InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sleeping with the Enemy ❯ Stolen Work ( Chapter 9 )
Hello everyone,
I just wanted to say that my story "Sleeping with the Enemy" might be on hold for awhile. Once again, someone at Animespiral. com has taken it upon themselves to steal my work and try to pass it off as their own.
The "author," and I use the term author very loosely, is: Iwannaflyaway
The stolen stories can be found at:
Thank you all for your support, but I am really tired of my work being stolen and I will not put any more out there as long as someone is copying it and trying to take credit. My story "A Demon's Heart and Ultimate Sacrifice" is also on her page, along with a couple other stories that I believe are also stolen from another author or two.
Now all three of my actual "fics" have been stolen (they haven't touched my advice column or song fics as of yet) and it is growing very frustrating...