InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sloppy Seconds ❯ The Wish ( Chapter 34 )
Author’s note follows this chapter. Without further ado….
A strange tranquility had settled over the forest of Inuyasha.
While the local human population seemed blissfully ignorant of the import of what would be taking place this day, the fauna of the land differed to the aura of majesty that flowed through the region. It wasn’t the tense, disconcerting quiet that follow birds taking flight and small mammals cowering in fear of a predator’s threat. Instead, it seemed as if all of the woodland creatures, pixies, and sprites, had dimmed their usual cacophony out of reverence. It was almost peaceful. Unusual, but peaceful.
Inuyasha stood under the Goshinbuko, sunlight dappling the ground as it filtered through the forest canopy, silently studying the Time Tree. He ran one clawed hand over the smoothed area of the trunk that would forever remain as a testament to the fifty years he had remained pinned there. A testament to death and rebirth. A testament to a life of trials and achievements, yearning and fulfillment, isolation and friendship, corruption and purity, betrayal and trust. A testament to a love lost and a new love found. Behind him, Kagome stood quiet as well, apprehension and excitement in her eyes. Closer to the edge of the clearing, Miroku, Sango, Kirara, and Shippo waited with a mixture of awe and impatience.
With a sigh, Inuyasha turned to Kagome, his tone of indifference overshadowed by the nervous tilt of his ears, “Well, this isn’t getting anything done.”
The miko nodded and lowered her gaze from the hanyou, fingering the chain at her nape and feeling the weight of the jewel fall from her shoulders one last time as the clasp loosened and the necklace came to rest in her hand. She clutched the complete Shikon and closed her eyes, murmuring a small prayer and mentally feeling for any impurity, however slight, within the orb. Satisfied with the warmth and calm it radiated, in a voice barely above a whisper, she opened her eyes and held the opalescent jewel in her outstretched palm, “Inuyasha, it’s ready... Make your wish.”
“Are you sure?” He didn’t immediately take the jewel, eyeing suspiciously the thing that had, for so long, been both the object of his desires and fears.
She smiled warmly at him, reassuring, confident, and loving, “Yes. I don’t know how I know, but… this feels right. The wish is yours.”
Inuyasha slowly approached her and tentatively touched the jewel. With slowly growing confidence, strengthened, once again, by Kagome’s unwavering faith in him, he accepted the globe and cupped it in his hands. He studied its surface and the swirl of colors in its depths, before folding his legs under himself and sitting cross-legged on the forest floor. Kagome joined him on the carpet of leaves as a silent wind stirred Inuyasha’s silvery mane. He remained in fixed concentration of the jewel as the others, with a beckoning glance from Kagome, advanced to encircle him, also taking sitting positions on the ground.
Minutes passed in silence before Inuyasha finally closed his hands around the Shikon and lowered his head. The slight wind picked up, suddenly swirling leaves around the group, blossoms from a nearby sakura tree dancing, the petals miniature ballet shoes in flight.
A glow, an unearthly aura, began to coalesce, and the jewel suddenly leapt from Inuyasha’s grasp to hover in the air just above the friends. The jewel seemed to grow, slowly expanding and stretching, until it burst like a soap bubble, raining shimmering dust upon them.
Kagome, Sango, and Miroku let out an audible gasp.
As if the air from their lungs held sway, the wind around them suddenly ceased, the sakura blossoms now fluttering down as sweet smelling snow, landing in their hair and on their clothes.
No one dared move or speak, and Inuyasha remained with his hands in his lap and his head bowed. The silence in the clearing became deafening- no bird sang, no animal rustled in the undergrowth, no breeze swayed even the lightest leaf; even the annoying gnats were no longer buzzing. Still the group sat with baited breath. No one knew what the demi- demon was wishing for, so none knew what to be anticipating.
It was Kagome who finally broke the reverie with a whisper, “Inuyasha?”
Before he could answer, the sound of a twig snapping caused all heads to whip up and turn towards to edge of the clearing nearest the dark recesses of the forest.
A violet glow was approaching the clearing from the forest, followed by the sound of someone or something moving through the thick growth.
The four sitting around Inuyasha looked at each other with escalating curiosity though the red hoari in the center of their huddle remained as still as a statue.
Inuyasha could smell their fear, excitement, anxiety, and curiosity, cloying like a heavy department store perfume. It was a bit overwhelming. He had made the wish expecting to finally be rid of the oppressive cloud of pain and betrayal that the jewel inevitably hung over the heads of the those in its possession. Instead, a bombardment of emotion, like the dam of a levy buckling and unleashing its torrents, took the place of the weight of responsibility that lifted with the culmination of its destruction. Inuyasha felt a subtle shift in the feel of the clearing, nothing distinct, but with enough of an underlying current that it could not be ignored.
“Do you sense any youkai?” the monk asked.
Inuyasha knew that Miroku could feel something out of place just as he did, but he shook his head, “No, no youkai. Nothing evil, just something….off.”
“Off?” Sango raised an eyebrow in question.
Kagome nodded, “Yeah, I feel it too. Something powerful, kinda familiar, but not malevolent.”
The glow from the forest continued to draw nearer, finally revealing itself with the faintest outline of a woman.
Kagome shot to her feet as she recognized the ancient armor and unequaled beautiful and kind face, “Midoriko!” she exclaimed in a hushed yell.
Midoriko smiled sweetly at the girl and her friends as she entered the clearing under the Goshinbuko. Following her was what appeared to be a dragon the size of a small horse, also surrounded by a violent aura.
Miroku, Sango, and Shippo recovered from their shock at the sight of the priestess creator of the Shikon and also rose to their feet. Only Inuyasha remained seated, his head once again bowed.
With a melodical lilt to her voice, Midoriko called out. “Inuyasha,” she began as she drew closer.
The hanyou, relief evident in his features, finally looked up.
“Inuyasha,” she repeated, dropping to one knee in front of him, “Arigato.”
Inuyasha reached one clawed hand out as if to touch her, though he stopped just shy of completing the action, his cheeks pinking, “Feh.”
“Why did you not tell your friends your wish, young hanyou?”
Inuyasha was silent a moment before whispering, “I wasn’t sure it would work.”
Midoriko nodded and laughed softly, “ Oh, it worked. You did not know, you could not know…nor could anyone, except maybe Kagome…you were the only one who could do what you did.”
Kagome’s curiosity finally got the better of her, “Inuyasha, what did you wish for?”
Midoriko looked at Inuyasha, who nodded his approval in unspoken permission, before answering, “He made a completely selfless wish. He simply asked for the battle within the jewel to end, for the souls it contained to find peace. Nothing more. Nothing less.”
Miroku was the next to find his voice, “What did you mean what you said that Inuyasha was the only one who could do what he did?”
Midoriko offered a hand to the hanyou. Surprisingly, the proud half-demon accepted without scoffing and rose to his feet beside the priestess as she offered explanation, “The battle that waged within the jewel was a manifestation of the most ancient of all battles: a battle of good versus evil, light versus dark, human versus demon. Inuyasha himself is a representation of the same battle brought to the living plane. He wages this same battle within his very body, his very mind, his very heart, and his very soul… everyday.
“Somehow, Inuyasha, with the trust and support of you, his friends, fought the conflicting emotions inside of himself. Against the stigmata of being hanyou, of being both youkai and human yet neither youkai nor human, he found peace between both. He accepted both equally and will live with both, favoring neither over the other, cherishing the strengths and overcoming the weaknesses of each.
“By being the embodiment of the very battle the jewel trapped, and by finding harmony within, he was able to appease and quell the souls within the Shikon. Despite the hardships he faced… no, because of them, his heart was able to find the balance both sides had struggled with for so long. No full human and no full demon would have been successful in the task. It was his destiny.”
Kagome smiled proudly at her mate and husband-to-be and, unconditional faith in him shining in her eyes, slipped her hand into his. Inuyasha gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, “Midoriko, does that mean that jewel has disappeared forever?”
The priestess nodded, “Yes, it does, thanks to you.” She turned and caught the eyes of each of the others, “That does not mean that you played no part. You each deserve my and the world’s gratitude. The Shikon was the jewel of four souls. As Inuyasha’s friends, as his adopted family, your four souls are what helped him to heal, to find peace with the halves of himself. Without you, it is doubtful that he would have been successful. Miroku, your soul brought the embodiment of Kushimititama, or Wisdom. Shippo, your soul tempered with Nigimitama, Friendship. Sango and Kirara, your souls were Aramitama, Courage, to your group. And Kagome… as I am sure that all here will agree, you offered Sakimitama, Unconditional Love.
“You five are the destiny of a new time. As your war against the evil hanyou, Naraku, attested, together a bridge can be created to traverse the rift between youkai and human. Your trust and love for each other, despite being a human, miko, warrior, monk, youkai, and hanyou, is what will be needed in the times to come. Your friendship will remain an example to others and overcome prejudices and injustice. And your destinies are far from complete.”
Midoriko approached Sango and kissed her lightly on the cheek, “Exterminator, in times of weakness is found true strength.”
The priestess grasped Miroku’s hands, much as he would do when propositioning a village maiden, “Houshi… in despair is found resolve.”
Next, Shippo found himself pulled into the arms of Midoriko. She affectionately rubbed her nose with his, “Kitsune child, in solitude is found belonging.”
Turning to Kagome, she rested a hand on her shoulder, “Woman-child Miko, in acceptance is found faith.”
“And hanyou,” She finished, pulling Inuyasha into an awkward hug, “Above all, in all of these, is found love.”
Stepping back, Midoriko looked at each member of the group, “I have seen what is in each of your hearts and I am filled with great joy. No evil lurks within you. No secret desires or selfish lust taints you. No hidden wish lingers in your heart.” She paused a moment and looked at Kagome, “All save one. Miko?”
Kagome blushed.
“You still have one doubt hindering your joy.”
Inuyasha scowled, once again doubting his ability to make his mate completely happy. Kagome blushed even more fiercely before looking away, “I’m sorry, my lady.”
“Miko, you, most of all here, gave of yourself most selflessly. You never faltered, remaining pure and, in so doing, protecting your friends. You forsook your own era and family, your own happiness, your own wishes, on numerous occasions for the pleasure and comfort of those around you. Even faced with losing that which you cherished most, you hid your love, taking solace in the knowledge that he would be happy, even if it was without you. Do not be ashamed of your own wants. Do not ignore your own wishes.
“It is because of you and your giving and loving nature that your friends no longer want for anything. Most of all, each wanted a family. Kagome, you are the one that has brought them together as the family you are now.”
Midoriko paused and lifted Kagome’s chin to look into her eyes, “Even that desire for which you feel ashamed, is at its core selfless. I will grant your wish. I would like to say that my reason for doing so is entirely without motive, but your wish coincides with a request I have for you,” She dropped her gaze from Kagome’s face and looked at the others, “A request I have for all of you.”
Sango moved towards her sister-in-arms, “Kagome, what is your wish?”
The miko from the future fidgeted and kept her eyes on the ground, “I… I want stay with Inuyasha.” A few tears leaked from the corners of her eyes to follow a path down her cheeks, “I know that I’ll grow old and… die… and one day… he’ll be alone.” A sob escaped her but she continued, “I don’t want him to be human, but I don’t want him to be alone. I…I just wished that I can keep him from that, keep him from being hurt again.”
Inuyasha, moved yet distressed by her tears, rushed to cocoon the girl in his arms. He buried his face in her hair and whispered in her ear, “Gods, Kagome. What did I do to deserve you? I don’t know how you do it, but everyday… more and more.” He stroked her hair as she clutched the front of his hoari, both lost in only each other.
Midoriko laughed softly, grabbing their attention again, “Inuyasha, for once your heart, brain, and mouth worked together. There may be hope for you yet.”
Sobering, Midoriko placed a gentle hand on Kagome’s shoulder, “As you suspected, Kagome, the well is now sealed.” Kagome’s eyes began to water, “Take heart, child, for you may yet see your mother.”
“Your destinies were not fulfilled merely with the completion and disappearance of the jewel. Yours is a path which may carry you through the ages, but each of you must decide to accept or decline my last gift. Be aware that in accepting, you will be entrusted with great responsibilities.”
Each pair of eyes was on the wise warrior-priestess as she continued, “You may never need fear the human frailties of sickness or the passage of time. You would each remain susceptible to death by injury, but barring that, you would live for as long as you wish.”
One by one the magnitude of her words sunk in. One by one they bowed their heads in gratitude to the priestess while thinking of the implications of near immortality. Even Inuyasha, who would have lived for centuries anyway, was touched.
Now I really will have all of the time in the world to make it up to Kagome for mistreating her for so long. A slow smile spread across his face.
Kagome noticed and smiled, too. Now he won’t ever have to be alone.
Shippo hopped onto Miroku’s shoulder, “Why?”
The group turned to look at the kitsune.
“Why?” he repeated.
“As I said, this offer is your choice and not without responsibilities if you accept. My gift is not entirely altruistic.
“You are each the last of your kind, in a way. Miko, there will be no others born with your power. The jewel is gone and it will no longer need a protector. The tradition of miko priestess will continue, but the power the role has held for so long will slowly be forgotten.
“Monk, there are few to teach the ancient magiks to any more. Your spiritual power, too, will become less and less depended upon. Even now, there are those who look to herbs and potions over incantations and blessings.
“Slayer, your village is gone. You could try to rebuild, but your ways have been taken up by the samurai and daimyos. Mercenaries, even those as effective as your people, are losing their foothold under the progress of unified protection.
“Kitsune, no other full demon will have your purity of heart or ability to accept change so well.
“And Hanyou, no other will be borne with your strength and honor.
“I would ask that you would become guardians for all. No others will grow to be champions against evil and injustice as you. As the world changes, as progress shapes this country and the world, I would ask that you remain unchanged, memories of the past joined as a family, to protect the future. That is what I meant when I said that the last gift I offer also brings responsibility. As Kagome can attest to, there will come a time when magic and honor have little meaning, but your abilities may be the only thing that will prevent evil from spreading. You are still needed, and will continue to be needed, throughout the ages. But you must decide if you will choose this path. None of you will be forced to shoulder this responsibility, but it is not a choice to be made lightly.
“As I said before, you five may bridge the rift of youkai and human, finally realizing a time when all may live in peace. But there are human and demon alike with evil in their hearts; there will always be those who seek power, either of their own making, through the destruction of others, or by deceit. And you will have to decide if you are willing to sacrifice, willing to watch as those you know turn to dust before you while you do not age, willing to hide yourselves when your unaltering countenance brings suspicion upon you. You will not change, but the world will.”
Kagome was the first to break the stifling silence that followed for an eternity after the priestess had spoken. “Hai,” she said softly, “I must have been pulled into the well for a reason. The jewel could have remained in my body and I would have never known. Inuyasha would still be pinned to that tree, the jewel would never have been shattered, Naraku would never have become so powerful. Why pull me five hundred years into the past? I will fulfill whatever destiny may be meant for me, so long as I am at Inuyasha’s side.”
Said hanyou blushed but curtly nodded, as well.
Miroku cleared his throat and peeked out of the corner of his eyes at his lady love, “I think I speak for myself and Sango,” she blushed and twined her fingers with his, assuring him of her trust, “when I say that we would not turn our backs on the Kamis or fate or whatever it was that brought us together. If this journey was only the first of many, then we will see this through to the end.”
“Count me in!” chirped the kitsune, not to be left out. Even Kirara mewed her agreement.
“So it shall be,” Midoriko turned and began retreating to the edge of the clearing where the dragon lay waiting, “I must leave now. My time here is over and I will now find the peace that my spirit has been denied so long. Thank you, each of you, for all that you have done, and all that you will do.”
As the priestess joined the giant lizard, Kirara leapt forward with a small roar, transforming into her large neko form and nuzzled the priestess’s arm. “My pet, you protected me always, thank you.” Midoriko stroked the firecat’s head as another indistinct ball of light joined the priestess. The glow coalesced into the figure of a beautiful woman who hugged the priestess before walking across the clearing.
Inuyasha rushed forward and embraced the figure. The spectre brushed his bangs out of his eyes and stroked his cheek before disappearing.
Midoriko and the dragon began to enter the forest, turning back only when they were almost hidden by the shadows, “Inuyasha, my great-granddaughter is very proud of you, as am I. You have honored your ancestors well.” With that, she, too, disappeared.
A thick silence hung over the friends who stared at their half demon companion. He stood with his head down, his hair covering his face.
It was not until Kagome saw the sobs that shook his body that she broke from her daze to rush to his side, tentatively raising his chin with her fingertips. “Did you hear, Inuyasha? She’s proud of you.”
Despite the tears that sprang freely from his eyes, unfettered by his usual embarrassment or machismo, Inuyasha wore a bright, true smile.
Shippo broke in and asked the question that was on all of their minds, save, perhaps, Kagome’s, “Who? Who was that spirit? The one Midoriko called her great-granddaughter? Did you know her?”
Inuyasha surprised them again by pulling Kagome to him and kissing her fully. As he pulled away, he looked deeply into her eyes before crushing her in his embrace.
Whispering just loud enough for his friends to hear, he answered in his usual style, simply and with two words, “My mother.”
A/N: Okay, first off: Yes, I was gone for a long, long time. My apologies. Since last I updated, my grandfather, my aunt, and my father were all hospitalized within a week of each other. My aunt and dad got better, my grandfather did not. After months of care in a nursing facility, my grandfather joined my grandmother in another plane of existence. My aunt, a spinster at fifty something, had always lived at home with her parents, did not do well with this and it took much of the family’s support to get things in order. I got a promotion at work and then another a few months later. For those who have never worked, or have never had a promotion, promotion= more work= less free time=stress. My best friend’s roommate moved out suddenly, he was uncertain how he was going to make ends meet, so I moved him in with me. My boyfriend was in a car accident, then my best friend was broad sided by someone running a red light. They are both physically fine, but insurance companies, car damage and minor injury makes for added stress. My son is now five and starts school soon. That’s the very, very condensed version of the last eighteen months. All in all, life happened. On a positive note, only an epilogue to go, and I believe it unique.
In regards to this chapter, I wasn’t too happy with it, feeling that it came across as trite and contrived, too convenient at tying up all of the loose ends and making everything allll better, but it was what I had planned from the beginning and it works with the epilogue, so I hope it passes muster.
I truly have appreciated all of the well wishes and encouragement from so many of you who have continued to look for updates, so I hope I have not disappointed. Thank you all for your reviews and I hope to have this finished for you soon.
Lastly, I am looking for another author of reasonable abilities for a collaboration. By that I mean that I have an idea, but I would like to brainstorm and write with someone else as it’s not a complete plot and I’m not sure how to bring it to fruition. No, it will not be a sequel. It will actually be something that I think has never been done in Inuyasha fanficdom before, so you may have something new to look for from me when I find my other half. (Sky, Schezerade or YoukaiMushashi, I would love to work with one of you…hint….hint)