InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Snapshots of Life After the End ❯ Repaying a Debt ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Originally posted to IB4Y on February 9, 2012 for W-Prompt #16 Debt. Won 2nd place.

Title: Repaying a Debt
Author: ananova
Rating: K
Genre: Family
Universe: Post-canon
Word Count: 248
Warnings: None
Summary: After a storm a young boy looks for his father, curious about his actions. Just what is so special about an old well?


“Papa? What are you doing?”

Inuyasha looked up from the wood he was working, smiling at the small boy. “Hey Jomei. The storm caused some damage to this old well. I fixed it, now I'm making sure it doesn't happen again.”

Jomei wrinkled his nose in thought, his puppy ears twitching atop his head. Coming closer, he peered into the empty well and frowned. “Why? It's dry. What good is a dry well?”

Inuyasha chuckled, reaching out and ruffling the boy's hair. “This is a special well. I know it doesn't look like much, but we owe it a big debt. It's what brought your Mama to me, allowing us to have you. I figure, the least I can do to repay it is to make sure it's protected.”

“Is that why you're building a hut around it?” Jomei scratched his head as he looked at the half-completed structure.

“Exactly. I'm gonna make sure it is safe from any damage.” He glanced at his son. “Feel like helping?”

Jomei thought about it for a moment. “Okay,” he replied, grabbing a plank of wood and moving to his father's side.

Kagome smiled at the scene before her. Her two favorite boys were hard at work building a very familiar looking structure. Placing her hand on her swollen stomach, her thoughts unknowingly echoed her husband's earlier words. 'The least we can do to repay the cause of our family's existence and happiness.'