InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Small Town Dreams ❯ Sickling 2 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Koga, are you sure your not going to school again today?” Kagome sat on Koga's bed. Koga shared a room with Souta.
“Yeah, I still don't feel good,” Koga said and coughed.
“I'm so sorry Koga, it's all my fault. I gave you my cold.” Kagome said sadly.
“I wasn't your fault! I kissed you when you didn't like me so it was my fault!” Koga argued.
“I guess,” Kagome sighed as she got up and went to the door, “Get better,” Kagome said and left.
It's funny how things work out, Inuyasha was still mad at Koga for kissing me. But now Koga has a cold, so I guess this is karma. Kagome has been totally healthy for a week now and was going to school. Kagome ran outside and saw Inuyasha waiting for her.
“Come on! Were going to be late!” Inuyasha called. Kagome ran to him and hugged him tightly. “Is it okay for me to kiss you now? Or do you still have germs?”
Kagome giggled, “I told you I wasn't sick anymore!”
“I didn't mean those germs! I meant the wolfs.” Inuyasha joked and made a disgusted face. Kagome gently hit his shoulder and Inuyasha pulled her into a passionate kiss.
Kagome broke the kiss, “Were going to be late,” Kagome said simply.
Souta came into his room with a facemask on.
“What the hell are you doing kid?” Koga asked.
“I don't want to get sick,” Souta said.
“I'm probably not contagious anymore,” Koga coughed and Souta shook his head.
“I'm not taking any chances!” Souta was looking for something in a pile of get-well presents from Ayame.
“Why aren't you at school?”
“My class had a filed trip and I didn't go so I got to stay home.” Souta explained.
Koga rolled his eyes, “What are you looking for?”
“Did you see that box of chocolates you got yesterday?”
“No, why the hell do you want my chocolates?” Koga asked confused.
“You said you didn't want them! Gosh! You ask too many questions.” Souta said frustrated.
“God! I was just wondering!” Koga said angry.
Souta found what he was looking for and left.
“Stupid kid!” Koga said to himself.
Kagome was walking to her locker when Ayame stopped her, “Hey Ayame,” Kagome said.
“Hi Kagome! Um, where's Koga?” Ayame said and looked around her.
“Oh, he's sick in bed.” Kagome explained.
“Still? Poor Koga! Does he need anything?” Ayame asked worried.
Kagome giggled, “I think you gave him everything he needs.”
Ayame giggled too, “Yeah I guess so. But I just like him so much, I want him to get better as soon as possible!”
“Don't worry, I'm doing everything at home to help him too.” Kagome smiled but Ayame look unhappy.
“Yeah, sure that's great Kagome,” Ayame said sadly.
“Uh, Ayame you want to visit him after school?” Kagome asked and Ayame face lightened up.
“Yes! Thank you Kagome! I'll see you later!” Ayame said happily and left.
Kagome sighed and went to her locker and Inuyasha came with Sango.
“Hey, I saw you talking to Ayame. What does she want?” Sango asked.
“I think Ayame is going to kill me just because I live with Koga!” Kagome joked.
“You just figured that out?” Inuyasha said.
Kagome giggled, “She's also coming to visit Koga after school. Inuyasha, can you give her a ride too?”
Inuyasha nodded and Miroku came walking past them talking to a girl, his had grabbed her butt and she giggled. Inuyasha and Kagome looked at Sango who looked calm except for a vain popping out of her forehead. She slammed her locker door and slowly followed the path of Miroku and the girl. Kagome and Inuyasha watched her disappear around the corner where Miroku was. They heard a few bangs and crashes, “Sango Please!” they heard Miroku yell. They watched the corner and a few teachers stuck their heads out of the classrooms to see what's going on. A few moments later Sango walked back pulling Miroku by the ear. “Sango I said I was sorry!” Miroku yelled.
“Miroku, you haven't even begun to be sorry!” Sango said. Kagome and Inuyasha busted out laughing.
After school Kagome and Inuyasha went to the car with Ayame. Ayame was nervous and kept on rambling. Inuyasha drove straight to Kagome's house, Ayame was quite the whole way.
“Ayame don't be nervous, Koga's going to be so happy to see you.” Kagome said happily.
“Maybe…” Ayame said.
Inuyasha kept quite I wouldn't dare mess with girl talk! Inuyasha drove up to Kagome's house. Kagome went inside and Inuyasha and Ayame followed. Ayame and Inuyasha waited downstairs till Kagome said to go up. Kagome went into Kagome and Sota's room, “Hey are you feeling better?” Kagome said when she saw Koga sitting up in his bed.
“Yeah much better, Sota has been keeping me company” Koga said.
“Cool, `cause Ayame's here to see you,” Kagome said and Koga perked up a bit.
“Um, really?” Koga asked nervously.
“Yeah! Koga, are you nervous?” Kagome asked noticing Koga's jitteriness.
“Sort of. But don't tell Ayame that!” Koga said.
Kagome giggled, “Don't worry, besides I think she's more nervous then you,” Kagome said.
Koga blushed and nodded. “So is she going to come up?”
“Yeah I'll go get her,” Kagome left and got Ayame.
Sota came in the room to see Koga fixing his hair. “Um, what are you doing?” Sota asked.
“Never mind! Do you have any breath mints?” Koga asked and started to fuss with his clothes.
Sota gave him a breath mint and he stuffed it in his mouth. “Are you all right?” Sota asked.
“Yeah I'm fine now get out of here!” Koga ordered and Sota nodded and left. Koga got situated and waited, a couple seconds later Ayame came in holding a bowl of soup.
“Hey are you feeling better?” Ayame asked and gave him the soup.
“Yeah I'm fine but Kagome said I still shouldn't go to school yet.” Koga explained and sipped up some soup.
Ayame frowned, “Um, you talk about Kagome a lot,” Ayame said.
“Well… yeah, she's one of my best friends, you too!” Ayame blushed.
“Thanks, so are you going to school tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I feel great! I should have gone to school today, I'm just glad Inuyasha gave you a ride instead of you walking all by your self.” Koga said and slurped a noodle.
“You were worried about me?” Ayame asked confused.
“Yeah, I mean I know a lot of people think that nothing bad can happen to them but I don't like taking chances, especially with your safety!”
Ayame blushed more, “You know? I walked home all by my self before you moved here.”
“Yeah, but now that I'm here you don't have to!” Koga finished his soup, “Wait? Do you want me to stop walking you home?” Koga looked hurt.
“Oh no! I love it when you walk me home I would never want you to stop!” Ayame yelled.
Koga smiled and Ayame blushed and sat on his bed. Out side the room Kagome, Inuyasha, and Sota had their ears plastered on the door.
“Seems like things are going well,” Inuyasha whispered.
“Yeah, I think we should leave now,” Kagome said. All of them were walking down the hall when Koga came out of the room.
“Hey Kagome!” He yelled.
Kagome turned around, “Yeah?”
“Can Ayame stay for dinner?” Koga begged.
Kagome giggled, “I'll ask my mom. But instead wouldn't you rather go out and celebrate your health?” Kagome asked.
“Yeah that sounds great!” Koga said happily.
“Great, I'll invite Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku too!” Kagome smiled and Koga nodded.
A/M: Hey you guys I have been so busy with all kinds of stuff! Ill try to update every other week or sooner, The other weeks I'll try to update “Two Loves”! Review PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!