InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Snowflakes and Coughdrops: When a Sword Can't Protect Her ❯ Heading Back ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: If I didn't own Inuyasha last time, I still don't own him.

Chapter 2~

Inuyasha arrived back in his time and jumped out of the well. He was immediately struck by a huge gust of wind that nearly knocked him back in. Snow was flying at him from all directions and it stung his face. He put up his arm to shield his eyes and retreated back into the well. "Maybe she will let me stay with her tonight. It wasn't snowing as bad there." His heart gave a small jump at the idea and he scowled, but it seemed like a good idea. "She's probably in that big house all alone and scared out of her mind." Inuyasha smirked in the darkness. "Stupid girl." He headed back 500 years into the future. Jumping out of the side of the well he had just gone through minutes ago Inuyasha paused. Something wasn't right. "What it is?" Inuyasha growled in frustration. "There's something that just isn't right!" The storm here was just as bad or worse than it was back in the feudal era. Inuyasha caught a whiff of something he shouldn't have. "It's her." Through all the snow Inuyasha shouldn't have been able to smell her. Not if she was inside where she was supposed to be. Her scent was everywhere around the Higurashi Shrine. Inuyasha dashed off following the scent. "Stupid wench! Why was she going out in the dark in this weather?!? Not to mention alone!" The scent would disappear and reappear through the snow. Stupid girl must have been going around in circles for at least an hour. He must have been chasing her for some time. Just when he thought he was getting close to her he would lose her sent again. Inuyasha stopped for a moment and then broke into a run. She was close and the scent was fresh. She can't be far away. Inuyasha stopped again. He wouldn't lose her sent this time! He could smell her stronger than ever, but where was she?!? Inuyasha turned his head and gasped. "KAGOME!" Halfway enveloped in a snowdrift she lay unconscious. Without hesitation he picked her up as if she were a baby. After quickly searching with his superior senses he managed to locate her house and ran as swiftly and gently as he could. He set her down on the frozen concrete to try and open the door. When she touched the pavement he heard a small clink. A key fell out of her pocket. "You are one lucky girl!" Inuyasha growled at her. He opened the door swiftly and, without bothering to close the door behind him, entered the house. Still cradling her he took her into her bedroom and laid her down on her bed. For once he wished that Sango or Kaede were around to help him. "What do I do now?" Inuyasha yelled in frustration. She was still lying motionless on her bed. She wasn't even shivering. First he removed her wet socks and shoes. Since it was inappropriate for Inuyasha to change her into dry clothes he took off his top and wrapped her in it. He borrowed some blankets from Sota's room and covered her with those as well. He felt so hopeless. He bent down next to her to check her breathing. She was breathing but her breaths where shallow and uneven. Inuyasha's eyes began to sting a bit at the edges, but he shook his head and did was he did best. He replaced all other emotions with anger. "You are so stupid!! What would you have done if I hadn't come, huh?!?" Inuyasha stared at the motionless form bundled up on the bed. He sighed. "See if I care if you die." With that he carefully lifted her and sat on her bed with her in his arms. Inuyasha leaned against the wall and closed his eyes, resting. Slowly the person in his arms started to shiver. He smiled a bit and opened his eyes. Shivering was a good thing. She was warming up. He pulled her closer to him and held her ice cold feet with his. He touched her head and immediately realized she was running a fever. He got up and managed to figure out how to get some cold water out of a funny metal snake looking thing in the kitchen where he filled a small basin with it and wet a washcloth. After closing the door he left ajar in his haste he returned to her bedroom with the basin and washcloth. He placed the cool cloth on her forehead and climbed back into bed with her to keep her warm. He sat awake the whole night. He sat watching and tending to her. Finally her shivering stopped and Inuyasha closed his eyes and tilted his head down. It was so relaxing having her slowly warming body curled onto his lap as he sat holding her. The weight of her head felt so comfortable on his chest. He ran his fingers through her smooth black hair. It felt just as he had imagined earlier that very same night. Realization of what he was doing hit him and he removed his fingers quickly from her hair. "Feh. Stupid girl…"

Kagome's eyes pried themselves open. The morning was a joyless grey and the storm hadn't let up at all. Wait. How did she get inside? The last thing she could remember she was trudging through the snow. She started coughing. Her head felt so heavy. Lazily she thought, `I don't have a red blanket.' Her eyes studied the strange `blanket' she was wrapped in and something in her cloudy mind clicked. Kagome smiled and her eyes lifted. There he was. Sleeping. He looked so peaceful when he slept. He was even smiling. She just realized that he had wrapped himself around her to keep her warm. Kagome started to giggle, but she was cut off by another coughing fit. His eyes jumped open and he looked at her worriedly. When he realized she was awake and looking right at him he blushed slightly and gently lifted her so he could get out from underneath her. "Don't go…" Kagome murmured quietly. He turned and looked at then said something. She couldn't hear him. He was so far away. She was falling away.

Inuyasha repeated himself again, this time a little louder. Maybe she didn't hear him. "I'm just going to go make us some ramen for breakfast. Will you tell me how?" She must have fallen asleep again. After nearly turning the kitchen upside down Inuyasha was able to locate his beloved ramen. Now he had to figure out how to cook this. It seemed like the only option he had was to go outside and make a fire. That shiny thing protruding from the wall kept catching Inuyasha's interest. All those spinning things looked fun to play with. She was going to kill him for this. He carefully turned one knob and a small fire came out of one of the circular spots. Inuyasha smirked at his cleverness. He put a pot of water on the fire making shiny thing. And imitated what she did to make ramen back in the feudal era. This was taking way too long. He could hear her coughing in her room. He wanted so bad to run to her and make sure she was fine. "No." Inuyasha stared at the bubbling water. He turned up his nose. "She can't make me." He huffed then leaped into the air because the water was boiling over. As if knowing the eventual outcome of Inuyasha trying to cook, she came into the kitchen staggering like a drunken sailor wrapped in a blanket and turned a knob on the fire making shiny thing and it magically stopped. She silently half waddled half staggered to a cupboard and pulled out a rag. Inuyasha stood watching her as she slowly made her way to the hot puddle on the ground. Her drunken sailor act grew more severe and Inuyasha put his arms out, ready for her fall. Just as he predicted her knees gave way and her head drooped. He was by her side in an instant. He tried hauling her to her feet but her knees would buckle again as soon as he let go of her. He swept her into his arms and laid her down on a table so she couldn't do any more damage to herself. `Is…is she smiling at me?' Inuyasha couldn't help but be surprised. She giggled at the look on his face, but was again cut off by the lung stopping coughs. She wearily gave him directions as he finished cooking the ramen. Even when she was so sick, her voice still sounded like music.

Kagome couldn't stand sitting in room alone. It was too quiet. She rolled over and pushed off the wall to raise herself up. She managed to step gingerly off her bed. Kagome looked down and smiled. She was still wearing the top of his kimono. She had almost forgotten. She hugged it to her and then pulled the neck of it up so she could smell it. Yes, it smells like him. She smiled again. She froze. "What do I think I'm doing?" Kagome laughed at herself. "I'm such a dork!" She selected an old, worn quilt - her favourite blanket - from the pile on her bed and started to wrap it around her but was interrupted with shuddering coughs. Her head felt so heavy and things kept swaying. Kagome slowly swaggered to the kitchen to make sure that he hadn't burned the whole thing down yet. When she got there she was stunned by the amount of damage a half demon could inflict upon a kitchen in such a short time, but right now the mess was the least of her problems, the water was boiling over. She sighed and focused on fixing it and cleaning it up. The world started to blur around her and her body was becoming immensely heavy, but there he was, by her side. He couldn't set her upright again so he put Kagome on the table. `His eyes are so beautiful.' He looked so startled she couldn't help but laugh, which threw her into another coughing attack. She relaxed, letting sleep pull at her mind once more, and told him how to finish making the ramen. Thankfully it's pretty hard to ruin. "Leave it to you to figure out how to mess up ramen."

She convinced Inuyasha that she wasn't hungry. He was a little worried, but didn't complain too much because it suited him well enough to eat the entire pot. It wasn't as good as she made it. Inuyasha was frowning at his empty bowl wondering if he should make another pot when he glanced over and noticed that she was asleep again. "I guess it's best for her to sleep it off." Inuyasha chuckled to himself. "She's such a weakling." He lifted her up again and brought her to her bed. In his mind he knew that she really didn't need warming any more, but just in case he would sit with her. "I'm just making sure she's ok!" Inuyasha sighed. "Why is it so incredibly hard to make that knot in my stomach go away when I'm with her?" He looked down on her sleeping face and watched the little smile that was permanently set on her beautiful lips. Her nose is really cute when it's red, too. His gaze softened. Then it hit him what he was thinking. He quickly looked away and studied the nearby wall with scowl. "I really should tell the others where I've gone." He thought for a moment then added, "Nah! It's not like they care what happens to me. Besides, I couldn't just leave her here. She's sit me for that." Inuyasha's eyes closed and a little smile played across his face. "Nope. She wouldn't let me leave."

Kagome stretched and yawned. Again she was in her bed. Her face automatically lifted to gaze at him. She tried to suppress a giggle, but failed horribly. `He's so cute when he sleeps'. She timidly reached up a hand and touched one of his hears. It instinctively twitched away causing her to break into another fit of giggles. She reached out again this time stroking the back of his ear. In his sleep a smile crept onto his face. Suddenly his eyes shot open startling Kagome. She pulled her arm back quickly and with so much force she rolled off the bed. He exploded into laughter and when her hand came groping over the edge of the bed looking for something to hold onto he grabbed it and pulled Kagome back up. He sat fully upright crossing his legs shaking with laughter. Kagome gave him a weak grin and blushed. She couldn't remember the last time he laughed like that. It was a purely happy laugh. No evil behind it.

"What are you looking at?" His words startled her. She hadn't realized that he had stopped laughing a minute ago.

"Oh, sorry! Nothing!" Kagome blushed deeper and turned away. She realized that she was still wearing his shirt and her slightly damp clothes underneath. "Get out." He looked startled and kind of hurt. "I didn't mean it like that! I'm going to change! Leave the room so I can change and give you your shirt back." When he didn't move she threatened to say the "S word." He got off her bed quietly mumbling something under his breath and walked out of the room closing the door behind him. Kagome threw off her outer clothing and searched for something dry to wear.

Inuyasha grumbled as he walked off. Maybe he should just leave right now. He shocked himself with his bitterness. He quickly saved face. "Stupid girl thinks she can boss me around." Inuyasha huffed and turned up his nose. He had kind of liked the way she looked in his shirt. It was so big on her it came down to her knees. She was so…beautiful…even when she was sick. "What am I thinking?!?" Inuyasha pulled himself out of his reverie and made a face.

"What are you thinking?" She startled him. He hadn't realized that she had changed so quickly. She threw his shirt at him and he caught it.

"Feh. Thanks! Now it's all wet and it smells like you, wench!" Inuyasha threw it back at her and she gave him a mean look and walked into an adjoining room. "Where are you going?" She didn't reply and he followed her. She threw his shirt into another big square thing that slightly resembled the fire making shiny thing in the kitchen and closed the door on it. Inuyasha watched stunned as she turned a few knobs and the box thing started to growl at him. Inuyasha growled back and yelled at the innocent girl. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"This is a dryer. You put things in it, they spin around, and they're dry!" She smiled and her eyes widened as she explained trying to show with her arms how this `dryer' worked. When she finished her sentence she threw her hands up in joy. How quickly her moods change! At least she was acting more like her old self. Inuyasha watched as she walked back into the kitchen, retrieved some cough drops and came back. She unwrapped one and happily popped it into her mouth.

"Eh! What is that horrible smell?" The scent was almost unbearable to Inuyasha's sensitive nose.

"It's cherry!" She looked at him like he was crazy.

"That is not cherry. I have smelled cherries before and they don't smell anything like that." Inuyasha held his nose in protest and she just sighed. Although he was growing more used to the idea of this new world things still seemed strange. His eyes were drawn to the window and he watched the snowflakes swim harshly by. `At least one thing hasn't changed. Snowstorms.'

Kagome's eyes followed his line of vision. "It's beautiful isn't it? I love snow." He snapped his head to look at her with a look of complete amazement.

"It almost killed you! And you love it?" His words were harsh but true. Kagome turned away and fought back a blush. Somehow those words brought another thought to mind and she angrily suppressed them. "You're more stupid than I thought! I mean, I didn't think you were that smart to begin with, but that…" Kagome's blush was replaced by anger and she took advantage of his pause.

"Sit." She smiled at the satisfying sound of a body slamming into the ground at full speed reached her ears. Was it bad that his pain brought her pleasure? No, not bad at all. She couldn't help but let her smile broaden when she heard him groan and start muttering meaningless threats. He was kind of cute when he got all upset. The smile quickly faded from her face and she whispered under her breath, "What should I care? He's got her to think those thoughts about him." Despite the cherry cough drop in her mouth she coughed uncontrollably and finally had to drink a cup of water to make them subside.

Inuyasha's ears twitched and his stomach dropped while his heart gave a painful twist. That was a sensation he didn't want to experience again. Maybe he hadn't heard her right. Of course he didn't. Yet still he saw something shine in her eye before he coughing fit. By the time she had stopped it was gone. He let his mind wander to the woman who had claimed his love. That's right. He had Kikyo. The realization hit him with as much force as it had the first time he heard the news. Kikyo is dead. His mind recalled the last image he had of her. She was staring at him with her stoic eyes in a replica of the body that was once hers. So much pain and hate radiated from her. The first time they met there was hope and…was it love? Did he, Inuyasha, love Kikyo? The first time he had ever seen the girl who now stood in front of him slowly sipping water from a cup he had though she was Kikyo. He had tried to kill her because he though she was Kikyo. They look so much alike, but that must be expected, her being Kikyo's reincarnation and all. Loving Kikyo had been so easy. It had seemed to be more of a truce than a relationship. Loving the girl that now stood in front of him…WAIT! Who said that he loved her? Who said that he ever loved anyone? And why the heck was he comparing the two women? Inuyasha felt his anger grow inside him. He wanted to leave. He wanted to go through the well and find his jewel and become a full demon and he would do it with or without anyone's help. Inuyasha leapt to his feet from his seat on the ground and turned towards the door.

"We really should get back to the others to tell them we're ok." At the sound of her voice his stomach tightened for a minute and he growled lowly at it for betraying him.

"Are you crazy? Look out there!" With that he pointed Inuyasha hadn't meant to yell, but it fit the situation so he stuck with it. "It's just as bad or worse than last night when I had to drag you out of it half dead!" Her frown showed her obvious displeasure.

"I know you can make it through the storm. Why don't you just go through and tell the others that I won't be back for a couple more days until the storm dies down." Was she trying to get rid of him? Inuyasha let another growl escape his throat before finally replying.

"You want me to leave you alone in the middle of a snow storm? You do realize that if you got in trouble I would be 500 years away and couldn't help you, right?" His words seemed to shock her. Inuyasha would have to save face quickly. He searched his brain for something to add onto that. "More importantly, you want me to risk my life to run out into the cold to tell some meaningless people that we are alive, that is, if I get there alive!" He silently congratulated himself and scowled back at the tiny person in front of him who was challenging him. If she knew what was good for her she would be afraid of him. She was far too cocky. Inuyasha smirked as he thought of all the pain he could cause her.

"Sit boy." The words came out of her mouth were as cold as the icicles hanging from the edge of the roof. His thoughts instantly ceased to torture her in his mind. Inuyasha had forgotten that quickly the power that stupid girl had over him. She had already started talking again so he focused his attention back on her. "Don't try and fool me, I know that a snowstorm is no problem for you demons, and if you really don't like the idea of me being alone so much, why don't you just tell them I'm here and safe and you're coming back to watch out for me." She seemed to have sped up by the time she reached the end of the sentence.

"So you're really going to make me go out there?" His question came more as a statement. She smiled innocently.


A/N: ok, so this chapter hasn't been edited yet. I might take it down and repost it after I get my editor to read it. Please review! I need to know how I'm doing! Is it too waffy? I know it's moving a little slow right now, but I'm going to try and get it to speed up a bit later. The next couple of chapters might be a little slow as well. It actually all depends on whether or not my editor ever decides to read them. *sigh* -_-; I really need more sleep.