
“Kuroe is my name, as it is hers” Kuroe pointed ahead of them where atop a hill a girl stood… She had wavy golden hair inches past her shoulders, intense blue eyes that stared down even the largest creatures. Her skin was not paled white but not tanned in even the slightest way. Her body was slim with slender arms ending in long fingertips. She wore a white corset dress with lace crossing around her chest.
“TWINS!?” Kagome, Inuyasha, Shippo, Koga, Sango, and Miroku were all shocked at this. The two were exactly alike in looks except for a few changes on each. Kuroe the one that held the sword in her hands now wore a short dress and had a kinder expression towards the group. Kuroe on the hill had a dark aura and a shadowed expression filled with black rage as she saw the Ougon Ken in the hands of her sister.
“That Kuroe is my sister. The one in the cave from the story I told you. More than just humans try to kill her and she longs to die… but kills them first”
“She only wishes to die by the hands of someone who can defeat her. She will not just lay back and let them do away. Especially not before she turns the world into an ocean palace.” Tatakai finished.
“Kuroe my beloved sister! I see you have kept the sword for yourself even after you had been freed from its grasp which held you for so long!”
“Yes sister so very long since we last met!”
“Your attempt to bring back mother will not follow through as you planned!”
“Yes that I have known since the minute your first attempted demon servant awoke me!”
“Please come! I have waited to once again touch you!” (It may sound weird but they're sister's not lesbian lovers). Both Kuroe's took gliding steps forward and finally embraced in a meaningless hug.
“Now you die” both said at the same time to the other. Good Kuroe stabbed her sister with the gold sword of the sea as her twin sister Kuroe stabbed her in the back with a clear sword. Both swords now tipped with blood and both sisters pinned together fell to their knees with smiles of harmony (good Kuroe) and hate (evil Kuroe).
“Kuroe!” Kagome ran to the 2 with Sango behind her. The 2 Kuroe's pulled apart and removed the others sword. Kuroe fell back onto Kagome and Kuroe stood t the foot of the hill Suishou behind her. (You should be able to tell which is which). Kagome held onto Kuroe as her twin disappeared in a bubble.
Kagome pulled out the bag that Kaede had given her a few days before, and placed a few of the herbs on Kuroe's wound then bandaged her. The sun went down and they started a small fire. Kuroe's expression was pain as she felt the heat of the flames but Kagome needed the light to tend to her wounds. She moved Kuroe away form the fire when she was done and Kuroe's face became peaceful as she slept.
This isn't the last chapter. Though the next chapter may take a while since tomorrow no wait now today (Its 1: 25 A.M.) I'm going to my aunt's for Easter then my grandma's I HATE EASTER! Only because this year I have braces and since I just got them it hurts to chew so I can't eat chocolate (fake cries) not like you ppl care. Ok so r&r tell me what you think. This chapter kind of sucked but hey I'm tired so go to hell!