InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ SIT BOY! ❯ Share My Pain ( Chapter 2 )

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WOW! O.O I NEVER expected the response I got from this story lol I'm glad you all liked it. The enthusiasm of my readers was to say the least… interesting. I have never laughed so hard form comments before, thank you all so much for your reviews ^^ and now what you have been waiting for dun, dun, dun! NEXT CHAPTER!
Kagome looked at the scene before her with wide eyes, did what she think just happen actually happen? She looked at the four twitching bodies before her and felt something rise in her stomach, before she realised it she was laughing so hard her stomach hurt. Loud growling pulled her from her fit of laughter and she looked straight into extremely cold golden eyes. She gasped and fell back; she did not notice the demon lord had moved due to her fits of laughter. She fell hard on her behind and forgot about the angry demons in front of her and rubbed her behind form the fall.
“Ouch!” she said rubbing where she had fallen, “that hurt,” she looked back up to see that he was now glaring down at her. As he moved closer she squealed and without thinking of the consequences shouted “SIT!” she looked on in awe as for the very first time she saw Sesshomaru's mask slip and saw the complete and utter shock that was underneath as he plummeted not so elegantly into the dirt face first. She reached out to see if he was ok to have a clawed hand shoot up and grab her wrist.
“You will not touch this Sesshomaru!” he growled as best he could, considering his still had a mouth full of dirt. As his fingers gripped tighter around her wrist he claws started to pierce the skin. Kagome looked in horror forgetting her own pain as she watched tiny crimson dots appear on his wrist.
“Sesshomaru! You're bleeding!” she whispered looking down at the tiny dots on his wrist. He pealed himself from the ground (AN: yes he pealed himself from the ground… lol what a sight that would be XD) and looked at his wrist, he was indeed bleeding and let go of her wrist, completely perplexed as to how he came to be bleeding. She looked at the other's who seemed to be as confused as him, suddenly she got an idea; if it failed she would have Inuyasha and Kouga there to help her. She silently stood and walked over to the glaring half-demon Naraku and looked down at his form as he sat against a tree. She knelt down in front of him and grabbed his hand; everyone was shocked and it showed, yes even the great Sesshomaru's mask had plummeted at the moment yet again.
The she did the unthinkable; she raised his hand to her throat and moved her hand away; glaring at him daring him to take her life. Naraku just grinned as the girls' foolishness and began to tighten his grip until he felt his neck also tighten. He ignored the feeling thinking that it was just his excitement at finally getting to kill the wench and his grip tightened more, but the more his grip tightened, the tighter his neck felt until he felt like he was being choked himself. He couldn't take it anymore and he let go gasping for air at the same time she did, the others looked on, unable to accept what Kagome had just done or that Naraku had let her live, little did they know that it was not by choice.
Kagome silent thought to herself `They cant hurt me, if they do they feel what is happening to me… but it only seems to happen if THEY inflict the pain.' She gave herself a mental nod and stood. Without warning she froze in place Kagome's eyes widened and rolled back into her head and she fell to the ground and lay motionless, instantly Kouga and Inuyasha were at her side trying to wake her. Sesshomaru and Naraku looked on curious as to how one human could make anyone act so strange, they looked at her still body lying on the ground and silently admitted to themselves that she was not exactly unpleasant to look at; but not in a million years, would they admit it to anyone else.
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WOHOO!!!!! Second chapter done…. I know its kinna shorter than the other one but this is gunna be a long story lol so bare with me :P love you all ^^