InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Snapshots of Life After the End ❯ Can't Hurt Me Anymore ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Originally posted to IB4Y on January 30, 2012 for P-Prompt #15 - “When anyone tells me I can't do anything, I'm just not listening any more.” Won 2nd place.

Title: Can't Hurt Me Anymore
Author: ananova
Rating: K
Genre: Introspection/Family
Universe: Post Canon
Word Count: 319
Summary: Inuyasha comes to a realization one special night.


Inuyasha stared down at the dark head resting on his chest, body nestled in his arms and the small bundle held securely between the two of them. He could not tear his eyes away from the sight.

Slowly, he reached out and gently touched the bundle. He thought his heart would burst out of his chest when he felt the baby shift beneath his hand. A baby, he was a father. That thought continued to repeat through his mind as he stared at his family.

He felt so at peace, complete for the first time. He couldn't help but think of his life previous to this, when he had never even dreamed he could ever have something so precious. All of his life he had been told he was worthless, that he would never amount to anything, that no-one would ever want him. He had been laughed at and derided by youkai and humans alike, simply because of what he was. He had tried to prove them wrong, fighting them every step of the way just by surviving. But still the words had clung to him, hurt him though he tried to hide it.

Even now, he occasionally heard the derogatory words. How he shouldn't be allowed to live in the village, how it was a disgrace that Kagome had married him. The words always made him so angry but Kagome merely told him not to listen, to ignore them because they were wrong. And yet, he never could ignore them.

But now, staring at his family in his arms he finally was at peace. Who cared what others thought or said? The only ones who mattered were in his arms. No longer would he listen to those who said he didn't deserve to live, to be happy. Their words could no longer harm him.

He placed a gentle kiss to Kagome's crown before joining his family in slumber.