InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Slave ❯ Caught ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Written by Sade Ness
Disclaimer: I do not own any of Inuyasha characters. I am making no money off this story. This applies to all future chapters. Inuyasha characters & story © 2003 Rumiko Takahashi.
Summary: Inuyasha's life as a slave.
WARNING: This story is settled in a dark atmosphere. Slavery, Rape, Incest, Male-Male love and sex, Yaoi, M/M, Lemon, Anal, Oral, Voyeurism, Solo, Toys, Rim, Spank, BDSM, Angst.
YAOI-This is a Yaoi story- male on male action. If you do not like yaoi, please do not read, or continue on this page.
Preface: Read that before continuing the story
This story is in an alternate /parallel / previous anime current universe.
It happens before Inuyasha meets Kikyo, so we will NOT see Kagome, Miroku, and the rest of the gang. Maybe Kouga will show up. I do not know about it yet.
Inuyashais140 years old, more or less 13 years old as a ningen.
Chap 1. - Caught - Reviewed and Beta'd at first by CrimsonInHumanBlood - and (RE)Reviewed and (RE)Beta'd by RandH4ever.
Summary: Caught in a new moon night, Inuyasha is forced into slavery.
“Boss, we have got a hanyou.” A lesser youkai entered the back door of an office on the second floor of a building. He was a hunter youkai and he was tall, about 6'2 with long dark hair. Dark youkai markings covered his eyelids and strips ran upwards on both sides of his cheeks. They had just caught a hanyou. A very different looking hanyou, who would most likely please anyone.
In the office there was another youkai, Kiramaru, who was reading some documents on his table; he stopped. Looking up at the other youkai, he gave him a dull look. “I do not want any hanyou anymore. All they do is cause problems. They are normally deformed and too ugly for pleasure-slavery. I told you only sensual and exotic low-level youkai.”
“But, boss! This hanyou is really exotic. He has long silver hair and cat-like ears. He is truly a different breed of hanyou! I am sure that this little hanyou will bring you many customers eager to pay for him high amounts!”
“What?” Kimaru listened to the explanation and thought, `Maybe this hanyoucould be quite interesting.Silver hair andthe ears…' The description of the hanyou rattled Kiramaru's interests into seeing the hanyou. “Really?” Kiramaru asked as he rose from his desk.
“Yeah, come see it.”
They went downstairs and the youkai-boss could see the hanyou. Kiramaru became disappointed when his blue eyes fell on the sleepy body on the cage. “But this is a ningen boy.” Kiramaru looked up at his hunter skeptically. It looked nothing like what he was told. This boy had black hair and did not have cat-like ears either.
“Let me explain this, boss: tonight must be the hanyou's weak night; I have been hunting him for several days. He is very clever and strong. His claws are deadly weapons. when he wakes up something must be done to avoid him hurting someone. As I was saying, before night came, he tried to do his best to find a place to hide. At first,” he paused to recall his thoughts. “I thought he was looking for something or someone. I realized then he was actually hiding. The other nights he simply slept on a tree. When the hanyou finally had found a small cave on a fairly low cliff, he hid inside it. After some time,” he continued, taking in a short breath. “I saw the entire small cave mouth all covered with tree leaves and he was still there. I waited a little longer and decided to open the door made out of tree leaves and then I saw him. The smell was almost the same, though it was now one hundred percent ningen, the long hair previously white-silver was now black as his eyes. The hanyou tried to attack me but at the moment his attacks were pathetic and useless. It was simple to capture him. In his weakened state, he could not fight back a full youkai like myself. So I used a little of my poison to paralyze him and then I brought him here.” The hunter smirked smugly at his catch. He could not believe that he had found him! And in a such weak state! What a find!
During the whole explanation, the youkai-boss was looking at the small boy. Analyzing him, studying the possibilities and finally Kiramaru said to the other youkai, “Many clients will love to have such a beauty as their slave. However, will this weak hanyou even survive the training period?” Kiramaru questioned.
“Boss, we have already trained other hanyou before,” he persisted onward.
“Yes, we have,” Kiramaru agreed. “Though those hanyou were used for hard work, transportation, plantations, even to do some household jobs. Yet, I have never had in my possession a hanyou as beautiful as this one, and to be a personal sex slave. However, I do like challenges and I would love to see if it is possible. If it is not, he could stay here, be mine, and simply serve the clients once in a while. And if he annoys me too much,” he paused, smiling mischievously. “I shall kill him.”
“Wow! So how much will I get for finding him, Kiramaru-shihan?”
“You are always interested in my money. Here.” Kiramaru paused, pulling out the leather pouch from his belt and handed him a generous amount of silver coins. “This is for now. I will wait till morning to see if it is really a hanyou or simply a ningen boy.”
“Don't you trust me, boss?”
“I trust in no one,” Kiramaru said nonchalantly as he turned on his heel and went in the direction of his room.
Kiramaru entered the room, smiling, and locked the door. Kiramaru appreciated his privacy.
Walking in the direction of a bookshelf, he took a book from it. He would find out what breed this hanyou was, and if he was really a hanyou. Kiramaru didn't like liars.
The book was in fact a notebook with many names, descriptions, and information. Kiramaru had come to posses it by been a slave trader. He was a youkai-hanyou slave trader to be exact. He had used the book a few times. Once or twice to check a breed or two, another time to check traders on lies, and once more when he had come to possess it.
“I need to be sure about it. According to the faint scent I could feel while I was down there with that ningen, I have an Inu-hanyou in my hands,” Kiramaru's smile grew wide. The hunter was correct. At this new finding, he would make an interesting fortune for this.
*Next morning*
The sun had just risen and everybody was listening to the screams of anger and pain, and also the curses from a cageas they carried out of the yard and through the house. Someone was clearly unhappy about his situation.
`How could he have allowed himself to be captured!?'
It was the hanyou's cage. He was still under the poison's later side-effects. With his youkai blood and form back to normal, he could at least stay awake and scream. Not that it did him any good. After all, he had no one that was looking after him. No one would come.
`Well… Now I know that he is a screamer. What a good quality tohave ina slave. That will be funny,' Kiramaru thought as he put on his clothes before he went downstairs to see what the trouble was, and to stop the commotion the newbie was causing. Kiramaru had been hearing the racket ever since he woke up. It was getting very irritating.
The hanyou was really nervous, now that he was captured and caged. He had no where to go. He could only struggle, cursing and screaming with all his power to set him free and let him go. There was always hope that they would eventually let him go if he continued screaming and annoying them. It worked previously when ningen tried to keep him as a pet.
“You will not leave until I wish or order so.” A strong voice said. It was the youkai-boss, using his powerful youkai voice to make the boy afraid to meet him for the first time.
The boy was not that intimidated by it, and simply replied with a smirk, “And who do you think you are to make me stay? When I get out of this cage, I will kill you!” he snarled, revealing a set of fangs. “I will kill you and everyone who tries to stop me!”
He stopped talking for some seconds; hearing laughs all around. They were not afraid of his antics and words. They found them funny. How could a hanyou defeat a full grown youkai? The hanyou's words sparked only humor among the youkai in that place.
Kiramaru was again studying the little hanyou. Kiramaru found that the long white-silver hair, golden eyes, and the scent of his new hanyou were now stronger. He was surely from an Inu-youkai. Even being a hanyou, with the funny and cute silver puppy-ears on the top of his head. `The triangular shape ears makehim look like a puppy, a cute white-silver puppy.' Kiramaru could not deny it to himself. He was curious about this amazing, beautiful, and rare sample, since the Inu-youkai alive in this era were less than five and all of them were from the same royal family of the west region.
“Tell me your name, little hanyou, and so we shall start a conversation,” he said as he approached the bars of the cage fearlessly. Kiramaru was no more afraid of the hanyou than he was afraid of a rabbit.
“Tell me yours, bastard,” the hanyou growled.
“My name is Kiramaru, and I am a slave trader. I am also the master here,” Kiramaru chuckled.
The hanyou looking at the blue eyes of the youkai in front of him; not very willing to give much information other than his name, he glared with hatred. He did not like how the situation was going. This was untrustworthy. “I am Inuyasha and you are going to set me free and let me go or I will kill you.” Inuyasha approached the bars bravely. Grabbing the bars between his fists, he fought to bend them apart. He was only granted a laugh from his captor. He wanted to get a better look at the youkai, as well as kill him.
Kiramaru was a tall youkai, about 6'5” and lean. He had white-blond hair that was well past his waist. It was tied back in a thong. The youkai's eyes were a light crystal blue. Youkai markings striped his cheeks in a deep blue.
Laughing, Kiramaru went closer to the cage and with a speed Inuyasha was not able to follow, the youkai reached through the bars and his deadly talons wrapped themselves around the hanyou's neck. Kiramaru injected some of his poison on the poor boy. It would subdue him, allowing him to talk with the boy better. The hanyou would be easier to handle as well.
Inuyasha fought to pull back. The poison burned like a liquid fire. Kiramaru's claws embedded themselves into his neck. The poison was working quickly through his blood. It was becoming overwhelmingly painful to stay up and to breathe, “What have you done to me?” Inuyasha snarled, feeling the poison course into his blood. It made him numb with pain. Inuyasha hated the situation even more than he had before. Kiramaru was gaining control over him.
Inuyasha could feel his limbs go heavy in pain. His body slumped to the floor. Paralysis was taking over his body. `No! This couldn't be!' He allowed himself to get too close to the bars. `Damn it all to hell!' Snarling, he sent heated glares at Kiramaru. They were promises of death.
Kiramaru ignored them.
“Don't worry, little one. You will not die,” Kiramaru assured. “This is simple a paralyzing poison. I know it hurts. However, the amount on you will only make you-” he paused for the correct term. “Obedient, in case there is any risk to you or myself; while we can chat in my chambers.” Kiramaru opened the cage and grabbed the little hanyou by his thick white-silver hair. He dragged him out of the cage before picking him up with ease and throwing him over his shoulder. Now paralyzed, Inuyasha was powerless to stop this, and was hauled up on his captive's shoulder as he went upstairs with him.
Still trying to struggle and even with the pain he was feeling, the small hanyou kept up his previous behavior. Inuyasha would not give up, not that soon. And he was naive enough to be sure he sooner or later would manage to runaway. Time would be all that was needed.
“Let me go…” his voice was weak. His jaws were heavy with the paralysis he fought.
“One of your requests was granted. You are free.  We will talk now,” Kiramaru said, studying the hanyou's reaction.
Inuyasha couldn't believe his ears! Did he just say that he was free? No. It can't be that simple! There had to be more!
“I will let you know some things and make myself clear about your new future here. I hope that you will be honest with me, and answer all of my questions properly.” He paused for a moment, then continued. “I will be honest with you. Do not act as I want and I will increase the amount of poison, you will suffer and will beg to be spanked. I will not spank you today, but spanking will be necessary and it is going to be part of your training. Behave properly and then you may have something to eat.”
`What training?' Inuyasha thought.
End of chap 1 - Caught -
Hanyou: half breed / half youkai-ningen
Inu = dog
ningen = human
youkai = demon
(A.N.: Inuyasha is a half breed - an Inu-hanyou = Half inu-youkai and half ningen)