InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ SIT! ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kanayekisho: hey everyone who is reading this! I usually don't do one shots, but I thought of a scenario I couldn't work into my fics, so I am going to make it into a short story itself! Please review, if you like this one I will consider doing a one shot lemon. Enjoy! Oh yah, this is rated PG-13 just because of I dunno, sexual tension and language I guess. I couldn't really think of any reason to make it R.


Inuyasha sat in a tree, arms crossed, angry expression. He felt the last rays of sunshine slip off of his face and below the horizon, being replaced with the slight chill of the night air. He grunted impatiently. After a few more minutes of watching the tree branches blow, he heard a soft thud below. His ears perked up and he stared at the well. First one hand reached the ledge. Then a huge backpack was thrown over and landed in a lump beside the well. And finally a second hand made itself present, before the rest of the body pulled itself out of the well.

Kagome straightened herself up, still looking at the ground, and dusting herself off. She picked up her backpack, slightly struggling to keep her balance due to the size and weight of the thing, and slowly brought her head up. She saw the large and comforting trees rustle from the icy wind, their forms bathed in moonlight. She heard something move behind her and snapped her head around. Nothing. She sighed some relief before turning her head back around…..

"AAAH!" she let out a quick scream of shock as she found herself face to face with Inuyasha's glaring golden eyes. She put a hand over her heart.

"INUYASHA DON'T DO THAT! You nearly scared me to death there! Why couldn't you have announced your presence like a normal person instead of slinking around like some foreign spy?!? Especially at night!" she yelled at him, her arms resuming their usual arguing position- stiffened down her sides and ending in angry fists. Inuyasha clutched his sensitive ears against her shrill voice before yelling back at her.

"Well MAYBE if you hadn't been LATE and you came during the DAYTIME like you SAID YOU WOULD than I WOULDN'T HAVE TO SCARE YA!" retorted Inuyasha fiercely.

"I stayed longer to eat with my family and to get clean because I sleep on the cold, hard ground every night!" she said putting an accusing finger on his chest.

"Well I've been waitin' in that damn tree all day for you and then your late, but you don't see me complaining!" he yelled.

"Actually I do! What do you call what your doing now, huh?" she waved her hands around in the air and deepened her voice. "I'm Inuyasha and I have the patience of a monkey with a banana being dangled in front of its face!" Kagome danced around retardedly, doing a horrible impression of Inuyasha. Inuyasha growled furiously.

"I DO NOT SOUND LIKE THAT!" he screamed, his temple pulsing and his eye twitching crazily. Kagome stopped her dance and placed her hands on her hips.

"Calm down."

"Calm down? CALM DOWN!?" Kagome eyed him over waiting for him to continue. He growled angrily not really knowing where to go with this and just decided to finish this once and for all. "Look Kagome you will not EVER be late again! Understand?" his voice fierce. Kagome waved her hand as though she was swatting a fly.

"Whatever Inuyasha. I don't have the energy for this, I'm going back to camp." She said, swinging her back pack over her shoulder and walking past him.

"Come back here I'm not finished with you!!!" he shouted after her, shaking his fist in the air. He stopped abruptly though and put his fist down, sniffing the air maniacally.

"What is that?" Kagome stopped and watched as Inuyasha went from ground to air, following some sort of trail until he was at Kagome. He started sniffing at her blouse, and all over her arms. He was nearing her breasts without even realizing it. Kagome sweated nervously and shoved him away.

"What are you doing????" she cracked. Inuyasha bounded back up for the argument.

"What is that smell?? You reak of it!" He sniffed some more then widened his eyes. "It smells just like that damn hoho guy! What were you doing with him???" he accused.

Kagome looked very nervous, and tried to deny it, to no avail. "One his name is HOUJO and two I was not with him!" she stopped for a moment. "But even if I was it is none of your business what I do with my spare time!" She said with a `humph.'

Inuyasha growled jealously. She wasn't getting off that easy. "You aren't allowed to see him!" he yelled.

"Oh yah? And why not?"

"Because I said so!!!" Kagome rolled her eyes and started walking away again.

"I swear Inuyasha you are so protective. You're like my grandpa or something." Inuyasha jumped up and over Kagome's head landing in front of her.

"What were you doing with him, bitch??" he forced again.

She just sighed and walked around him. Inuyasha's blood was boiling. He knew she did something with that guy! No one touches his Kagome!

"Bitch!!" he cried after her. She stopped and turned around, then walked back to Inuyasha.

"I am NOT a bitch so STOP calling me that!"

"You are what I say you are!" pushed on Inuyasha.

"Grandpa!!!" yelled Kagome.



"Wench!!" Their faces were less then a centimeter apart, teeth bared.

"I swear Inuyasha…." Said Kagome, with angry fire in her eyes. That's when something sparked in Inuyasha's mind. He smirked a little and shifted his feet closer so that their bodies were as close as their faces. Kagome was too angry to notice this little detail.

"Oh yah? You're a lazy, loud…."


"….stupid, useless….."


"…. Weak little bitch." He finished.

"You are such a jerk." Said Kagome coldly.

"Well whatchya' gonna do about it?" he breathed, staring into her eyes and knowing exactly what was coming… exactly what he wanted….. She narrowed her eyes.

"SIT!" she said. There was a millisecond where she saw the grin on Inuyasha's face and immediately regretted her decision. SLAM. Kagome hit the ground, Inuyasha on top of her. She was trapped beneath him because of HER spell.

"Rrrr. Inuyasha you tricked me!!" she said.

"Very good. Now while we're down here, why don't you explain to me what you were doing with that guy?" he said coolly. Kagome could feel her cheeks burning as Inuyasha's eyes gored into hers. There was almost no space between their faces and she was having trouble catching her breath- not because of the weight on her. She sighed with defeat.

"He took me on a date."

"Why did you go with him?" he said seriously. Kagome had never seen him like this before.

"I can't tell you that." She said quietly.

"Yes you can." His gaze was effecting her heavily and she squinted her eyes against the tears.

"Because I know- because I know that you don't want me." Her voice was barely audible and she tried to look anywhere but him, but found she couldn't move. She watched the pain flicker across his face. He lowered his mouth so that his lips brushed softly against the smooth flesh on her cheek, stopping directly over her mouth.

"How could you ever think that." He whispered before diving in. He ran his tongue along the crevice between her lips and found that she allowed him entry. He wound his way along her sweet muscle and slowly deepened it. He slowly pulled away and brushed the hair out of her face. The look on her face was unforgettable. She looked shocked, eyes misty, and she was breathlessly panting. He was admiring the tinge of pink that had spread over her cheeks when he felt her velvet lips pressed forcefully against his. They went on for about 15 minutes before finally stopping to take a break.

"So am I still like your grandpa?" Inuyasha joked.

"No, because if you were, this would be a crime." she said to lighten up the intense feelings that were coming from her heart. Inuyasha kissed her again.

"You wont see that guy anymore." He stated more than asked. She just nodded. "We better get going. Don't want people to get suspicious." Said Inuyasha. She felt the pressure that had been on her start to be released, so she grabbed his hand.

"Inuyasha?" she said slyly.


"Sit." Her mouth formed a smile before she pressed her lips on his again.

"But what about Sango and Miroku? Wont they….?" She sushed him.

"Let em' wonder." She said grinning.

* * *


Kanaye: that was fun! I hope you all liked it! Review please! Love yas! ^_^